Hey Everyone!

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
Leelee said:
Your right , you are a nasty bastard, Jeez can't a girl even have a drink with a guy. What the he!! is wrong with you. :confused:
We've just started to get to know eachother. :cheers:


New Member
Fishn Guy said:
I'm blacker than bearshit. :lol:
Well you aint gettin none of dat blonde thang!! I showed her my pic & she called me an #######!! HMPH!! :drama:

Nice to meet a brudda on here!! :high5:


curiouser and curiouser
BuddyLee said:
Usually I'd take out the effort to look a new word up but this doppleganger...hmmm. What do I make of this?
This is the real definition:

"A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart."

But I was going for this:

"A dude that looks like you".

:lol: We took my brother out to eat (he's leaving on Sunday for bootcamp), and he's been growing his hair out. He cut it when he was visiting my dad, and he's back to looking like you. :lol:


Football addict
Nickel said:
This is the real definition:

"A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart."

But I was going for this:

"A dude that looks like you".

:lol: We took my brother out to eat (he's leaving on Sunday for bootcamp), and he's been growing his hair out. He cut it when he was visiting my dad, and he's back to looking like you. :lol:
Ah, I'll have to use that.


curiouser and curiouser
To the non-posting-in-this-thread person who just sent me karma (you know who you are :lol:)....you spelled my name wrong! :jet: :lmao:


Enjoying life!
Nickel said:
To the non-posting-in-this-thread person who just sent me karma (you know who you are :lol:)....you spelled my name wrong! :jet: :lmao:
Was that me? :ohwell: Oh, so sorry Nicole.


Enjoying life!
Leelee said:
Multiple Personality Disorder :confused:
That guy Penn, seems to be the only man on here that is a gentleman.
Yes, yes, talk to Penn. He will be you fountain of wisdom. You are new, but very astute...bravo!!