Help! Quick!

cattitude said:
Why don't you go get her and take a Premo upgrade for the trip?

I would if I could, but without a timewarp generator, it is not possible. Get off work at 3:00, go to Bethesda to pick up camp supplies from headquarters, then home hopefully by 5:30 so I can change into uniform and gather meeting supplies and head to District Commissioner meeting at 6 at church on rt. 4 by the bridge, then District Roundtable meeting at 7:30. If I am home by 9:30 I'll be REALLY surprised.


New Member
There is a shuttle that has gray vans and has flier in the name Sorry I can't remember the name exactly) that runs from BWI to National & Dulles. There's also SuperShuttle. I think one of those would be your best bet.


Where are my pants?
vraiblonde said:
They have already informed me that they will not be paying for ANYTHING and that I can piss up a rope.

If they lose customers because of their ineptitude, they'll just ask Bush for a financial bailout, that they will surely receive.

I've been flying AA for years and have only ever received the highest quality of customer service from them compared with other airlines. Sounds like you got the short end of a splintery stick.

Once you're home and comfortable, I think you should write one hell of a poison pen letter to their customer service department--include ticket stubs and names if you have them--and hopefully they'll try to make it right.


G-Diddy said:
There is a shuttle that has gray vans and has flier in the name Sorry I can't remember the name exactly) that runs from BWI to National & Dulles. There's also SuperShuttle. I think one of those would be your best bet.

I think you are talking about the Washington Flyer bus that goes from Dulles to the Metro...if so I don't think it goes to BWI. :shortbus:


I have to pick Grandma up at Reagan today at 2:55. What time are ya landing Vrai?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'M HOME!! :yahoo:

I could've kissed that shuttle guy! As it turns out, I wasn't dragging luggage - THEY made it to BWI last night. :mad:


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
What's the best way to get from Reagan airport to BWI? Shuttle? Metro? Rent a car?

Short version:

American Airlines stranded me in Chicago overnight. They will NOT be returning me to BWI, where my car is parked and where I was ticketed to return, but to Reagan. They claim they have no flights that go to BWI until Thursday, and I'm not staying in this outrageously expensive hotel room another day.

So what's the best way to get to BWI from Reagan? Any suggestions?
Yikes! We got stuck in Charlotte on the way home from our honeymoon a couple years ago, and AA gave us the option of flying to Reagan and paying for our shuttle, or putting us up in the hotel room of our choice, meal vouchers, and a flight to BWI the following morning. :yay: You definitely got hosed. :huggy: