Help for Drug Addiction


Anyone have any experience getting help for a loved one dealing with Drug addiction? Would be interested in hearing about any counseling or medical treatment that was helful.



24/7 Single Dad
Does the loved one want to stop?
If not kick them out of your house because you can't do a damed thing.
You can not love them clean

If they want help, start here
Walden Sierra


Does the loved one want to stop?
If not kick them out of your house because you can't do a damed thing.
You can not love them clean

If they want help, start here
Walden Sierra

Kicked out the house already. Walden was no help. The family is overwhelmed by the frustration and futility. We have been stymied by patient confidentiality from the medical community, and privacy rights from the legal side.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We have been stymied by patient confidentiality from the medical community, and privacy rights from the legal side.

If this person has broken the law, they don't fall under patient confidentiality. I believe that doctors must inform the police if they have knowledge of criminal activity.

That said, sometimes there's just nothing you can do. If the addict is a legal adult, you cannot force them to make better decisions - they have to want that. Don't beat yourself up because this is their choice, and not your fault.

You might consider a support group for family and friends of addicts - this will help you cope with things you *can* control. Walden would probably have information on that.


If this person has broken the law, they don't fall under patient confidentiality. I believe that doctors must inform the police if they have knowledge of criminal activity.

That said, sometimes there's just nothing you can do. If the addict is a legal adult, you cannot force them to make better decisions - they have to want that. Don't beat yourself up because this is their choice, and not your fault.

You might consider a support group for family and friends of addicts - this will help you cope with things you *can* control. Walden would probably have information on that.

Unfortunately, doctors do not inform the police. This person has gone to the ER on several occasions( as a result of overdose) and the blood toxicology report shows the amount of illegal substances in the system, yet nothing is done from a legal standpoint. The person was dismissed from Walden because of possesion of illegal substances upon admission and again the police are not called. Drug addicts know all the sanctuaries, that is how they maintain their dependence.


Dream Stealer
Unfortunately, doctors do not inform the police. This person has gone to the ER on several occasions( as a result of overdose) and the blood toxicology report shows the amount of illegal substances in the system, yet nothing is done from a legal standpoint. The person was dismissed from Walden because of possesion of illegal substances upon admission and again the police are not called. Drug addicts know all the sanctuaries, that is how they maintain their dependence.

True. We (when I worked in ER) would not call the police because a tox screen was positive. We do, however call if they have drugs ON their person. The best way to do it, imo, when they don't want help is to wait until you know they have drugs, then call the cops. The police have ways of compelling a person to get jail time hanging over their head. Walden only works if they want help...Then again..jail is not a threat to everyone, I have a close family member who I love very much that is a heroin addict. I am pretty much convinced nothing will make him stop sometimes you just can't do a damn thing.


24/7 Single Dad
No reason you can't call the sherrif when you know they're holding. It might help them realize their drug use is a problem


True. We (when I worked in ER) would not call the police because a tox screen was positive. We do, however call if they have drugs ON their person. The best way to do it, imo, when they don't want help is to wait until you know they have drugs, then call the cops. The police have ways of compelling a person to get jail time hanging over their head. Walden only works if they want help...Then again..jail is not a threat to everyone, I have a close family member who I love very much that is a heroin addict. I am pretty much convinced nothing will make him stop sometimes you just can't do a damn thing.

Some justice system we have. Having a bag in your pocket violates the law but having it in your system does not?


Well-Known Member
Some justice system we have. Having a bag in your pocket violates the law but having it in your system does not?

Is this person a minor? There may be ways to force them into treatment. An adult? If they don't want the help, forget it. You can't force an addict to get help, I've tried.


New Member
the family must not allow anymore contact with this person. addicts will not accept help until they are ready. my family took my kids, cut off all contact, refused to help me anymore. so with that I lost everything and was homeless for 3 months. on my own I got the help I needed and in 6 months I had my old job back a new home and most important I got my daughters back. i remarried a year later and I have been clean and sober now for 7 years. i am even starting classes soon to be a substance abuse counselor.
they have to hit their rock bottom before they even think about getting help. and believe me it is very hard for an addict to take that first step. It is scary as hell.
Being addicted to METH for 5 years took all I had and all I worked for and shamed my family. I bounced back better than I was before I had my addiction. If I can do it anyone can. There has to be a want for it.


Well-Known Member
the family must not allow anymore contact with this person. addicts will not accept help until they are ready. my family took my kids, cut off all contact, refused to help me anymore. so with that I lost everything and was homeless for 3 months. on my own I got the help I needed and in 6 months I had my old job back a new home and most important I got my daughters back. i remarried a year later and I have been clean and sober now for 7 years. i am even starting classes soon to be a substance abuse counselor.
they have to hit their rock bottom before they even think about getting help. and believe me it is very hard for an addict to take that first step. It is scary as hell.
Being addicted to METH for 5 years took all I had and all I worked for and shamed my family. I bounced back better than I was before I had my addiction. If I can do it anyone can. There has to be a want for it.

Congratulations on your sobriety! :yahoo:

Excellent post, I agree.


New Member
the family must not allow anymore contact with this person. addicts will not accept help until they are ready. my family took my kids, cut off all contact, refused to help me anymore. so with that I lost everything and was homeless for 3 months. on my own I got the help I needed and in 6 months I had my old job back a new home and most important I got my daughters back. i remarried a year later and I have been clean and sober now for 7 years. i am even starting classes soon to be a substance abuse counselor.
they have to hit their rock bottom before they even think about getting help. and believe me it is very hard for an addict to take that first step. It is scary as hell.
Being addicted to METH for 5 years took all I had and all I worked for and shamed my family. I bounced back better than I was before I had my addiction. If I can do it anyone can. There has to be a want for it.

Damn good job!


My mind is closed today

the family must not allow anymore contact with this person. addicts will not accept help until they are ready. my family took my kids, cut off all contact, refused to help me anymore. so with that I lost everything and was homeless for 3 months. on my own I got the help I needed and in 6 months I had my old job back a new home and most important I got my daughters back. i remarried a year later and I have been clean and sober now for 7 years. i am even starting classes soon to be a substance abuse counselor.
they have to hit their rock bottom before they even think about getting help. and believe me it is very hard for an addict to take that first step. It is scary as hell.
Being addicted to METH for 5 years took all I had and all I worked for and shamed my family. I bounced back better than I was before I had my addiction. If I can do it anyone can. There has to be a want for it.

Congratulations! Don't know you but I am PROUD of you!


the family must not allow anymore contact with this person. addicts will not accept help until they are ready. my family took my kids, cut off all contact, refused to help me anymore. so with that I lost everything and was homeless for 3 months. on my own I got the help I needed and in 6 months I had my old job back a new home and most important I got my daughters back. i remarried a year later and I have been clean and sober now for 7 years. i am even starting classes soon to be a substance abuse counselor.
they have to hit their rock bottom before they even think about getting help. and believe me it is very hard for an addict to take that first step. It is scary as hell.
Being addicted to METH for 5 years took all I had and all I worked for and shamed my family. I bounced back better than I was before I had my addiction. If I can do it anyone can. There has to be a want for it.
:huggy: Congratulations on your sobriety!


Congrats to you!

Congratulations on staying sober for 7 years. It is wonderful to hear of some success stories and that it is possible to get clean. So many of my friends (and family) are either dead, still using or in jail because they couldn't find the strength to get clean.

For the other person who is looking for help; you might want to read a book called Beautiful Boy. It's about a father's struggle to help his son get help for drug addiction. Wonderful book.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
the family must not allow anymore contact with this person. addicts will not accept help until they are ready. my family took my kids, cut off all contact, refused to help me anymore. so with that I lost everything and was homeless for 3 months. on my own I got the help I needed and in 6 months I had my old job back a new home and most important I got my daughters back. i remarried a year later and I have been clean and sober now for 7 years. i am even starting classes soon to be a substance abuse counselor.
they have to hit their rock bottom before they even think about getting help. and believe me it is very hard for an addict to take that first step. It is scary as hell.
Being addicted to METH for 5 years took all I had and all I worked for and shamed my family. I bounced back better than I was before I had my addiction. If I can do it anyone can. There has to be a want for it.


That was certainly tough for both you and your family and good for them that they had the courage to do what needed to be done. And you for realizing that your life could be something else and it wasn't too late. :yay:


Back in the saddle
the family must not allow anymore contact with this person. addicts will not accept help until they are ready. my family took my kids, cut off all contact, refused to help me anymore. so with that I lost everything and was homeless for 3 months. on my own I got the help I needed and in 6 months I had my old job back a new home and most important I got my daughters back. i remarried a year later and I have been clean and sober now for 7 years. i am even starting classes soon to be a substance abuse counselor.
they have to hit their rock bottom before they even think about getting help. and believe me it is very hard for an addict to take that first step. It is scary as hell.
Being addicted to METH for 5 years took all I had and all I worked for and shamed my family. I bounced back better than I was before I had my addiction. If I can do it anyone can. There has to be a want for it.


This post is very well stated. I'm proud of you that you finally found the courage to do right for yourself.

As said many times, you can lead a horse to water..... but you can't make him drink it. You can try your best to lead a person on the right path but that person has to want to do it. Maybe finding a support group for yourself will help. There are some out there, they are hard to find. You can call Waldens hotline for a list of groups in the county or do a google seach. I think there is a group for family members at St. Andrews Church but I don't remember the day or time.


New Member
It is very important that the family come together and decide as a family that enough is enough. No more enabling. My rock bottom was losing my children and my family altogether. Rock bottom is defined by the drug user. But cutting yourself off from the addict is step one for you and the addict. There is a huge sense of shame and loss when the addict realizes that his or her family is no longer willing to do anything for them. My mom and dad changed the locks on the door and that did it for me. I was no longer welcome in my parents home. At that moment I was in a state of panic, kinda like a small child who has gotten lost at the mall and can't find mom. It was a helpless, hopeless feeling. I got back in my car and just wept. I knew what I had to do and was ready to do it. I drove myself to a rehab center with nothing but what I was wearing and had no money at all. I just went and was admitted into treatment. My fist concern was how I was gonna pay for it. My worries were quickley gone when the nurse told me she called my dad. She told me my dad was taking care of it and she said my dad cried tears of joy because he knew I would be OK. I cry just thinking about it. Good luck and I know it's hard on family but together you have to take a stand against the addict. It's now or never!!!!