have you been here?


New Member
Does anyone here deal with (suffer from) anxiety? I quit smoking about 2 months ago and seems like that may have triggered all this anxiety. I worry about the most extreme situations. I do'nt worry about little things, just things like dying! Its as if I woke up one day and realized I'm not invincible at all. A little young maybe for mid life crisis but just can't shake it. Driving myself crazier by the day!


Does anyone here deal with (suffer from) anxiety? I quit smoking about 2 months ago and seems like that may have triggered all this anxiety. I worry about the most extreme situations. I do'nt worry about little things, just things like dying! Its as if I woke up one day and realized I'm not invincible at all. A little young maybe for mid life crisis but just can't shake it. Driving myself crazier by the day!

Holy smokes! I just quit too and am about two months! Hang in there! Are you on Chantix or did you quit cold turkey? I hit my two month mark tomorrow. :huggy:


New Member
:huggy:QUOTE=whoknew;3127805]Does anyone here deal with (suffer from) anxiety? I quit smoking about 2 months ago and seems like that may have triggered all this anxiety. I worry about the most extreme situations. I do'nt worry about little things, just things like dying! Its as if I woke up one day and realized I'm not invincible at all. A little young maybe for mid life crisis but just can't shake it. Driving myself crazier by the day![/QUOTE]

:huggy: Hello.Well you have done a brilliant job quitting! Not sure how old you are but when I turned 30 last year I panicked a bit as I have a lot I need to do and it seems like one minute you are 20 and then a whole decade passes like a flash.Then you start seeing people who look older than you are ;are actually younger.
I did not get post natal depression but after I had my first son I used to get panicky about going in the car with him.I was convinced that we would crash and I began thinking about dying as in worrying about it.Once we were traveling down a country road it was in the English countryside and it was like a roller coaster ride. so many tight bends and I began to hyperventilate and told my husband to stop the car.I then realised that I had to sort it out.
I am a bit anti medication-not to say it is wrong as I know it helps many people out but I have steered clear of it.
I just try not to skip meals,eat really healthy,sleep well and do not drink too much coffee as it makes you jittery. I am much better now in the car although I still have my imaginary brake when my husband is driving.He knows when he is too close to the car in front I hold onto the side of the car and he slows down:lmao:
You can pull through this.Maybe you have valid reasons to worry or maybe not.
Is there anything you can replace the smoking with?Something relaxing and healthy.
All I am saying is you can get through this.All the best..Just keep talking about it because I know that there are many other people who have the same issues.
Take care:huggy:


New Member
used chantix a couple times and it really did work but guess i wasn't ready to quit for good. This time I quit cold turkey and can say with a fair amount of certainty that this is the final time quitting. Don't see myself picking up another. But anxiety has so many physical symptoms that you can easily be freaked out that something is really wrong. It's a cycle- physical causes anxiety, anxiety makes things worse physically. Congratulations to you - can't do anything but help us huh?


art imitating life
Does anyone here deal with (suffer from) anxiety? I quit smoking about 2 months ago and seems like that may have triggered all this anxiety. I worry about the most extreme situations. I do'nt worry about little things, just things like dying! Its as if I woke up one day and realized I'm not invincible at all. A little young maybe for mid life crisis but just can't shake it. Driving myself crazier by the day!

I have anxiety issues too. I have for about 6 years now. I did quit smoking about 6 months ago but it has nothing to do with that. Did you use Chantix? I heard that stuff can drive you crazy so if you did that could be it. If not anxiety ususally comes from something traumatic . Anything happen in your life that might have been traumatic? You don't have to say out loud but it could have been something that happened to you when youwere 2 and your brain just sparked the memory. I don't know what kind of anxiety you have or how bad it is but there are things you can do to get rid of it. PM me if you want to talk.


New Member
:huggy:QUOTE=whoknew;3127805]Does anyone here deal with (suffer from) anxiety? I quit smoking about 2 months ago and seems like that may have triggered all this anxiety. I worry about the most extreme situations. I do'nt worry about little things, just things like dying! Its as if I woke up one day and realized I'm not invincible at all. A little young maybe for mid life crisis but just can't shake it. Driving myself crazier by the day!

:huggy: Hello.Well you have done a brilliant job quitting! Not sure how old you are but when I turned 30 last year I panicked a bit as I have a lot I need to do and it seems like one minute you are 20 and then a whole decade passes like a flash.Then you start seeing people who look older than you are ;are actually younger.
I did not get post natal depression but after I had my first son I used to get panicky about going in the car with him.I was convinced that we would crash and I began thinking about dying as in worrying about it.Once we were traveling down a country road it was in the English countryside and it was like a roller coaster ride. so many tight bends and I began to hyperventilate and told my husband to stop the car.I then realised that I had to sort it out.
I am a bit anti medication-not to say it is wrong as I know it helps many people out but I have steered clear of it.
I just try not to skip meals,eat really healthy,sleep well and do not drink too much coffee as it makes you jittery. I am much better now in the car although I still have my imaginary brake when my husband is driving.He knows when he is too close to the car in front I hold onto the side of the car and he slows down:lmao:
You can pull through this.Maybe you have valid reasons to worry or maybe not.
Is there anything you can replace the smoking with?Something relaxing and healthy.
All I am saying is you can get through this.All the best..Just keep talking about it because I know that there are many other people who have the same issues.
Take care:huggy:[/QUOTE]

Hi FR, thanks for the support. I kind of agree about the anti medication. I don't want to replace smokes with something else, esp something potentially addictive and then the anxiety could be much worse when coming off that. I too t hink talking helps some but guess maybe it will kind of always be in the back of my mind that I contributed to my own demise (potentially). I am 34 by the way. anyway trying to get through this the best I can for now. I would not wish this on my worst enemy!


used chantix a couple times and it really did work but guess i wasn't ready to quit for good. This time I quit cold turkey and can say with a fair amount of certainty that this is the final time quitting. Don't see myself picking up another. But anxiety has so many physical symptoms that you can easily be freaked out that something is really wrong. It's a cycle- physical causes anxiety, anxiety makes things worse physically. Congratulations to you - can't do anything but help us huh?

Check your pm :huggy:

I have anxiety issues too. I have for about 6 years now. I did quit smoking about 6 months ago but it has nothing to do with that. Did you use Chantix? I heard that stuff can drive you crazy so if you did that could be it. If not anxiety ususally comes from something traumatic . Anything happen in your life that might have been traumatic? You don't have to say out loud but it could have been something that happened to you when youwere 2 and your brain just sparked the memory. I don't know what kind of anxiety you have or how bad it is but there are things you can do to get rid of it. PM me if you want to talk.

She said she used Chantix a few times and it worked good, but she wasn't ready to quit so now its cold turkey. :yay:


New Member

Hi FR, thanks for the support. I kind of agree about the anti medication. I don't want to replace smokes with something else, esp something potentially addictive and then the anxiety could be much worse when coming off that. I too t hink talking helps some but guess maybe it will kind of always be in the back of my mind that I contributed to my own demise (potentially). I am 34 by the way. anyway trying to get through this the best I can for now. I would not wish this on my worst enemy![/QUOTE]

Hello. If you wish to PM to reply that is fine.How do you mean 'contributed to my demise'? Do you mean the bad heath effects from smoking?
You must not be so hard on yourself.We can all look back and wished that we had not done certain things but you can not go back in time.Take each day.Try not to think about yesterday or the next day JUST today.
Hope this does not sound patronizing.
You can do this!


New Member
Whatever you do, don't just live with anxiety. I did for years. Now I am med free and able to get through the day without anxiety. The meds helped me learn to cope physically and then mentally with it. My only regret was that I suffered with it for so long before I got help. Your brain is an organ, just like any other organ in your body, and sometimes you need to treat it .


I wanna be a SMIB
You are not invincible, you will die someday whether you smoke or not. Welcome to the world of middle age stress. Enjoy!:lmao:


New Member
I understand that but smoking definitely increases the odds. The mind can play terrible tricks on you that's for sure. I saw someone for the first time last week who pretty much said move on, think happy thoughts :lalala:


art imitating life
Whatever you do, don't just live with anxiety. I did for years. Now I am med free and able to get through the day without anxiety. The meds helped me learn to cope physically and then mentally with it. My only regret was that I suffered with it for so long before I got help. Your brain is an organ, just like any other organ in your body, and sometimes you need to treat it .

What did you do to get help?


New Member
Use CALM for Anxiety

I use CALM, magnesium (ionic) supplement. I swear by this stuff.
Since reaching 50 and having menopause symptoms, I've had the worse anxiety. I guess it is do to the hormonal shift. Anyhoo, this stuff is amazing. Do a search on it. BTW i do not take the recommended dosage of 1TB. I only take 1 1/2 to 2 tsp when I feel anxious.


I developed anxiety and panic attacks about 4 yrs.ago. The worst feeling ever! Was put on Zoloft and feel like it saved my life.Drs. said anxiety & panic attacks can happen at any age, but thought mine was also menopause related. Never want to go thru that again just knew I was losing my mind.


WDF. So worth the wait.
Nicotine can affect serotonin levels. You might have been self medicating anxiety issues that were already there. Talk to a doc.


Nicotine can affect serotonin levels. You might have been self medicating anxiety issues that were already there. Talk to a doc.


Anxiety is serious. You need to get it taken care of. Best of luck.