Hey War !!


Well-Known Member

Hit 30 minutes of cardio this morning before the crack of dawn...

Worked out after work

Hit another 45 minutes of cardio after the workout... :hot:

I'm ready for a 14 hour nap...


Well-Known Member

Hit 30 minutes of cardio this morning before the crack of dawn...

Worked out after work

Hit another 45 minutes of cardio after the workout... :hot:

I'm ready for a 14 hour nap...

Damn thats a lot of cardio:faint:

Good job War :huggy:

Keep up the good work!!!! only a few weeks left, you can do it :clap:
Hey War...

I heard something really goofy on the radio today... people use Preparation H on their skin to make them look more "buff"?

Apparently it takes the water out of the skin causing the skin to shrink to show more muscle definition...

:confused: Really?



Well-Known Member
I heard something really goofy on the radio today... people use Preparation H on their skin to make them look more "buff"?

Apparently it takes the water out of the skin causing the skin to shrink to show more muscle definition...

:confused: Really?


I missed this, sorry!

Yeah, I know a few people who tried this for bodybuilding shows and a girl who tried it for a figure competition (they literally lathered up their mid-section and then wrapped their stomachs in saran wrap before they went to bed). It seems totally bogus. The whole idea of stripping unwanted water away from the skin is caused by drinking an increased amount of water (that way your body flushes out more water).

Anyway, personally *I* wouldn't bother with it. I've tried some over the counter diuretics (Taraxatone, X-pel <sp?>) with minimal success. I'm actually going to try a new product starting tomorrow for a trial run to see what it does for me - give myself a base idea of what it *might* do. I'm pretty much against doing anything out of the norm right before because I don't know if it will have positive or negative results (ie - holding too much water kills my definition).


Well-Known Member

I decided to jump on the scale at the gym, and here's where I stand at 18 days out...
188.6lbs @ 7.1% bodyfat...

Last year, one day before the competition, I was...
186.5lbs @ 6.0% bodyfat...

We'll see how things go for the next 2.5 weeks!



I decided to jump on the scale at the gym, and here's where I stand at 18 days out...
188.6lbs @ 7.1% bodyfat...

Last year, one day before the competition, I was...
186.5lbs @ 6.0% bodyfat...

We'll see how things go for the next 2.5 weeks!

Man....you look good, and lean...You'll do fine.:yay:


Well-Known Member
Nerves will make more motivation.....I'll buy you 2 Wendy's Triple cheese's when your done...........:yay:.........:buddies:


I'm hoping for a reason to hit a nice place to get a steak (someone mentioned YellowFin but I don't think I'm going to get dressed up with all the tanning crap on me, blah)



I'm hoping for a reason to hit a nice place to get a steak (someone mentioned YellowFin but I don't think I'm going to get dressed up with all the tanning crap on me, blah)

Hell, I'll buy you a Porterhouse instead, cook it yourself, with steak fries...

Good luck on your event, if I don't see you before........


Well-Known Member
Hell, I'll buy you a Porterhouse instead, cook it yourself, with steak fries...

Good luck on your event, if I don't see you before........

Oooooh, with a glass of wine followed by a cigar...


Thank you very much for all the encouraging words (both on here and in the gym)... :buddies: