Gun Control Laws And Opposition


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20 Heavily Armed IRS and ATF Agents Raid Great Falls Gun Store, Seize Firearm Purchase Records

According to Hoose, the federal scrutiny began two years ago and has involved various agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and now, the Internal Revenue Service.

“They must think we’re making a fortune in the gun business to investigate us like this, assuming we’re hiding thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars. However, anyone familiar with gun business profit margins would know that’s not the case,” Van Hoose told MTN News.

Van Hoose claims that he was simply told his business had been reported, although he remains in the dark about who reported it or why. He believes the whole episode was politically motivated.

“I can only assume that it’s because of the style of weapons that we have and the press that’s so against them,” said Van Hoose. “The current administration seems to be hell bent on getting those guns out of the hands of average Americans.”



PREMO Member

You’re not imagining this, folks. Armed federal agents are being weaponized to go after the Democrats’ political enemies, including industries they find disreputable. The liberal media’s echo chamber will work overtime to drown out these stories. They attempted to gaslight us on gas stoves. However, that pales compared to the Russian collusion hoax and how the Department of Justice has become the Democratic National Committee’s Stasi force.

The FBI is out of control, engaging in censorship schemes with social media companies, procuring illegal wiretap warrants, and seems hell-bent on protecting the Biden family even after their sources have compiled incriminating evidence of corruption. So, it’s not far-fetched to hear federal agents raided a Montana gun store, shut it down, and seized sensitive documents about private citizens (via The Blaze):

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) is demanding answers after he says a group of armed IRS agents raided and temporarily closed a Montana gun shop in Great Falls Wednesday.
"This event is another example of President Biden weaponizing federal agencies to target and harass hardworking Americans for exercising their constitutional rights," Rosendale said in a letter to leaders of the Internal Revenue Service and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Twenty heavily armed federal agents pulled in behind Highwood Creek Outfitters' owner Tom Van Hoose as he arrived at his shop Wednesday morning, KRTV reported.
IRS agents confiscated background check forms from the store that contained sensitive personal information about all customers who ever purchased a gun at the shop. The forms do not include financial information, Rosendale said, calling the act an "egregious breach of privacy" that "showed no regard for federal law."
"There is no circumstance in which 4473s would be necessary in an investigation spearheaded by the IRS," Rosendale said in a letter addressed to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach and IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel.


PREMO Member

If You’re White, Self-Defense is No Longer an Option

When white people are assaulted by blacks, the legal system bends over backward to coddle the black perpetrators. If there is a confrontation between a white person and a black person, said author Ben Shapiro, the Left decrees that the white person must be at fault. Referring to the case of Jordan Neely, Shapiro said, “Neely apparently had a right to threaten people on the subway.” Penny did not have the right to self-defense.

In San Bernardino, California, a 21-year-old black man assaulted a white police officer as she was trying to prevent a domestic violence crime. He wrestled the female officer to the ground, punched her in the face, and seized her firearm. He attempted to shoot her in the face but failed only because the gun jammed. The incident was caught on a neighbor’s cellphone.

In what should have been an open-and-shut case for the prosecution, the defense lawyer argued that his client was acting in self-defense. “The issue,” said the attorney, “was, was the initial detention legal? If it’s not, then he’s not guilty. He could punch her 100 times, and it wouldn’t matter.” The jury—incredibly—found the defendant not guilty of attempted murder and other charges. Had the defendant been white and the officer black, there is a reasonable expectation that the verdict would have been different. The self-defense argument was allowed for this black defendant even though a video proved he had attempted to kill a police officer.


PREMO Member

Under Surveillance​

Van Hoose said two years ago, an FBI agent began surveilling his gun store, taking photographs outside, although he didn’t know who it was then.

“We thought somebody was casing our shop to rob it,” he said.

Van Hoose called local police, who instructed the agent to show his identification or “go downtown.”

“Nobody knew this guy,” said Van Hoose, who found out later his business was on a Department of Homeland Security domestic terrorism watchlist.

“We don’t know why,” he said. “The level of harassment just continues to grow.”

“We sell guns most of your box stores won’t sell. We have an indoor range. So, I guess because we sell the ‘scary’ guns from the liberal perspective, we got on the radar.”

“If you want a legal gun, we will procure it for you. We do everything legally. We record everything legally.”

Gun Owners of America (GOA) said the organization remains “incredibly concerned about any effort by agents of the federal government to seize firearm transaction records given the nearly 1 billion records already in possession of the ATF that are being digitally transferred into a searchable database in direct contradiction to existing statute.”



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member

UN's global ammunition framework worries Second Amendment advocates: 'It is never going away'

Still, the OEWG's final report doesn’t fully define key terms such as "stockpile," and "end users." And under the broad definition, even a 25-round box could constitute a stockpile, Baranowski contends.

"You see ‘stockpile’ and ‘end user.’ A stockpile could be a million rounds in a government stockpile or it could be a box of 25 rounds at a local police station," Baranowski said. "It is limited to governments as it is currently written. We argued to confine it. But we think, eventually, that language will be removed. There was an effort to include individual end users."

But the U.N.’s Ebo called the framework a "ray of hope for the disarmament community and the peoples of the world who have long suffered from the scourge of war and armed violence exacerbated by the mismanagement and illicit flows of conventional ammunition."

"The elaboration of the global framework is truly a milestone in our collective efforts towards durable peace, security and sustainable development," Ebo added.


PREMO Member

The Ranks of Gun Owners Grow, and So Does Their Resistance to Scrutiny

Believe it or not, people are reluctant to tell total strangers about their potentially controversial activities. In particular, Rutgers University researchers say, gun ownership is something many Americans decline to reveal when questioned by people they don't know. That's especially true of women and minorities newly among the ranks of gun owners amidst the chaos of recent years. Academics are unhappy that privacy-minded respondents impair their understanding of the world we live in, but such evasion is an inevitable consequence of decades of fiery debate and punitive gun policies.

Fibbing to Nosy Strangers​

"Some individuals are falsely denying firearm ownership, resulting in research not accurately capturing the experiences of all firearm owners in the U.S.," says Allison Bond, a doctoral student with Rutgers University's New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center and lead author of "Predicting Potential Underreporting of Firearm Ownership in a Nationally Representative Sample," published last month in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. "More concerningly, these individuals are not being reached with secure firearm storage messaging and firearm safety resources, which may result in them storing their firearms in an unsecure manner, which in turn increases the risk for firearm injury and death."

Bond frames the problem of dishonesty among survey respondents as posing a danger to those surveyed since they don't receive proper firearm safety information. But her deeper concern is with the validity of research into firearms culture and policy in a country where experts don't have anywhere near as good a handle on the prevalence of gun ownership as they had believed.

"The implications of false denials of firearms ownership are substantial," claim the authors. "First, such practices would result in an underestimation of firearms ownership rates and diminish our capacity to test the association between firearm access and various firearm violence-related outcomes. Furthermore, such practices would skew our understanding of the demographics of firearm ownership, such that we would overemphasize the characteristics of those more apt to disclose. Third, the mere existence of a large group of individuals who falsely deny firearm ownership highlights that intervention aimed at promoting firearm safety (e.g., secure firearm storage) may fail to reach communities in need."

It should be emphasized that the report authors didn't conclusively identify anybody who denied gun ownership as a gun owner. Instead, the report dealt in probabilities, with the researchers building profiles of confirmed gun owners. They then applied the profiles across their sample of 3,500 respondents to estimate who was likely fibbing about not owning guns. The results depend on the probability threshold applied, but they came up with 1,206 confirmed owners, between 1,243 and 2,059 non-owners, and between 220 and 1,036 potential but secretive owners lying about their status.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
MSNBC’s Reid: I Wouldn’t Go Out July 4 ‘Because America Is Awash with Guns’

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said Wednesday on her show “The ReidOut” that she did not leave her house on July 4 over fears of mass shootings because “America is awash with guns.”

Reid said, “Sadly, there is nothing more quintessentially American than fireworks and gun violence. So far we’ve had more than 350 mass shootings this year. According to a recent survey, around 1 in 5 Americans has lost a family member to gun violence, 1 in 5. More than half of American adults have said that they or a family member have experienced a gun-related incident, more than half. Violence, terror and trauma doesn’t happen in a vacuum. This country is awash with guns and the gun lobby is using its power to both increase access to them and to expand gun owner’s right to shoot first and ask questions later.”

She continued, “I have to say, I did not go out on July 4 and would not. The idea of going to a mass gathering, a parade, or a big fireworks thing outside seems insane to me, to be blunt, in America because America is awash with guns, and now people don’t just have them. They seem to want to shoot people with them and use them for whatever, you know?”

So far we’ve had more than 350 mass shootings this year.

The oft repeated lie.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
MSNBC’s Reid: I Wouldn’t Go Out July 4 ‘Because America Is Awash with Guns’

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said Wednesday on her show “The ReidOut” that she did not leave her house on July 4 over fears of mass shootings because “America is awash with guns.”

Reid said, “Sadly, there is nothing more quintessentially American than fireworks and gun violence. So far we’ve had more than 350 mass shootings this year. According to a recent survey, around 1 in 5 Americans has lost a family member to gun violence, 1 in 5. More than half of American adults have said that they or a family member have experienced a gun-related incident, more than half. Violence, terror and trauma doesn’t happen in a vacuum. This country is awash with guns and the gun lobby is using its power to both increase access to them and to expand gun owner’s right to shoot first and ask questions later.”

She continued, “I have to say, I did not go out on July 4 and would not. The idea of going to a mass gathering, a parade, or a big fireworks thing outside seems insane to me, to be blunt, in America because America is awash with guns, and now people don’t just have them. They seem to want to shoot people with them and use them for whatever, you know?”

The oft repeated lie.
Thug life and illegally obtained guns.


PREMO Member
The oft repeated lie.

The media redefined ' mass shootings ' to scare Americans ... no longer the shootings like Columbine, San Bernidino or Las Vegas, now ANY gang banger shooting where 4 or more people are shot classifies as a mass shooting to drive up the hysteria


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
MSNBC’s Reid: I Wouldn’t Go Out July 4 ‘Because America Is Awash with Guns’

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said Wednesday on her show “The ReidOut” that she did not leave her house on July 4 over fears of mass shootings because “America is awash with guns.”

Reid said, “Sadly, there is nothing more quintessentially American than fireworks and gun violence. So far we’ve had more than 350 mass shootings this year. According to a recent survey, around 1 in 5 Americans has lost a family member to gun violence, 1 in 5. More than half of American adults have said that they or a family member have experienced a gun-related incident, more than half. Violence, terror and trauma doesn’t happen in a vacuum. This country is awash with guns and the gun lobby is using its power to both increase access to them and to expand gun owner’s right to shoot first and ask questions later.”

She continued, “I have to say, I did not go out on July 4 and would not. The idea of going to a mass gathering, a parade, or a big fireworks thing outside seems insane to me, to be blunt, in America because America is awash with guns, and now people don’t just have them. They seem to want to shoot people with them and use them for whatever, you know?”

The oft repeated lie.
Gee..that "dark person" has not noticed that the vast majority of gun violence every week is committed by ferals that....look just like her.