Have you ever...


Be about it
Originally posted by bknarw

This gives me great comfort. I often wonder whether the heartless women who once broke up with me for no reason at all ever have regrets about that decision.

Trust me, I'm VERY sure they do...at least a few of 'em anyway, heehee!


I still stay in contact with a few that "got away" or were "let go" That sounds harsh. Anyway, we e mail once a week or so and talk about the Good Ole Days in Philly ,,, the dances ,,, dates,,, relationships, both good and bad, and where life has taken us. I think that we learn from each person that we come in contact with and take what we learn to our next relationship. Sometimes this is good and sometimes this can be bad. I guess that the biggest kick in the teeth was on girl that went on to become a doctor and a LESBIAN! Guess I didn't handle that one properly...
Anyway, I enjoy talking to them and remembering how they impacted or changed me. Would I do anything different? Not a chance. By waiting I found exactly what I must have been looking for.


Attire Monitor
Okay...here's mine...

Annette and I dated for four years.
She was most definitely my soul mate.
She and I were together in college and we were, as Forrest Gump would say..."like peas and carrots".
To this day our mutual friends say that they can't picture one of us without the other.
We were SO good for each other, in fact, that everyone called us "Goobers and Raisinettes"...and would yell it whenever we walked into a room together.
And GOD I loved that girl...with every ounce of my heart and soul.

Unfortunately, we were in college, and there were a lot of forces drawing at us at the time.
Couple that with the fact that I was a bit of an ### when it came to women, and Annette eventually started to get tired of me.
And even though I felt differently, I sometimes acted as though I had to be a tough guy and treat her like crap.
Finally, one day, Annette said she'd had enough.
I actually got on my knees and begged her not to leave me. I told her I'd change forever, but she didn't believe me.
I told her I'd quit fooling around on her and treating her badly, but she thought I'd already shown my true colors.
She never did come back to me, and to this day, I've never gotten over her.

Oddly enough, I DID change...and from that day on never treated a girlfriend badly. As a result, I'VE always been the "dump-ee".

Annette now lives not too far away. She's very happily married with a great husband and two kids.
And even though she loves them all dearly, she still calls me her "soul mate" when we get together once a year for lunch.
We laugh and talk like the old times, and we cry about what life may have had in store for us.

And I'm STILL not over her...


New Member
Aaww, Bk! That's was a very sad but yep happy story. You sounded (back in the day) much like an ex of mine. I'm so glad I gave him the boot. I would NEVER go back in a million years. Too bad for you it was too late, I'm sorry! :bawl:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Wow BK. This was so sensitive. Not like you at the parties, but I suspect that you have a "party face" on at the parties anyway.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by 2ndAmendment
Wow BK. This was so sensitive. Not like you at the parties, but I suspect that you have a "party face" on at the parties anyway.

"Tears Of A Clown"


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Aaww, Bk! That's was a very sad but yep happy story. You sounded (back in the day) much like an ex of mine. I'm so glad I gave him the boot. I would NEVER go back in a million years. Too bad for you it was too late, I'm sorry! :bawl:

But the worst part is, as I said...I DID change and I never treated anyone like that again.
Oh well...C'est la Vie!


Lead Penguin
Originally posted by bknarw

But the worst part is, as I said...I DID change and I never treated anyone like that again.
Oh well...C'est la Vie!

well then... this woman that you have such wonderful memories of....contributed to your growth....and maybe you're a better man because of her...be thankful for that....
maybe THAT was her purpose in your life...eventhough you two weren't "meant to be"...



Attire Monitor
Originally posted by AnonymousPenguin

well then... this woman that you have such wonderful memories of....contributed to your growth....and maybe you're a better man because of her...be thankful for that....
maybe THAT was her purpose in your life...eventhough you two weren't "meant to be"...


I think we were "meant to be", and I even think she agrees, but we somehow managed to defy the natural laws of order.
That's why nothing has been right for me in that department since...

And where have you been young lady???



Be about it
Re: Okay...here's mine...

Originally posted by bknarw
Annette and I dated for four years.
She was most definitely my soul mate.
She and I were together in college and we were, as Forrest Gump would say..."like peas and carrots".
To this day our mutual friends say that they can't picture one of us without the other.
We were SO good for each other, in fact, that everyone called us "Goobers and Raisinettes"...and would yell it whenever we walked into a room together.
And GOD I loved that girl...with every ounce of my heart and soul.

Unfortunately, we were in college, and there were a lot of forces drawing at us at the time.
Couple that with the fact that I was a bit of an ### when it came to women, and Annette eventually started to get tired of me.
And even though I felt differently, I sometimes acted as though I had to be a tough guy and treat her like crap.
Finally, one day, Annette said she'd had enough.
I actually got on my knees and begged her not to leave me. I told her I'd change forever, but she didn't believe me.
I told her I'd quit fooling around on her and treating her badly, but she thought I'd already shown my true colors.
She never did come back to me, and to this day, I've never gotten over her.

Oddly enough, I DID change...and from that day on never treated a girlfriend badly. As a result, I'VE always been the "dump-ee".

Annette now lives not too far away. She's very happily married with a great husband and two kids.
And even though she loves them all dearly, she still calls me her "soul mate" when we get together once a year for lunch.
We laugh and talk like the old times, and we cry about what life may have had in store for us.

And I'm STILL not over her...

OMGosh, I'm totally tearing up over here. That is such a touching story. I do think it's great that you guys can get together and be honest about how things were, could have been - yet realize how things ARE. I have a couple like that (I'm over them, but they still hold really special places in my heart), and it's funny how certain songs make you think of someone or remind you of them. That's usually what brings on the thoughts for me!


Attire Monitor
Thanks, Lauren...that's nice...

At Christmas last year, we had lunch...and the tears were literally dripping into our food...

We shared a nice embrace, said "Merry Christmas", then went on our way.


Don't worry BK their will be another Anette. In fact I promise you that their willcme a day when you can't quite remember the details.


Be about it
Originally posted by bknarw
Thanks, Lauren...that's nice...

At Christmas last year, we had lunch...and the tears were literally dripping into our food...

We shared a nice embrace, said "Merry Christmas", then went on our way.

AAAAaawwwwwww, you're killin' me over here!!! Like a true blue Lifetime Movie....and I LUZZZZZZzz my Lifetime movies!!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by KBlues
Have you ever let a good one slip away and not know it until later? For example, did you ever go out with someone, decide not to see him/her anymore for whatever reason, and then a couple years later decide that you were a real bonehead for letting him/her go? I know I am rambling, and I apologize for it.

This is so very stupid, but I keep thinking about a guy that I used to date a while back. We broke up because I am an idiot, and now, I am thinking about him, and realizing what a great guy he was. He is now married with a house full of kids, so it's not like I really want him, but I just can't help thinking about it.

I sound like a 15 year old school girl, don't I?

Just got word yesterday... that an exgirlfriend of mine... that I hadn't seen nor heard from in 5 years... got married...
I was floored... It hit hard.

Sometimes I wish... I had fought harder for her when she fell in love with another guy... She was torn between the two of us... and I didn't even bother to fight for her. I figured if she couldn't pick just me without my help, she wasn't worth having.

She was worth having. I just didn't fight hard enough. I think about her a lot. But part of that might be because there's just been no one since.


Lead Penguin
Originally posted by bknarw

I think we were "meant to be", and I even think she agrees, but we somehow managed to defy the natural laws of order.
That's why nothing has been right for me in that department since...

And where have you been young lady???


I know that you feel you were "meant to be"... I just thought that I would give u another perspective to help you leave her in the past (since she's married and all) and move forward with your life... :ohwell:

I've been around...but don't get to check the forums much...work... :mad:

Miss all of u too!!!... :cheesy:


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by AnonymousPenguin

I know that you feel you were "meant to be"... I just thought that I would give u another perspective to help you leave her in the past (since she's married and all) and move forward with your life... :ohwell:

I've been around...but don't get to check the forums much...work... :mad:

Miss all of u too!!!... :cheesy:

I'm afraid it'll never happen.
I don't pout over her daily, but as I've found through numerious experiences, I let "the one" get away. It's like "Back to the Future".
I created a rift in the time/space continuum, and it's irreversible.
Fortunately, I've become quite accustomed to being alone...


Be about it
Re: Re: Have you ever...

Originally posted by sleuth14

Just got word yesterday... that an exgirlfriend of mine... that I hadn't seen nor heard from in 5 years... got married...
I was floored... It hit hard.

Sometimes I wish... I had fought harder for her when she fell in love with another guy... She was torn between the two of us... and I didn't even bother to fight for her. I figured if she couldn't pick just me without my help, she wasn't worth having.

She was worth having. I just didn't fight hard enough. I think about her a lot. But part of that might be because there's just been no one since.

AAwwww, that is something really hard to go through. Especially when you KNOW she was worth it and have regrets. Mine were mainly great guys, but I can think of reasons it 'may' not have worked, etc...

Another situation was when I found out my baby-daddy (LOL, had to throw that in there!!) was living with his girlfriend. I had a hard time with each step of their relationship, even though there's no way in hell I wanted to be with him. Sort of weird how some things work like that. I was happy in my own relationship, but somehow that whole 'closure process' took a while!


Be about it
Originally posted by bknarw

I'm afraid it'll never happen.
I don't pout over her daily, but as I've found through numerious experiences, I let "the one" get away. It's like "Back to the Future".
I created a rift in the time/space continuum, and it's irreversible.
Fortunately, I've become quite accustomed to being alone...

I try to think that all things are meant to be, but lots of times life doesn't seem like that - I guess it just helps to think of things that way. Even though some things make me sad or think of 'what might have been', I can find comfort in knowing there must have been some good reason that certain decisions were made back then. And if I get too pitiful, I simply :cheers: !! Haha!


You're all F'in Mad...
Re: Re: Have you ever...

Originally posted by sleuth14

Sometimes I wish... I had fought harder for her when she fell in love with another guy... She was torn between the two of us... and I didn't even bother to fight for her. I figured if she couldn't pick just me without my help, she wasn't worth having.

She was worth having. I just didn't fight hard enough. I think about her a lot. But part of that might be because there's just been no one since.

Dude - don't beat yourself up over this one. You -ABSOLUTELY- did the right thing. Your thinking was right-on at the time, and now is NO time to second-guess yourself. I admire the fact that you did it the right way, back then!

I'm not saying anything machismo here either. Most people let their hearts take over and wind up being some chicks (or guys) doormat, instead of allowing common sense to prevail. You didn't, and should be proud of yourself! No second guesses here!