Gun Control Laws And Opposition


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Elizabeth Warren & Stephen Colbert Tells Republicans To Ban AR-15s In Show of Unity​

STFU Liz ...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Elizabeth Warren & Stephen Colbert Tells Republicans To Ban AR-15s In Show of Unity​

STFU Liz ...

:killingme Yeah Liz, ban them. Make would-be shooters go back to a Remington Model 700, like Charlie Whitman used or the Carcano Model 38 Oswald used (which, by the way, was proven accurate on Democrats).


Well-Known Member

I am not only a mother of four kids, but also a military veteran and certified expert shot. I was trained with weapons of war and know that AR-15s don’t belong on the streets of New Jersey. My statement on yesterday’s ruling to overturn New Jersey’s ban on AR-15s.

What a fuc king retard .... EVERY Firearm maybe used as a WEAPON OF WAR

What war has the AR-15 ever been used in? Is it plausible that the military will start using AR-15’s in future wars? Doubtful. If an AR was that effective on a battlefield our soldiers and marines would. E using them.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


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PREMO Member
From what I hear he was never in ANY war.

And I'm certain they don't equip National Guard with AR-15s.

Typical Democrat.

Couldn't tell the truth if his life depended upon it.
I don't know. I've heard that deployment to Italy can be pretty rough.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
What war has the AR-15 ever been used in? Is it plausible that the military will start using AR-15’s in future wars? Doubtful. If an AR was that effective on a battlefield our soldiers and marines would. E using them.
The new battle rifle is has a significantly larger round...6.8mm versus the 5.56 of the M-4 and M-16 it replaces.