

no one special
I really didn't want to do this. People in forums can be really horrible to people like myself that are different sometimes. No offense I don't really know any of you but I hope you don't make fun of me. I have a really crippling case of social anxiety and have a difficult time going out anywhere and feeling comfortable. Crowds of people make me sick to my stomach and my medication hasn't helped much. As a result I'm very solitary, people must think I'm pretty strange. I'm also very lonely. Anyway I wanted to know if there's some place I can go to meet people that suck at life like me. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you so much. Please don't make fun of me.


Football addict
avoidant said:
Anyway I wanted to know if there's some place I can go to meet people that suck at life like me.
For starters, don't be so down on yourself and depressive. People don't like that much.


New Member
Hi there,
I was told to tell you that you may perhaps like to try the library. The one in Leonardtown is small and not so crowded as the Lex. Park location.
I'd also suggest trying the art gallery or one of the small functions at St. Mary's College.

Are you taking Paxil? Or something else? I've never taken it but was told that it worked really well.
I understand where you are coming from, take a few small steps.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
avoidant said:
Anyway I wanted to know if there's some place I can go to meet people that suck at life like me.
You, my friend, have come to the right place :lol:

Welcome to the forums :howdy:


no one special
BuddyLee said:
For starters, don't be so down on yourself and depressive. People don't like that much.

I can't exactly stop myself from being depressive. I guess what I meant to say is that I don't have social skills. If I could be loud, silly and easy to understand I would be. People take a lot for granted.
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no one special
fttrsbeerwench said:
Hi there,
I was told to tell you that you may perhaps like to try the library. The one in Leonardtown is small and not so crowded as the Lex. Park location.
I'd also suggest trying the art gallery or one of the small functions at St. Mary's College.

Are you taking Paxil? Or something else? I've never taken it but was told that it worked really well.
I understand where you are coming from, take a few small steps.

thank you, i'm taking wellbutrin.


New Member
Secondly, change "no one special" to something like, "why yes, I AM all that!!"

I did take Wellbutrin for about three months and found helped my desire to smoke and eat sweets. Not so good for my extreme pregnancy hormones that caused me to cry for days and sleep once a week.

Maybe you're meds just aren't working for you.:shrug:


no one special
fttrsbeerwench said:
Secondly, change "no one special" to something like, "why yes, I AM all that!!"

I did take Wellbutrin for about three months and found helped my desire to smoke and eat sweets. Not so good for my extreme pregnancy hormones that caused me to cry for days and sleep once a week.

Maybe you're meds just aren't working for you.:shrug:

when i first started taking it i cried for two days


Also, if you put yourself down all the time, people will believe it and pile on. Just treat others as you wish to be treated. Try to act more positive.

As others have stated, start small. One step at a time. Go to some local art showings. Maybe put out a personal ad and get to know someone that way until you feel comfortable to meet.


Well-Known Member
avoidant said:
I really didn't want to do this. People in forums can be really horrible to people like myself that are different sometimes. No offense I don't really know any of you but I hope you don't make fun of me. I have a really crippling case of social anxiety and have a difficult time going out anywhere and feeling comfortable. Crowds of people make me sick to my stomach and my medication hasn't helped much. As a result I'm very solitary, people must think I'm pretty strange. I'm also very lonely. Anyway I wanted to know if there's some place I can go to meet people that suck at life like me. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you so much. Please don't make fun of me.

Consider this you're first step to recovery...if you had the guts posting here knowing how horribly mean forum peeps can be to others (especially this one) this seriously is an important step.


Good luck and be good to yourself.
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avoidant said:
I really didn't want to do this. People in forums can be really horrible to people like myself that are different sometimes. No offense I don't really know any of you but I hope you don't make fun of me. I have a really crippling case of social anxiety and have a difficult time going out anywhere and feeling comfortable. Crowds of people make me sick to my stomach and my medication hasn't helped much. As a result I'm very solitary, people must think I'm pretty strange. I'm also very lonely. Anyway I wanted to know if there's some place I can go to meet people that suck at life like me. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you so much. Please don't make fun of me.


b*tch rocket
Homesick said:
Consider this your first step to recovery...if you had the guts (knowing how people in this forum in particular) can be horribly mean to others, this seriously is an important step.


Good luck and be good to yourself.

:enabler: :ohwell:


Sleep Deprived
Homesick said:
Consider this you're first step to recovery...if you had the guts posting here knowing how horribly mean forum peeps can be to others (especially this one) this seriously is an important step.


Good luck and be good to yourself.

Take it slow. I think the library is a great idea.