heartburn during pregnancy


I had no heartburn with my first and he was born with no hair. Terrible heartburn with the second and he had a full head of hair...so I think the old wife's tale is pretty accurate. I couldn't drink water without getting heartburn...and ice cream definitely works!

Good luck tho!


Well-Known Member
in case anyone's wondering, i tried the zantac last night. worked like a charm. best night of sleep I've had in weeks!!! I didn't have to get up once for tums or rolaids!


New Member
I had terrible heartburn from about 20 weeks on in both my pregnancies. I slept in a recliner for the last few weeks of my pregnancy with my twins, it was so bad.

And none of my kids had much hair.


Well-Known Member
I just spoke with my mom...I asked if she had heartburn with me, and she said she had heartburn with all 3 kids. She said she thought it was just an old wive's tale. Oh, and she also said she used to get fussed at all the time when she was pregnant with my sister....they told her she was too active....and she'd strangle the baby if she kept reaching up into the kitchen cabinets and stuff. :lmao:


RIP Quinn
It sounds strange but papaya enzyme has been shown to be very effect against heartburn:

Papaya Fruit Herbal Supplement from Herbal Extracts Plus

I've used it for years and it's much better than relieving an upset tummy than Tums or the like for me.

:yeahthat: my neighbor takes dried papaya chunks for his heartburn..

I had terrible heartburn with my first and barely any with my second, and he was the one with tons of hair unlike the first. The only difference I can think of was I gained 60 lbs with my first and only 30 with the second.