Hey Lexi, I was "profiled" this morning.


100% Goapele Head!
Toxick said:
Sure there is.

The explanation is: She doesn't know him. Based on what she saw he's a "biker". She probably doesn't know many bikers and people fear the unknown. Especially when the media paints bikers as hostile criminals.

Ignorant? Maybe.

Pete: I wouldn't take it personally. You know that if she knew you, she'd've fallen back with her legs up in the air.

I didin't know that the media did that. I only remember 80's movies talking about Hell's Angels but in today's society and in this area bikes are popular.

I had no explanation about why she did it because only she knows what is going through her mind. However, it's a given she locked it because of potential theft. She may have had stuff stolen from her car before but she should've locked it immediately.

It's also possible that Pete glanced in her car before he got on his bike. Not because he was looking to steal anything but just out of force of habit. On occasion I have glanced in people's cars when I am walking by especially if it's terribly cluttered or a dog is inside or possibly a person that I may smile at out of politeness because the windows down and they are RIGHT there in your face looking at you. Looking in a car is almost second nature for me and Pete. :razz:


LexiGirl75 said:
I didin't know that the media did that. I only remember 80's movies talking about Hell's Angels but in today's society and in this area bikes are popular.

I've never seen bikers painted positivley in the media.

They're usually portrayed as violent, leather-wearing, boozers.

Whether that's a negative thing is left as an exercise for the reader


100% Goapele Head!
Toxick said:
I've never seen bikers painted positivley in the media.

They're usually portrayed as violent, leather-wearing, boozers.

Whether that's a negative thing is left as an exercise for the reader

I must be honest and say that I don't see biker's in the media much at all. Only when there is something going on at the mall like a annual biker event or the bike fest in Myrtle Beach. None of which have been negatively portrayed (unless something happens at the event).

However, I think that bikers are now getting props because of the gas prices but even that is just a get-wit scheme from the media. You know the "it wasn't cool until it was beneficial" hoorah.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
I've never seen bikers painted positivley in the media.

They're usually portrayed as violent, leather-wearing, boozers.

Whether that's a negative thing is left as an exercise for the reader
Funny thing is, most of my recent experience with "bikers" has been that of all positive persuasion. Most don't drink, or don't drink and drive. Most are educated and have bikes as a second vehicle, therefore have good financial planning skills. Considering what they are up against on the road, using their head seems to be a must, which is usually not the first thing used in violent behavior.

My $.02 :shrug:


OK, here is my take

Toxick said:
Sure there is.

The explanation is: She doesn't know him. Based on what she saw he's a "biker". She probably doesn't know many bikers and people fear the unknown. Especially when the media paints bikers as hostile criminals.

Ignorant? Maybe.
Not ignorant at all. Every action a human takes is not premeditated. We do things subconsciously because we are coded to "self preserve". A kid might not even touch a hot stove but only be told "HOT! :nono:" that becomes subconsciously coded stove=dangerous/hurt/bad.

This woman did not know me. She probably didn't realize she was doing what she was doing. She got out and started in, glanced at me and it triggered the brain to make an alert; Black leather + motorcycle = dangerous. Her action was reflex and to "self preserve". Even people who hang around bikers are suspect of some of them, and the only experience many people get is when a bunch of scary looking guys on loud bikes wearing black ride by them on the road, or news paper articles about "Outlaws beating people to death" or "Hells Angels convicted of white slavery and drug distribution". The brain makes a calculated choice to "fear" because based on all it knows. Would she have locked her car if it was a Church bus? Maybe but I am betting probably not.

Toxick said:
But IMO it's even more ignorant to blithely wonder through life pretending to trust everyone (or even worse: actually trusting everyone) for the sake of political correctness.

Very true, I doubt the brains instinct to self preserve will even allow that. I am a big guy and very able to take care of myself. Knowing that and feeling very secure my heart quickens a tad in a dark parking lot when I encounter a stranger dressed "thuggish" or "disheveled".

Many people claim that "profiling" or "bigoted behavior" is conscious, I contend it is "instinctive self preservation triggers".

Toxick said:
I lock my car whenever I go in somewhere - If there happens to be bikers (or skinheads, or yakuza, any put-upon ethnic group) nearby, I don't much care if they think I'm locking it against them. I AM locking it against them - right along with everyone else. I'll be damned if I'm going to leave my stuff unguarded so that it looks like I'm a trusting, tolerant and enlightened.

Makes perfect sense. However in this case "I scared" this woman through my dress and mode of transportation. I could have a brightly colored riding suit, I chose what I have because it is protective and black is cheaper. I also chose my make of bike knowing full well that I could be mistaken by the average person as one of the "bad guys on bikes". But I am not so it does not bother me when someone locks their doors when I park next to them, I actually think it is funny.

Toxick said:
Pete: I wouldn't take it personally. You know that if she knew you, she'd've fallen back with her legs up in the air.
I agree totally.

In summary, I know my appearance was "similar" to the way some bad bikers dress. It is not that I wanted to look that way, it just happens that leather is the best protection and black is plentiful and cheaper. that being said I totally understand and took no offense at this chic getting spooked and locking her car.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Pete said:
In summary, I know my appearance was "similar" to the way some bad bikers dress. It is not that I wanted to look that way, it just happens that leather is the best protection and black is plentiful and cheaper. that being said I totally understand and took no offense at this chic getting spooked and locking her car.

You just like to look the bad boy type! :hot:


Now since I actually have no problem with this woman being a little freaked, lets apply my logic to the "other profiling".

If everyday we hear about violent behavior, drugs, shooting, knifing, gang wars and the picture on the screen is a "black male". Pretty soon, just like the child in my previous post about the hot stove, our brain becomes conditioned to equate thuggish looking black males as dangerous. Same is so with a middle eastern face on an airliner.

I do not feel that is wrong at all, as a matter of fact I think it is unconscious safety mechanism you have little control over. The brain heightens awareness, triggers adrenaline, causes feelings of fear.

I do not think it is so much the pigment of the skin as it is the manner of behavior and dress. I meet or pass by black people and middle eastern people all the time and never have the "danger" trigger go off. But when I stop in Wilmington for a pack of smokes, the baggy pants, nylon stocking on the head, 5 gold chain, crotch massaging, black guys milling around did.

Does this make me a bigot? I don't think so, it wasn't conscious. Does this guy have a right to be mad if I am visably leery? I don't think so either.