Has Tiger completely lost his mind?


When you look up "athlete" in the dictionary, you see words like "speed" and "dexterity". I see a lot of fogies out there walking around who don't look too speedy or dexterous.

Have you ever swung a golf club at a golf ball?

It's one thing to hack around a golf course at 70 because it's healthy and enjoyable; it's quite another to hit the ball with the dexterity and accuracy as pros do. When you can hit the ball the way PGA pros do, then tell us it's not a sport.

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My point is that by definition, playing golf does not require athletisism.

Your point by calling me a name is that you have nothing else of any value to add to the debate.

Have you ever played golf? Have you ever walked 18 holes in 90 degree weather? Since it requires no athleticism I suppose you could just grab a club, walk on a course and shoot 66? Let me know when you go, I want to watch.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Have you ever swung a golf club at a golf ball?

It's one thing to hack around a golf course at 70 because it's healthy and enjoyable; it's quite another to hit the ball with the dexterity and accuracy as pros do. When you can hit the ball the way PGA pros do, then tell us it's not a sport.

Pro's hell. When you hit it like I do, it is a sport as well. It takes effort and energy to hit a ball in ways the designers thought physically impossible for club and ball.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
My point is that by definition, playing golf does not require athletisism.

Your point by calling me a name is that you have nothing else of any value to add to the debate.

So, balance and coordination, flexibility and stamina, concentration, strength, conditioning to repeat these things, none of that is athletic?



Well-Known Member


Pro's hell. When you hit it like I do, it is a sport as well. It takes effort and energy to hit a ball in ways the designers thought physically impossible for club and ball.


You don't have to tell me. It wont take some folks long to learn that the term 'slice' has more meaning than cutting a piece of cheese.


They forgot shuffleboard

You really should try to get out and play a round. It might change your mind.

All of these REAL athletes (by your definition): Michael Jordan, Troy Aikman, Derek Jeter, Rick Rhoden, Brett Hull, etc... might tell you how humbling golf is compared to the sports they play.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
You don't have to tell me. It wont take some folks long to learn that the term 'slice' has more meaning than cutting a piece of cheese.

Slicing is for amateurs. It takes real athleticism to aim right, swing right and snap it so hard left that it ends up behind you after a trip of some 300 yards of bending time and space.


Nothing to see here
I'm spun up about a guy that is spiraling out of control and embarrassing the sport with along the way. The same media that propped this guy up is now the same media that is seeing he is more of a problem than he may be worth....... Are you just pretending to not understand this because you have some special place in your heart for Tiger?

:lol: I haven't cared for Tiger for years, he has perpetuated the elitism of everything that was bad for golf. My point all along has been how the media enjoys ripping you off that pedestal as much as putting you up there. I don't know where you been but Tiger has always done as he pleases, but not being a media/fan favorite now, everyone likes to pile on. Things that were overlooked before, aren't now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:lol: I haven't cared for Tiger for years, he has perpetuated the elitism of everything that was bad for golf. My point all along has been how the media enjoys ripping you off that pedestal as much as putting you up there. I don't know where you been but Tiger has always done as he pleases, but not being a media/fan favorite now, everyone likes to pile on. Things that were overlooked before, aren't now.

The media give themselves a free pass on everything they DON'T do such as NOT reporting on steroids for decades so they can be one of the kewl kids and then acting like it is news when it is so over the top obvious that not even professional journalists such as themselves, can miss the story.

Same with Tiger. They kept their mouths shut all that time. Least they could do is admit they ignored the story for years to server their own personal interests. They could do a story right now on other big names who live like rock stars.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Who hear has not done a golf trip? 36 a day for three days or so?

It still isn't 'brutal' or whatever 'real sport' actually is but, I have come home just spent. Hands, feet, legs, back, sore and just shot, swearing to never play the game again.


:lol: I haven't cared for Tiger for years, he has perpetuated the elitism of everything that was bad for golf. My point all along has been how the media enjoys ripping you off that pedestal as much as putting you up there. I don't know where you been but Tiger has always done as he pleases, but not being a media/fan favorite now, everyone likes to pile on. Things that were overlooked before, aren't now.

If you've read my posts in here, you'd know I don't care for Tiger and never have. The media wanted their next GREAT black athlete in a place where they don't dare tread: Golf. Woods had the potential of being that guy. But like so many we see on our TV screens that get propped up too young and too fast often lose their souls to their egos. From almost day-one I saw Tiger as an arrogant punk that can hit the ball like no one else. I look for a whole person; not just someone that can play well but forget there are rules, etiquette, and influence; the last being most important since so many kids look up to people like Tiger.


New Member
Have you ever swung a golf club at a golf ball?

It's one thing to hack around a golf course at 70 because it's healthy and enjoyable; it's quite another to hit the ball with the dexterity and accuracy as pros do. When you can hit the ball the way PGA pros do, then tell us it's not a sport.

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You ever hit a MLB fastball ?....hardest job in sports...end of story.