Hair color help

FancyBelle said:
You can't stop it in mid-process... In fact, that is the reason most do-it-yourselfers give home colorings a bad name... they chicken out before the time is up thinking that if they stop it earlier, it will just be a subtle version of what they were attempting to achieve... but as you learned... that isn't the case... :huggy: Go to Sally's in the strip of stores by SFW. They carry a "hair color remover" for mistakes such as this... it's all good...:smooch:


But wait, there's more...
kwillia said:
They carry a "hair color remover" for mistakes such as this... it's all good...:smooch:

But doesn't that strip your hair completely of all color (including your own color), forcing you to redeposit new color to the hair?

I made this mistake once, thinking it'd just remove the hair color I'd applied. W-R-O-N-G!!! :lmao:


New Member
Kwillia is totally right. You cannot stop in mid-process especially with red. Red is the hardest hair to color and the hardest hair color to fix when you screw it up. I’m not so sure hair color remover will work. You might end up with pink hair.

So Fancy, wanna do lunch this week? :popcorn:

I will not bring a camera, promise. :angel:

P.S. When I made that mistake, I cried. :lmao: It was awful.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pandora said:
Kwillia is totally right. You cannot stop in mid-process especially with red. Red is the hardest hair to color and the hardest hair color to fix when you screw it up. I’m not so sure hair color remover will work. You might end up with pink hair.

So Fancy, wanna do lunch this week? :popcorn:

I will not bring a camera, promise. :angel:

P.S. When I made that mistake, I cried. :lmao: It was awful.

We can all do lunch. I'll bring a hat for her. Something that doesn't clash with orange. :lmao:

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
BS Gal said:
Did you use the color "cinnaberry?" I did that once. It wasn't even a color anyone had ever seen before.

I tried that color and ended up with a purple/pink color initially. It eventually washed out to the red I wanted, but I have no desire to try that color again. Now I go to a professional to get my hair dyed. Cola Red baby!!! :razz:


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
cdsulhoff said:
Will a toner work???
I am going to give it a week and see if it tones down some, then I am going to put medium ash brown on it. I bought that yesterday. We'll see what happens.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
FancyBelle said:
I am going to give it a week and see if it tones down some, then I am going to put medium ash brown on it. I bought that yesterday. We'll see what happens.

They were right about stopping midway through, the color didn't get the time required to deposit. First thing the color does is open the cuticle on the hair shaft then it deposits. Shampoo with a strong cheaper shampoo like V05 or Herbal Essense,,sp?? that will help to remove color quicker, don't use a color stripper or remover. If it's been a couple days since you have colored, it should be fine to redo it, using an ash is good to cut the red. You might want to use a little conditioner in the mix of color as well but make sure the conditioner is something like Nexxus Humectris, been so long I can't remember some of the names. Good luck, color is a pita to fix.


curiouser and curiouser
Chasey_Lane said:
Think about the color the "ash" will mock...
Hmmm, my mom's been ash blonde for the past 15 years and it doesn't look gray at all. :shrug:
Losing Hair From Overprocessing
Q : About 2 months ago I dyed my hair using permanent hair dye and I hated it. So I went over it with a semi-permanent. I really hated that too so I went and had the color removed. Not knowing what the process entailed I was under the impression that the color would just be removed not all of the color of my hair. So then they had to dye it again which defeated the purpose of trying to get my hair back to its natural state. A day after I had it done I realized a lot of my hair had fell out from it. I am worried that it will not grow back. I have a lot of hair missing along my part and in the front of my head (where my bangs are). I've always had fairly thick hair and know it looks thin especially in those areas. I just started taking hf37 and I use Redken extreme and CAT. Will I get my hair back? Help!

Answers :
"Hello. I am a licensed hair will lose some hair due to damage and breakage. It will grow back, just slowly. you will notice the growth in a month or two. Normal hair growth is about 1/2 per month. It is taught to us in school that you never do more than two chemical services within a months time. You have done some major damage.....especially with the stripping. The cat will help though. You can also try the liquid hair by wella...along with Paul Mitchell's Hair Repair. I myself had a horrible experience with overprocessing when I first got into school and it was "cool" to change your hair color every week.....I was right where you are and the one thing that saved me was the CAT. But, you can also over use that too. If you use it too much your hair will revert back to its previously damaged condition. I worked for a gentleman that was a Redken platform artist and he informed me of that one. He said to use the treatment for 5 times. Then rest one week using a different product. Like the Hair repair or Keraphix by Nexxus. If you continue to see hair loss, seek the help of a nearby dermatologist to see if there is any permanent damage from the chemicals."

"To grow hair use prenatal vitamins. Do NOT use Hair Formula 37. BEWARE of the side effects of HF 37. The step 2 can and does cause gout!!!!! It has too much protein for the body to handle. I used it and the doctor said it caused my gout. ): Gout is a painful form of arthritis. "

"I am 23, and I think I have the same problems people you have, but I was advised to use onion two time a week. what you need to di is to spread it on your head and you will see that in 1 month your hairs are strong as it was before. I am using it and it helps me alot."

"Been reading your comments since discovering this site and must say you know your stuff and it sounds like from raw experience. Wanted to tell you of a haircolor I just discovered by Robert Craig. It is non-peroxide and non-ammonia yet it is permanant and healthy for your hair. I've never heard anything like it. Go to just "haircolor" or "Robert Craig" and see what you think. Like you I have come to the conclusion to leave hair alone if you can live with it after a major mistake. Went through the orange phase once at 20. Now at 42 realize diet and conditioning has alot to do with hair as well as being gentle with it. This Robert C. stuff is safe to use over a botch job and even helps it by conditioning it. "


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Chasey_Lane said:
Mistake! Don't ever use a haircolor with "ash" in it. :nono:

Ash is what is used to cut red. The base color of ash is green, base color of red of course is red. Those two together are brown. Hair color basically goes back to using the color wheel and the base colors. That is how they determine what colors to use.


curiouser and curiouser
Chasey_Lane said:
Look at a "blonde" color then look at an "ash" color...there is a difference.
I am aware, but I can tell you that the box my mom's hair color comes in says "ash blonde" and her hair does not look gray in the slightest.