HeHeHe Pull My Finger


New Member
Originally posted by huntr1

Guess who this finger belongs to.

WOW! That's NIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE. Almost looks real even :cool:


But wait, there's more...
Re: Re: HeHeHe Pull My Finger

Originally posted by tater
WOW! That's NIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE. Almost looks real even :cool:

yea, almost huh ... it sure sucks azz that you paid :gossip: for a CZ, huh? :bubble: :cool:


New Member
Re: Re: Re: HeHeHe Pull My Finger

Originally posted by crabcake
yea, almost huh ... it sure sucks azz that you paid :gossip: for a CZ, huh? :bubble: :cool:

CZ? :banghead: I thought it was moosanite! DAMN FLEABAY :whack:


But wait, there's more...
Re: Re: Re: Re: HeHeHe Pull My Finger

Originally posted by tater
CZ? :banghead: I thought it was moosanite! DAMN FLEABAY :whack:

so if it flips off my finger while crossing the river en route home and goes bouncing off into the water, it won't be a big deal, right? :bubble: