

I wanna be a SMIB
Im not speaking to the newbies. I said "HEY" to the last one and some ahole gave me red. Oh what the heck, "Hey there".:howdy:


In My Opinion
I still find it hard to believe. I actually had lunch with him. He felt real to me. :shrug:
You know Im just a tard bit slow but, work with me here.

Pete took you to lunch and you felt him up?

ummm,,, wanna have lunch one day?


New Member
i'm new. i've been reading for a bit and thought i'd finally join. some of you are funny! :)

When anyone posts "their" pic that looks just like it came out of Vogue or GQ magazine, it's an MPD.

If it has any news agency imprinted, it's an MPD.

If they get beligerent and defensive when called out, it's an MPD.

If they say "Hi, I'm new", it's an MPD.

If they ask what an MPD is, it's an MPD.

When you've noticed all of the above, think: azzy, starcat, kali, and about 94 more names.


In My Opinion
??? i did a search for mpd so i wouldn't have to ask but i'm still confused.

Its the filthy animals like that that are giving us good honest and caring (GHCs) posters a bad name in this cyber world.

now, if you are female, and not an MPD, please join in with the decent people here by posting a picture of your nekkid boobs.

thank you.


New Member
!!! masturbating deviant is fine but the pedophile is a no-no! my boobs are too big. i'd need a wide-angle lens for a pic. lol what is ghc?


In My Opinion
!!! masturbating deviant is fine but the pedophile is a no-no! my boobs are too big. i'd need a wide-angle lens for a pic. lol what is ghc?
GHC = Good, Honest and Caring.

thats what the majority of us are.. though, it is possible to be a GHCM we prefer not to know about the M.

unless you are a female and can provide pictures of you in the act of M.
Videos would even be better.

This request is not for me however, I am a GHC.
This is for the GHCDs that wish to attempt the lifestyle of the GHCDM.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
!!! masturbating deviant is fine but the pedophile is a no-no! my boobs are too big. i'd need a wide-angle lens for a pic. lol what is ghc?

So.... Now that you have my attention; H/b/k?

And because I feel like being half helpful today, here.
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