Mig, can I help you make stuff for your reunion? PLEASE???? I love doing this stuff. Cooking for 50 is, for me, much more fun - and a lot easier - than cooking for for three people.
Mig, can I help you make stuff for your reunion? PLEASE???? I love doing this stuff. Cooking for 50 is, for me, much more fun - and a lot easier - than cooking for for three people.
Mig, can I help you make stuff for your reunion? PLEASE???? I love doing this stuff. Cooking for 50 is, for me, much more fun - and a lot easier - than cooking for for three people.
Mig, can I help you make stuff for your reunion? PLEASE???? I love doing this stuff. Cooking for 50 is, for me, much more fun - and a lot easier - than cooking for for three people.
If you change your mind, just let me know.I love you.
I think with everybody's ideas, it's become much simpler than I was thinking at first.
We are going with smoked pulled pork. The Giant wants me to make different BBQ sauces and I can do that way in advance. That just leaves me making the pasta salad and coleslaw. I'm wavering between making dessert or just tossing out a bag of mixed fruit.
If you change your mind, just let me know.
And don't forget, the pulled pork idea was my idea. #imsosmart #lightbulbmoment #beentheredonethat
We are going with smoked pulled pork. The Giant wants me to make different BBQ sauces and I can do that way in advance. That just leaves me making the pasta salad and coleslaw. I'm wavering between making dessert or just tossing out a bag of mixed fruit.
You are missing your calling, I'm tellin' ya.