Has Anybody Gone? Crow Hunting


New Member
I have made my own CD's with calls and they work pretty good - I have to see if I have them. You can over-call them as well... Crows are very leery...

You have to find their roost and follow their flight path. You have to rotate hunts around the flight paths as well, do not hunt the same flight path for more than once, give it about 3 weeks rest.

Decoys - you can over decoy as well... it is a touch and go type of experience. From what I understand the best decoy to use are dead crows. Once you bust a few of them let them lay - I have never tried this, but will check back with my source on this.

Here is a great start for you D, maybe I can hook up with you before the season runs out. :buddies: Crow Busters - The Complete Resource For Crow Hunting and the Crow Hunter

Trust me bud, I am not new to crow hunting by a long shot, but, we've noticed a change in the crows attitudes, since the numbers have started to climb again, since their fall to the disease a few years ago. Crow busters is a good resource, but, it's all old news at this point. I'm simply trying to see who else has noticed the change in their behavior, several other guys I have talked to have noticed the same thing. I don't need lessons on crow hunting LOL, I need input from the fields of Southern Maryland, trying to see how far out of the Mid Atlantic region this issue actually is. The crows might have the same issue that the Geese did this past year, most of the goose hunters have been complaining about the geese this year shying away from the decoys, we've never seen anything like it, so, I wonder if the crows have a odd issue this years as well.

And I can assure you, there is nothing better than a wounded crow flapping around with decoys, not dead, but wounded.


New Member
Trust me bud, I am not new to crow hunting by a long shot, but, we've noticed a change in the crows attitudes, since the numbers have started to climb again, since their fall to the disease a few years ago. Crow busters is a good resource, but, it's all old news at this point. I'm simply trying to see who else has noticed the change in their behavior, several other guys I have talked to have noticed the same thing. I don't need lessons on crow hunting LOL, I need input from the fields of Southern Maryland, trying to see how far out of the Mid Atlantic region this issue actually is. The crows might have the same issue that the Geese did this past year, most of the goose hunters have been complaining about the geese this year shying away from the decoys, we've never seen anything like it, so, I wonder if the crows have a odd issue this years as well.

And I can assure you, there is nothing better than a wounded crow flapping around with decoys, not dead, but wounded.

that wasn't exactly my experience.
I had geese lighting into my deeks right up until the last day of the season.....

now if your decoys had anything unnatural about them you would get flares, but as long as you had a good setup with your quality deeks in the sun, you shold have been fine.
i know the only days i didn't ahve any luck was when i had a thousand live birds on the ground near enoough to me to be seen from the air. If i didn't have that kind of competetion i did just fine


New Member
Well, after much thought, a possible reason has come to mind. I wonder if due to the lack of agricultural farms, which provided much food source for the crow population, and due to the fact that everyone builds a strip mall and a house on every square inch of southern maryland soil these days, has in effect, turned the crow populations to be heavier in the towns and cities due to the easy resource of trash and fast food freebies? On and recent trip to Suitland, I found the largest crow population I have seen to date. I mean it got so bad, I got tired of looking at the crows in the city. Maybe I need to start adding french fries to my decoy setup?