

My Sweetest Boy
odd coincidences

What's with all these people..inviting themselves into this board...then getting upset when they don't "get it." Hell, I've had people barf on me, call me kittbaby and other things for no apparent reason and I was a tad upset but I'm learning to play the game...which is really what this is, isn't it?

Another thought...a Sybill-like creature...(BK, Jrogers and Boo-Boo wound up in one..letters sure sound the same - although I did like BK character best).



Originally posted by jetmonkey
so money

Tell me how I can find the slightest bit of proper English here? How about you, Otter, where's the capitalization in your "banana" post (funny as it was)?
Hello, pot? Meet kettle.
Oh, and nice ghetto slang while you're at it jet. I guess it's tough being the token here, isn't it?


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by lilbooboo
How about you, Otter, where's the capitalization in your "banana" post (funny as it was)?

damn, booboo, someone as intellectual as you should have caught the eecummings connection..


My Sweetest Boy
Now you've done it!

Originally posted by lilbooboo

Tell me how I can find the slightest bit of proper English here? How about you, Otter, where's the capitalization in your "banana" post (funny as it was)?
Hello, pot? Meet kettle.
Oh, and nice ghetto slang while you're at it jet. I guess it's tough being the token here, isn't it?

:burning: :burning: Picking on Otter! Boy are you in big trouble!!:burning: Let's get him guys!!!


New Member
Originally posted by migtig

Okay let's :smooch: and make up. But ever make another "sexist" remark :spank: :whip:

Well I do have one more. How did you get into welding. Just neat to hear about a women that can Mig and Tig. I have the mig part down and just started working with tig.


Originally posted by otter

damn, booboo, someone as intellectual as you should have caught the eecummings connection..

See? I can respect that! That's funny!
You're all right Otter!!!


Originally posted by jetmonkey

Kiss my natural black a$$, illbooboo.
:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

Don't you think as the sole representative, you should avoid the ghetto terms and "kill" references, though?
You know, the Washington Bullets changed their name, you can change your habits.


One of the sinners
Originally posted by migtig

Nope, but fair warning you are starting to sound as judgemental as fireman there. I can voice an opinion without being pms ridden. Besides I'm on depro and haven't had a period or pms in over 3 years. Don't blame womankind for having their individual own point of view. For a man this is independence and a go-getter. For a woman this is a pms *itch? I don't think that's very fair - do you?

Well, considering I am a woman, I can make such a comment. And in another post I made the same remark you just did about for a man...etc. I did not mean naything by it, but to possibly lighten the mood. Now sue me if you wish, your progative, but I think such a remark as to PMS can be posted, when and if someone chooses. It was meant as a joke. If you can't see the little laughing smiley something's wrong somewhere.

And no that was not meant as a bitchy remark.


The Original Lilly
Originally posted by lilbooboo

Don't you think as the sole representative, you should avoid the ghetto terms and "kill" references, though?
You know, the Washington Bullets changed their name, you can change your habits.

Maybe he is allowed to be himself . . . whomever that is. Not to mention the fact that we all know when Jet is being sarcastic and actually appreciate his cynical sense of humor.

Don't be mad because you don't have the personality!

I think Catt has a point about some of the newbies being multiple personalities - but BK? I thought people on here knew him - which makes that unlikely . . .


Hairball Magnet
If I remember correctly, Boo, my first post to you was friendly and light-hearted – you responded to it with the slam about women only caring about $$ and to "make your own damn money"... so naturally, I came back at you with a smart-ass reply (and tried to put in the little smilies so you would actually REALIZE that it was smart-ass and meant for a laugh...) to which you responded with a decidedly immature, inaccurate, and long-winded post attempting to slam all SMIBs in GENERAL and several of us IN PARTICULAR...

So...who's being rude to whom?? You've only been on this BB for a day, and already you're making assumptions about my education (which, sorry to disappoint you, DOES include the poet ee cummings) AND making such ignorant and inflammatory statements (that you YOURSELF purport to dislike) such as, "it's no wonder you're a psycho magnet" (which was grossly incorrect – the term is "weirdo magnet"!)

Perhaps you should read the "hypocrites" thread....


Lead Penguin
multiple personalities

I so desperately tried to keep myself outta this one....

but...I failed...

I'm well aware that some of the 'oldies' have multiple personalities...

Jet must be my multiple personality... :lmao:


Originally posted by Sierra39
If I remember correctly, Boo, my first post to you was friendly and light-hearted – you responded to it with the slam about women only caring about $$ and to "make your own damn money"... so naturally, I came back at you with a smart-ass reply (and tried to put in the little smilies so you would actually REALIZE that it was smart-ass and meant for a laugh...) to which you responded with a decidedly immature, inaccurate, and long-winded post attempting to slam all SMIBs in GENERAL and several of us IN PARTICULAR...

So...who's being rude to whom?? You've only been on this BB for a day, and already you're making assumptions about my education (which, sorry to disappoint you, DOES include the poet ee cummings) AND making such ignorant and inflammatory statements (that you YOURSELF purport to dislike) such as, "it's no wonder you're a psycho magnet" (which was grossly incorrect – the term is "weirdo magnet"!)

Perhaps you should read the "hypocrites" thread....

You need to do some research. Go back and find where I said that. I never said that. You have me pegged wrongly. You really need to think before you hit that keyboard. I never said anything about making your own money and women only making your own damn money. I challenge you to prove it.
And for the latter, I apologize. Let me rephrase that. No wonder you're a weirdo magnet. In this case, it's similar poles that attract.
And if all of this upsets you, I have to again ask why? All I'm doing is showing thicker skin and sticking up for myself, which is precisely what everyone told me to do. However, you know as well as I do, that when you're new here, nothing is really right. You enjoy the "pack dog" mentality that you've shown so many others.
And at what point do you start wondering about yourself?


Originally posted by lilbooboo

You need to do some research. Go back and find where I said that. I never said that. You have me pegged wrongly. You really need to think before you hit that keyboard. I never said anything about making your own money and women only making your own damn money. I challenge you to prove it.

Oh, wait, this must be the message to which you refer (it's one page one):

Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Calvert County (PLUM POINT)
Posts: 27
Typical women.....................just wanting our money. Go make your own damn money.
So anxious to find something wrong you don't even know where you found it. What does that say about you?

And for the latter, I apologize. Let me rephrase that. No wonder you're a weirdo magnet. In this case, it's similar poles that attract.
And if all of this upsets you, I have to again ask why? All I'm doing is showing thicker skin and sticking up for myself, which is precisely what everyone told me to do. However, you know as well as I do, that when you're new here, nothing is really right. You enjoy the "pack dog" mentality that you've shown so many others.
And at what point do you start wondering about yourself?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Is your definition of SMIB the same as mine, Stupid Moron Impersonating a Bear? :lmao:


The Original Lilly
That was bad Ken . . . . I am so sorry and I applaud the effort but that was just . . . . so . . . . bad!