

no one special
Christy said:
And I'm not sharing thank you veydy much. :drama: The ego is all mine. :neener:

Ego? I'm attractive and intelligent enough. It just feels like there's something missing or I'm too sensitive. I don't know.


no one special
Well thank you very much for all your help. I didn't mean to let you in on more then you cared to know about me.


avoidant said:
Ego? I'm attractive and intelligent enough. It just feels like there's something missing or I'm too sensitive. I don't know.
I think we always feel like there is something missing. That's normal.


Finishing last
Angel said:
Seriously, do any of us fit in anywhere? Not really. We are all unique and special in our own way. Do you have family you can talk to and relate to?

How about golf? Have you ever tried it? You don't have to like anybody and you don't have to impress anybody, just hit a little white ball and enjoy nature. It's great.

Golf!!!!! He's 23 not 65!!! J/K if you golf. :whistle:


In My Opinion
all age people golf
its just that at age 23 you go to a driving range and try to slice the ball over the fence and into a passing car window.

at 65 you try to hit the ball into a hole thats too deep for you to bend over and retrieve the ball from.


110 degrees and shivering
avoidant said:
really i try, i think my brain is broken though. it doesn't produce the chemicals or something.

You know what? It makes life alot easier, especially social situations, if you imagine everyone else running into brick walls and saying "I hate me".. Learn to be just down on yourself enough to get a laugh, if you have to be down. You're only 23, so you're within months of mine and somdmommy's ages, you're welcome to come hang with us some time (no :jeepin:, promise)it's easier to make friends if you know people that have them too. How long have you been in the area?

If you would like to find people that can make you #### yourself in a giggling fit, come hang out with some of the tards I work with. All good people, and all friendly, except to each other. We actually had a rochambeaux contest at my squadron yesterday.. hilarious! There's nothing like seeing two grown men solve their differences with a kick to the junk.
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abbey normal
avoidant said:
That's what it seems like. I don't talk to my family about it much. I've always been depressed. They're used to it. Golf? I'm not sure if I have time with work and everything. It's a good thought though. Thank you.
Your family probably loves you very much, they have probably tried to get you help for years, but nothing makes it better, they have no choice but to just try to get through daily life and make the best of it. My son was depressed all the time and we did medication and all the doctors and everything else I could think of, and nothing seemed to help, until one day he told me a story about how he was picked on at school and I just looked at him and said "I can't make it better for you, you have to fix your problems yourself" and now he looks back and realizes maybe it wasn't as bad as it felt at the time, I am not saying you are creating your terrible situation, there are true reasons for medications, but you can't expect a pill to fix everything you have to work on it too.