JPC, Sr.
The Wizard!
There was a report in the Enterprise on February 11, 2005, page A-6, that said, "the Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft [the MMA] would bring in up to 250 new workers for the programs development and operational testing."
Per myself, those 250 workers will bring their families with them which averages 2.5 persons each so that would mean some 750 people coming into our area just for this one MMA program. And each will bring their cars here and need housing and other extras.
But MMA is only one as there are other new programs to overload our already overloaded infrastructure like the Joint Strike Fighter and the Presidential Helicopter, the V-22 Osprey, and more.
Plus because of this Navy Base growth we get big new businesses based on that growth like the plan to expand the Walmart to super size while the local Mattingly's store is closing down.
I do not like this at all.
The St. Mary's County Board of Education FY 2006 Study Report, section 1.2, states that our schools have in use 84 relocatable trailers.
Those 84 trailers is the number that represents the overload overcrowding better then any other number, except perhaps the number two as in two of those relocatable trailers have already burned down in 29b.
Ken King said:... I did notice you failed to answer my question though so I will ask again. How many people are coming in for the MMA?

Per myself, those 250 workers will bring their families with them which averages 2.5 persons each so that would mean some 750 people coming into our area just for this one MMA program. And each will bring their cars here and need housing and other extras.
But MMA is only one as there are other new programs to overload our already overloaded infrastructure like the Joint Strike Fighter and the Presidential Helicopter, the V-22 Osprey, and more.
Plus because of this Navy Base growth we get big new businesses based on that growth like the plan to expand the Walmart to super size while the local Mattingly's store is closing down.
I do not like this at all.

Ken King said:... What "overloading", again numbers of people please? ...

Those 84 trailers is the number that represents the overload overcrowding better then any other number, except perhaps the number two as in two of those relocatable trailers have already burned down in 29b.