The smell of green stuff growing? I can handle thatOther than the smell, the noise, the strangers coming to the community to work, the critical area water run off the septic for 25 to 100 workers , the lights on all night lit up like a stadium, and the fear of the aquifer being dried up from water use , yeah why not? Not to include the property values in the close area turning to sht.
Yeah why not? So a few Millionaires mostly from out of state can get richer. Because this has gone far beyond the original investors and the big bucks are in it now.
And you are talking crap if you think anyone would accept this monstrosity into their community which is rural and quiet and those factors were a major reason for their living there.
The noise? What noise, trucks going in and out possibly.
Strangers coming in to work. I can't see a valid complaint here
The critical area water runoff? I guess you're talking about the impermeability of the parking area and the roof? if so that's easily managed by a storm water management pond.
The septic for 25-100 workers? If a mound is sufficiently sized it's not an issue, otherwise a septic pump out station.
The lights on all night? I'll give you this one, people being what they are somebody is going to want free stuff.
The aquifer being dried up? I'd imagine that a facility this size would reclaim most of the water that they use just as a matter of economics. it gets expensive to pump hundreds of thousands of gallons from several hundred feet below ground.
This really looks like a low impact type of business for a rural area, but I don't live out there so I haven't got a dog in this fight.