Help! Hair Falling Out!


New Member
I've been noticing lately that my hair has been falling out when I brush and wash it. I can run my fingers through my hair and have at least 10 strands in my hand. I'm only 30 years old. Any recommendations to stop it from falling out. Thanks!


Active Member
Have you changed your diet, given birth, had a fever of over 100, colored your hair, etc. Last year I had almost all my hair fall out because I had a fever of 103 for 3 weeks straight and the incompetent doctors of Saint Marys county couldn't figure out so they were testing me for diseases from Kenya becuase i spent 4 weeks. Come to findout it was my gallbladder and got it out on time as it was about to burst. Anywho, it ha taken me 1 year to get my hair to grow back i still have minor spots that are only noticeable when i mention it.


Well-Known Member
It's normal to lose about 100 strands per day. Is your hair longer? The longer your hair is, the more noticeable it is.


Well-Known Member
I've been noticing lately that my hair has been falling out when I brush and wash it. I can run my fingers through my hair and have at least 10 strands in my hand. I'm only 30 years old. Any recommendations to stop it from falling out. Thanks!

might want to get your thyroid levels checked. Always my first indicator that I need to up my dosage of Synthyroid when the hair falls out.


I wanna be a SMIB
Now that you all have told her whats causing it, How about telling her how to stop it. One word....ROGAINE. YW.