Has Tiger completely lost his mind?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you've read my posts in here, you'd know I don't care for Tiger and never have. The media wanted their next GREAT black athlete in a place where they don't dare tread: Golf.

I think that that is totally unfair and way off topic and way off base.

Tiger earned every last thing he has done in golf. He has put in the practice and the training and diet and make the sacrifice necessary to be as good as he was.

He is absolutely one of the best, ever, and there isn't a thing anyone could do to help that in terms of some desire for him to do well because of his skin color.


Well-Known Member
I think that that is totally unfair and way off topic and way off base.

Tiger earned every last thing he has done in golf. He has put in the practice and the training and diet and make the sacrifice necessary to be as good as he was.

He is absolutely one of the best, ever, and there isn't a thing anyone could do to help that in terms of some desire for him to do well because of his skin color.

Must be good since AP named him "Athlete" of the Decade.


Well-Known Member
He earned it.


Perhaps - but if I had to put together a team of professional atheletes who have been in their profession for at least 10 years and use the same team to compete in about 8-10 different sports, don't think the "Athelete of the Decade" would be on it, even if golf was one of the "sports".

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Perhaps - but if I had to put together a team of professional atheletes who have been in their profession for at least 10 years and use the same team to compete in about 8-10 different sports, don't think the "Athelete of the Decade" would be on it, even if golf was one of the "sports".

I don't understand.


I think that that is totally unfair and way off topic and way off base.

Tiger earned every last thing he has done in golf. He has put in the practice and the training and diet and make the sacrifice necessary to be as good as he was.

He is absolutely one of the best, ever, and there isn't a thing anyone could do to help that in terms of some desire for him to do well because of his skin color.

Off topic? Come on Larry... this thread was about Tiger spitting on a green and his ongoing misgivings, and it devolved into a "golf is not a sport" rant; which you gladly engaged in. Threads rarely stay on topic.

We’ve had our rounds about Tiger and how great he is. His play of late is not great. But he is great at three things: playing golf, making a complete fool of himself, and disgracing the game of golf. So he has earned every bit of that.

I want Tiger to get his life in order, grow up, and get to playing some great golf. He could be so good for the game. My comment on his skin color had to do with the press and how they handled the whole Tiger phenomenon. All you have to do is look up “Tiger Woods the great Black Hope” and see the media frenzy over a black man making it to the PGA. I’m certain Tiger didn’t ask for this. Nevertheless, he was forced to apologize for this incident (among many), be fined for it, loss of endorsements for his illicit behavior… His bad behavior isn’t being ignored by the business side of things and by fans of golf.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Off topic? Come on Larry... this thread was about Tiger spitting on a green and his ongoing misgivings, and it devolved into a "golf is not a sport" rant; which you gladly engaged in. Threads rarely stay on topic.

We’ve had our rounds about Tiger and how great he is. His play of late is not great. But he is great at three things: playing golf, making a complete fool of himself, and disgracing the game of golf. So he has earned every bit of that.

I want Tiger to get his life in order, grow up, and get to playing some great golf. He could be so good for the game. My comment on his skin color had to do with the press and how they handled the whole Tiger phenomenon. All you have to do is look up “Tiger Woods the great Black Hope” and see the media frenzy over a black man making it to the PGA. I’m certain Tiger didn’t ask for this. Nevertheless, he was forced to apologize for this incident (among many), be fined for it, loss of endorsements for his illicit behavior… His bad behavior isn’t being ignored by the business side of things and by fans of golf.

And I am telling you that the sport media and the major media has not made this a race issue, at all. Not from when he was a 3 year old phenom and not when he won 3 straight US Jr Amateurs and not when he just started beating everyone. In fact, he has often taken flack from racially motivated folks to be more of a political figure and has declined.

Has there been mention? Sure, but it, his career is not a race issue, in the slightest. He is the definition of hard work, sacrifice and talent realized.



And I am telling you that the sport media and the major media has not made this a race issue, at all. Not from when he was a 3 year old phenom and not when he won 3 straight US Jr Amateurs and not when he just started beating everyone. In fact, he has often taken flack from racially motivated folks to be more of a political figure and has declined.

Has there been mention? Sure, but it, his career is not a race issue, in the slightest. He is the definition of hard work, sacrifice and talent realized.


Are you sure?

Rick Reilly - A plan for Tiger Woods to repair his public image - ESPN

He was the kid with the 10,000-watt smile from the public golf course -- he brought golf to people of color all over the world. He was the great black hope of the game who made good.

AP: Tiger Woods Is Racist - (Because) He Only Cheats With White Women

Tiger’s Troubles Widen His Distance From Blacks
‘Two layers of suspicion ... one is the pattern in the race of his partners’

GOLF - GOLF - Woods Has Shown He Belongs At Augusta - NYTimes.com

Woods, the son of a black father and Asian mother, did not choose to be designated as golf's great black hope.


Here's what many of us concluded about Tiger Woods over the last 10 years – and eagerly bought. Tiger is:

... A man of multiracial and multiethnic origins who transcends race and ethnicity

4/13/1997 - Tiger wins his first Masters - Inhistoric

At the age of 21, Woods not only became the first black man to win a major PGA tournament, he did it by annihilating the competition.

Tiger Woods wins the 1997 Masters by 12 shots - Special Feature - Golf.com

It didn't matter who you were; if you were there the week everything changed in golf, you just had to reach out and touch a piece of history. Almost 50 years to the day after Jackie Robinson broke major league baseball's color barrier, at Augusta National, a club that no black man was allowed to join until six years ago, at the tournament whose founder, Clifford Roberts, once said, "As long as I'm alive, golfers will be white, and caddies will be black," a 21-year-old black man delivered the greatest performance ever seen in a golf major.

Tiger Woods Biography : People.com

By age 14, Woods smashes the junior amateur circuit, racking up five age-group world titles. "I'm not out just to be the best black player," Woods tells PEOPLE. "I want to be the best golfer ever."


He is also the first black player to win a major golf championship, and has said he intends to use his success to encourage minorities to play golf.

Even Tiger has injected race. There are a lot of articles out there. :shrug:


And now you are going to explain how any of this sank a putt, split a fairway or closed out an opponent, right, seeings how that was my point? He is no affirmative action player. No one handed him anything he hadn't earned on the course.

Is anyone else allowed to make their point without you trying to trump that with your point? Are you purposely glazing over my point? Your own words:

And I am telling you that the sport media and the major media has not made this a race issue, at all.

I gave you multiple instances to the contrary. And there are plenty more out there. I'm trying to explain how the media is now trying to find a way out of their Tiger-mania nonsense. I'm not making Tiger out to be some "affirmative action player". I'm saying the media did that. Tiger tried to steer away from it. I'm not saying he didn't earn his accolades for playing great golf. What I’m saying is the media has a bad habit of making things into a bogus social issue, then try to wiggle their way out of it when it blows up in their faces. What I’m also saying is fans had expectations from Tiger, and now he is destroying himself and it’s affecting his play and credibility as a respectable golfer. Tiger is another phenom that seems unable to handle his quick rise to fame. All the while the fans of golf are stuck trying to figure out what happened to their hero.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is anyone else allowed to make their point without you trying to trump that with your point? Are you purposely glazing over my point? Your own words:

I gave you multiple instances to the contrary. And there are plenty more out there. I'm trying to explain how the media is now trying to find a way out of their Tiger-mania nonsense. I'm not making Tiger out to be some "affirmative action player". I'm saying the media did that. Tiger tried to steer away from it. I'm not saying he didn't earn his accolades for playing great golf. What I’m saying is the media has a bad habit of making things into a bogus social issue, then try to wiggle their way out of it when it blows up in their faces. What I’m also saying is fans had expectations from Tiger, and now he is destroying himself and it’s affecting his play and credibility as a respectable golfer. Tiger is another phenom that seems unable to handle his quick rise to fame. All the while the fans of golf are stuck trying to figure out what happened to their hero.


The vast majority of race issues are about quota's, right? Enough black coaches. Not enough black coaches. This player got in trouble because he was driving while black. That quarterback got yanked when a white one would not have.

Yes, there is constant, incessant chatter about Tiger and race and some of it might even have to do with golf, sort of. In the mean time, as per my point in response to yours:
The media wanted their next GREAT black athlete in a place where they don't dare tread: Golf.
Tiger earned everything he accomplished and no one was puffing up his resume or accomplishments to try to attain some special status for him; he earned it.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Slicing is for amateurs. It takes real athleticism to aim right, swing right and snap it so hard left that it ends up behind you after a trip of some 300 yards of bending time and space.

I was a witness, as was Pete and Ott, when Nupe did this. :notworthy:


Yes, there is constant, incessant chatter about Tiger and race and some of it might even have to do with golf, sort of. In the mean time, as per my point in response to yours: Tiger earned everything he accomplished and no one was puffing up his resume or accomplishments to try to attain some special status for him; he earned it.


And Tiger also earned his place as a rude, childish, depraved, spoiled individual. All of which has cost him on and off the course. Greatness is far more than just knowing how to play well.

Or perhaps not. :ohwell:

Once again, the media propped this guy up to be a do-no-wrong, disciplined, focused golfer. He has turned out to be all just the opposite. I see their reason as making him not only a hero for our youth, but a hero for the youth of black America. A major disappointment.