

New Member
Honestly, the VARF is a little lackluster. Ours is pretty awesome though, one of the biggest in the country and pretty well established. I love it there, you should check it out.

As for the sewwing, I've done some small projects before. Made arm arm warmer things back in highschool before they became the "in" thing(at which point I promptly stopped wearing them), I did a pillow in highschool as well. I'm pretty versed at hand stitching, but it just takes so damned long :( .

Yeah, I talked with the friend I went to the VARF with and he said he had heard that the MDRF was much better, and that he may be going. If he does, I'll probably go with him. I Googled the website and it looks 100x better.

Hand stitching is one of my weaknesses. I definitely need more practice with the difference kinds of stitches. Whenever I have to do hand stitching, it's on the few last steps that need to be completed to finish a project, so I normally don't do a very stellar job because I'm getting impatient having to spend so much time on it. I kind of wish you spent more time using the sewing machine... which is the relatively speedy part of sewing... at least compared to the amount of time you spend doing preparation and busy work like cutting out the pattern and fabric pieces, pinning, etc.


Yeah, I talked with the friend I went to the VARF with and he said he had heard that the MDRF was much better, and that he may be going. If he does, I'll probably go with him. I Googled the website and it looks 100x better.

Hand stitching is one of my weaknesses. I definitely need more practice with the difference kinds of stitches. Whenever I have to do hand stitching, it's on the few last steps that need to be completed to finish a project, so I normally don't do a very stellar job because I'm getting impatient having to spend so much time on it. I kind of wish you spent more time using the sewing machine... which is the relatively speedy part of sewing... at least compared to the amount of time you spend doing preparation and busy work like cutting out the pattern and fabric pieces, pinning, etc.

Unfortunately, up until I bought my machine, hand stitching was all I was able to do. But now I have my machine and just have to find the time and the energy to sew something again. I should be starting when my roomie finishes moving in this weekend. She's pretty well versed, and is going to be helping me along. Not to mention... she knows how to make her own patterns and such, so if there's an off the wall peice of garb I want, I don't have to go hunting down a pattern that is for something similar and altering it. I can just make her make it :D