Here Gore Goes Again


endangered species
Forget about presidents,

past or present. Repubs control everything now. Are they going to do the right thing?
Will the economy rebound?
Can we have a war and a good economy at the same time?
Will your sons or daughters be "detained" indefinitely with no charges?
Does democracy (or at least a democratic republic) still work?
Do you have any standards by which to measure the success of this government?
What if we don't attack Iraq?
Is John Poindexter an embarrasment to our government or a hero?

You realize, of course, that you guys will not have our former president, who presided over the largest peacetime expansion of the economy in history, to kick around for much longer. YOU ARE IN CHARGE. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MGKrebs
Perhaps because they make 95% of the money?
And who's fault is that? Theirs, because they happened to get an education or take advantage of opportunity? :bubble:


endangered species
Fer cryin out loud, Vrai!

It's not a matter of fault. If they make that much money, they should pay that much taxes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't see how anyone could possibly pay less than poor people. The question is "Why should people who have worked to make a life have to pay for people who don't?"


endangered species
"Why should people who have worked to make a life have to pay for people who don't?"

If you believe that everybody who is poor can find a job and be self sufficient throughout their entire lives, than we can end this right now, and agree to disagree.

If you believe that there are some people who may never be able to compete, especially under difficult times, then we have to talk about whether they should be supported or not.

If not, this of course means altering many community functions like law enforcement, health care, the justice system, and dealing with a significant homelss population. This would entail cutting off public health benefits, which would increase the rate of disease in our communities; arresting more vagrants, which would require building yet more prisons and hiring more cops and prison guards; clogging the courts with prosecutions of the unemployed, meaning more public defenders (can them too?), therefore probably letting the white collar criminals plea bargain more often. Hell, do away with the juries too; that's expensive. All of this leads to having these people die in prison rather than on the street (so we don't have to be hassled by them).

If we agree that some need help, then we must decide how many to support. So are we talking everybody that recieves any kind of welfare, or just the homeless?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sorry MG...

I wrote this last week while this iron was still hot...but ran out of time to proof it (and double check my argument) before posting it...Anyway...

This is picking up from you asking about a no-war scenarion...


I have a friend who keeps trying to tell me that Iraq has a legal claim to Kuwait, that it was stolen from them by the British. I tell him it doesn't matter. The rules today are ; Kuwait is an independent country. You mess with Kuwait, you mess with us.

Good for you. I opposed the war then, I oppose it now. I don't want my son dying for Kuwait or oil. Our only issue in the region is energy and germinating democracy and any step to help this region in regards to protecting our oil interests there is another step away from elimination of dependency on that region of the world.

I am going to refrain from talking about the alleged shortcomings of the last president to be elected by a majority of the citizens, because we've had that argument already.

I don't think Bush I (the last President to be elected by a majority, I assume you mean of those who voted) has all that many shortcomings. If you mean Bill, he got a minority once and 50% once, neither a majority.

Yes, Iraq agreed to certain conditions- with the UN. It was and is their deal. That is all I have been saying. I haven't been convinced that, for Bush, this is anything more than

Good. Then you understand my opposition, I yours. We have common ground. That doesn't change the fact, however, that if Clinton had done the damn job we still would not even be talking about this crap.

I may be wrong, but given the information that I have, those scenarios seem more likely than Iraq being an imminent threat or a terrorist source. I will admit that one big cause for doubt was removed when we did not attack right before the election. There was a time when it seemed all but certain we would go in there in October to me. Of course, the most cynical part of me says that the poll numbers must have looked good enough that they didn't feel they needed to do it.

I don't suppose you've ever played no limit poker before? You all seem to think that it is a daily miracle that Bush doesn't put his eye out with a fork.

I've never thought Clinton was as stupid as he seems to be, just that he chooses to do what he does because his focus is so narrow.

Gore, that's another matter. I truly think he was kicked in the head by a mule when he was young. Rather hard at that.

Does W just happen to get his way by, what, shear luck? One man (Dick Cheney, right?) truly runs the world? How, really, do you get around not thinking of him as one smart SOB?

I fully support going to the UN and lobbying for what we want. If we can convince them, fine. If we can't, I think the you have to ask the question, why? I know you will probably say that the UN does not have the US's best interests at heart, but I think that our interests must coincide with those of the rest of the world as much as possible, especially when it comes to killing.

Where do you get the idea that what we want is killing? So many people make the UN out to be the be all and end all. Well, Iraq is and has been violating UN approved resolutions, not US resolutions. The UN is being prodded by us to keep the UN a viable entity instead of a joke. Saddam merely needs to meet the demands of the world, disarm to a specified extent.

It is more accurate to say he wants killing.

Which is a great segue to...

So Larry, how will you feel if we don't attack Iraq? Is there any possible scenario for that?

Psst...don't let anybody else hear this, but, the idea is not to go to war. The idea is to get what we want: Stability in the region. Stability for democracy to eventually take root and grow, stability for energy because we aren't of one mind as to finding better ideas.

We don't get that, stability, with Saddam. He's a loon and you know it. Loons with big weapons are bad, sooner or later. He's already proven it.

The only way I can intellectually conceive of why so many on the left take Hussein’s word over their own damn President is simply because they don't like Bush. Childish to the max. And dangerous.

If we can scare him into doing pretty much what we want, then why isn't that OK? Use some imagination. Life is rarely all or nothing.

Don't let anyone know this either, but, people who think Bush is a raving, dumbass nutball cowboy looking for a fight actually serve a role (even though by supporting the President they'd make bad guys easier to deal with); it helps the illusion.

The "war", if any, will be just enough to get Hussein to do what he's gotta do per UN mandate. Ideally, there is none, IE, no war.

Two things I don't get: Why all the love for the UN when they tend to not do what they say they are gonna do and...

Why doesn't anyone seem to give a crap about the Iraqi people who, by all accounts, are suffering, opprossed and in fairly bad shape under Saddam?

It would just seem to me to make sense for the left to jump in and say, "hey, once the weapons and security issues are settled, let's do something for the people!"...


Our Presidents back to the second Reagan administration can have the mantle of guilt for 9/11 hung around their necks. Reagan started the approach of caring more about looking bad in the press than putting and keeping despots in their places, and Bush Sr. and Clinton followed suit. If Regan had stuck to his guns like he did with Libya, and Bush Sr and Clinton had followed that approach, 9/11 and all of the other related attacks would never have occurred.

Clinton a great leader? Can you name me one foreign policy victory that he had in eight years??? The only one that could even be considered would be his earlier Middle East initiatives, and his administration hijacked that deal from the Norwegians.


endangered species
Re: Sorry MG...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

You all seem to think that it is a daily miracle that Bush doesn't put his eye out with a fork.

We know that is not possible. Surely they don't let him have forks.
We ARE waiting for the rematch with the pretzel, however.





endangered species
Surely I am on Ashcrofts list by now.

Hello Mr. Poindexter if you are watching. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.