dems4 and krebs..
You know, you two can go round and round forever about Iraq right up until you are willing to face the truth: The world faces the current concerns and doubts about Hussein and Iraq because of the failure of one man to do his job; Bill Clinton.
Fact: In 1990, over 80 nations signed on to kick Iraq out of Kuwait including Russia, France and just about ALL his, Hussein’s, Arab neighbors. Neither Bush I or II nor Reagan nor Newt Gingritch nor Bob Ehrlich or any other GOP boogie man you may fancy today invaded Kuwait.
Part of the deal that was agreed on by ALL was that the goal was to kick him out. Not go to Baghdad. Not specifically kill him. Not regime change. Just, and simply, kick him out of Kuwait. The job was done, spectacularly, thoroughly and justly.
Neither of you (could I be wrong?) nor your party (except Gore and a handful of others) supported even that step back then UNTIL the bullets stopped flying so it is nothing short of laughable that anyone on your side even discusses "not doing the job right the first time". Ha.
Now, the US, having done the will of the world, along with all those many allies, Iraq then AGREED to specific actions including regular and unfettered inspections in regards to eliminating certain weapons, the famous ABC's.
Clinton didn't do the job. He let it go. This is self-evident. It is where we are. He is responsible for any coming Iraqi deaths. He is responsible for any coming US deaths. He is responsible for 9/11.
His abdication of leadership in making it clear to Iraq that they must do as they agreed, not just to US but to the WORLD, and in making it clear to terrorists after the first World Trade Center attack that we will do all we can to protect our citizens is the single and whole reason we face the troubles of today.
He makes Iraq hold up their end of the deal, no problem today.
He starts a worldwide manhunt for terrorists involved in the first World Trade Center attack and the US Embassies and the USS Cole, then the second World Trade Center attack and the taking of three thousand innocent peoples lives doesn't happen. We have no department of homeland security. We have no devastating impact on the world economy. Hell, we might even have a President Gore for real instead of the fantasy so many seem to believe in.
Don't take my word for it. It's all history. It's all fact.
Another thing that just kills me is that y'all, David Bonier and so many other squawking heads take Saddam Hussein’s word over the word of your President.
The reason why is that you don't believe any of what I just wrote. You don't believe Clinton failed us all, not in the slightest. In short, you don't believe the truth and, therefore, anything is possible.
So, by all means, continues to quibble with what our leadership wants to do in regards to Iraq. Just do it with the knowledge that absent one mans failure to do his job, we wouldn't even be having this debate.