Gun Control Laws And Opposition


PREMO Member

New Case On Outdoor Training​

WTF ... isn't TRAINING required to even purchase a weapon in some jurisdictions

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The question now, will he actually serve any time?
Not if his appeal works out. Looks like his lawyers are set to challenge the constitutionality of the 1968 Gun Control Act (hopefully taking down the National Firearms Act of 1934 with it). With at least 4 obvious originalist on the SCOTUS it might not be a stretch to invalidate both and give "shall not infringe" its proper recognition as a right.


Well-Known Member
Not if his appeal works out. Looks like his lawyers are set to challenge the constitutionality of the 1968 Gun Control Act (hopefully taking down the National Firearms Act of 1934 with it). With at least 4 obvious originalist on the SCOTUS it might not be a stretch to invalidate both and give "shall not infringe" its proper recognition as a right.

Wouldn't that be Ironic, Biden's Lawyers undo 90 yrs of Gun Control
A felon has challenged and won a case for an unlawful possession charge being unconstitutional

It would be great to watch them unravel these unconstitutional laws.


PREMO Member
🔥 Speaking of Second Amendment rights, Breibart (but not one corporate media outlet) ran a terrific story yesterday headlined, “Gov. Landry Signs Bill Blocking Anti-Gun Banks from State Business.” Boom.

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Governor Jeff Landry (R), was elected late last year in a stunning conservative victory cementing full Republican control of Lousiana’s government for the first time in a decade. While serving as Louisiana’s attorney general, Landry battled the state’s democrat governor and the Biden Administration over vaccine and mask mandates, which launched him to a conclusive win for Governor last Fall.

In late October, the New York Times reported Landry’s victory, for variety deploying the adjective “hard-line” instead of “far right:”

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In 2021, the state’s previous governor Bel Edwards (D) vetoed two gun rights bills passed by Lousiana’s Republican legislature. Had it not been vetoed, the first bill would have authorized permitless carry, removing the requirement for citizens to obtain concealed carry licenses to keep firearms with them.

In March this year, Governor Landry signed a re-submitted permitless carry bill into law.

That was great news. But the second, possibly more interesting bill bans all state agencies from patronizing banks that discriminate against gun manufacturers. Gun shop owners and manufacturers currently face a tightly limited landscape of banking options, since many big banks refuse to give them accounts or process their credit card transactions.

It sounds like something Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would do, and I hope the Sunshine State follows Louisiana’s lead. If enough red states refuse to do business with anti-Second Amendment banks, things might change.

Hilariously, the solution is perfectly consistent with blue state monkey business. Blue states have been boycotting businesses for years whenever they feel like it. For example:


More progress! Great job, Louisiana.



Beloved Misanthrope
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Anti-Gun Marine Says There's No Use Case For Machine Guns In Civilian Life​

Why does being a marine give his opinion any more importance than anyone else's? I know a former marine who got canned because he LEGITIMATELY believes that he is an alien. Known him for 30+ years and he looks/acts completely normal most of the time but even today if you for instance ask him if he has plans for Christmas, maybe "go back home to visit family", he will chuckle to himself and say something like "not unless those pricks finally decide to come pick my ass up". Do I now have to believe in Aliens because a "marine" does?