The Wizard!
reelsdeals said:
Like I said before, you are ignorant. What other kind of "crap jobs" are you going to start at $20 an hour. The new presidential helo program is hiring aviation mechs at around $33 an hour. Yes, those are the crap jobs being filled by this area's residents. ...

Back around 1973 when I was some 17 years old then I worked at Pax NAS on the "A4" maintenance. It was a summer High school job under the CETA program. I believe CETA stood for Civilian Education and Training Act (CETA). But that kind of program is long gone.
So when I refer to the crap jobs created by the reckless growth then I mean the very many jobs being created that the job does not pay an equivolent of our area's super inflated cost of living. Of course the poster is right that the high paid titled contractors do get paid far more.
BUT, perhaps I am wrong to call it a crap job it might be wrong even to call it crap pay because I believe the reality is that it is in the reckless policies of excessive growth that people like Hoyer and Bohanan are crapping on us all.
That out-of-control growth is bringing the poison to St. Mary's County of making the rich - richer and dumping the overload onto everybody else.
Look at Tommy McKay(R), he tells us that he is for the rich and he and his whole family is getting filthy rich off of this excessive growth while the McKay workers are still denied a union or any other real benefit from the growth.
So if our Democrat Party now joins the Republicans of catering to the rich as Bohanan does and just keep dumping on the poor and the working classes then we only have one political Party in St. Mary's County and they service only the greed of the rich.
If I am elected then I will bring back our Democrat principles by defending the community and protecting our infrastructure because we certainly do not have that now.
Bring back sensible government to St. Mary's County.