Heard a Rumor


Well-Known Member
Noticed that the county is now posting the number of vaccines given.
Is this a good idea? Nice to see the vaccines are there but when the numbers rise, when will the call to lift restrictions rise?


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

Because all the masks being worn do not filter out any virus'. Besides, if masks really worked and this virus was ohhh sooooo deadly, there would be these canisters at every store, (Entrances, Exits, Restrooms, etc.), least they be fined or shut down. Can you image the niche market that could be created if they, our benevolent elected leaders, by edict or decree, said every store, (based on, of course, "CDC recommendations"), had to have them and a service to dispose of all those dirty infected COVID masks? Why unemployment would decline so much as to be news worthy.
The Lowes and Home Depot here have mask disposal buckets at their cart returns, I guess hoping to not have to clean them up out of the parking lot. They also have ash trays and trash cans in the parking lots, their lots are much cleaner than the California Lowes, also a lot less spilled paint in the lot.


If I may ...
If I may ...

The Lowes and Home Depot here have mask disposal buckets at their cart returns, I guess hoping to not have to clean them up out of the parking lot. They also have ash trays and trash cans in the parking lots, their lots are much cleaner than the California Lowes, also a lot less spilled paint in the lot.
Yes. But they were not forced to do so under threat of sanctions, fines, and possible shutdowns. This cannot not stand. These, they're, actions must come from orders at the highest levels of governmental incompetency. Where's my Rolodex? Shiat. Threw it out when I rid myself of the landline. Off to the internet wonderland for contact information. [Disclaimer: I am now heavily invested, hedged ten fold, on call options for a couple of certain manufactures] Don't tell anybody. Ok? I bet if I donate and spread some PAC dollars around, and 'Contribute' to some awesome, for the people congress critters, they'll put something like this into the current COVID relief bill! Whoo hoooo. I'll be rolling in the windfall!