Hi..I'm Moondog Michaels..NEW Morning Host at WSMD Star 98.3

Moondog Michael

New Member
RoseRed said:
So where are you from? What other stations have you worked at? How long do you plan to stay? Where are you living?

I grew up in Ohio, I've worked all over the World (DJ's are Vagabonds) I just left CBS in San Fran (NO, I'm not Gay..not that there is anything wrong with it) I plan to stay as long as you folks will have me and I'm LOOKING for a Home to buy..

Also, I love to eat paste :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Moondog Michael said:
I grew up in Ohio, I've worked all over the World (DJ's are Vagabonds) I just left CBS in San Fran (NO, I'm not Gay..not that there is anything wrong with it) I plan to stay as long as you folks will have me and I'm LOOKING for a Home to buy..

Also, I love to eat paste :lmao:

What station? MMDad and I are both from the Bay Area.

KFOG Rocks! I still listen from time to time.


New Member
Moondog Michael said:
Now that you made your introduction, I suggest you leave the forums now and never look back.

We'll see you around, I'm sure. Welcome!