High Ankle Sprain/Leg Pain

dems4me said:
OK Thanks! If its still bothering me tomorrow, I'll get it checked out!! :huggy: I was just starting to save up money :banghead:

Thanks again!!! :huggy:

BTW, I'm not "at risk" for DVT, only sedentary job M-F and that's it... the rest I'm fine. :smile:

Thanks! :huggy:
dems, being sedentary 14 hours a day M-F is enough to allow the formation of DVT. We aren't joking with you. 3 of the 4 symptoms described from that one website alone match your symptoms.


Chasey_Lane said:
How difficult is it to come up with a $20 copay, assuming you have insurance? :smack:

I have to wait 90 days here with this firm before any benefits kick in. After that I'm worried insurance will say its pre-existing then have to wait 8 months.


dems4me said:
OK Thanks! If its still bothering me tomorrow, I'll get it checked out!! :huggy: I was just starting to save up money :banghead:

Thanks again!!! :huggy:

BTW, I'm not "at risk" for DVT, only sedentary job M-F and that's it... the rest I'm fine. :smile:

Thanks! :huggy:

My job was only sedentary for 8 hours a day. Sitting in an office chair is not the best for legs either. Why do you think people on long plane rides are at risk.

I was very active when this hit. I was biking 10 miles a day on trails, working with my horses in the afternoon, and so on.

ARE you always this stubborn when it comes to taking care of yourself properly?
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Katie said:
My job was only sedentary for 8 hours a day. I was very active when this hit. I was biking 10 miles a day on trails, working with my horses in the afternoon, and so on.

Ok Thanks everyone :flowers: If pain persists tomorrow I'm getting it checked, I've already informed admin. of this. On top of being out sick yesterday :barf: I'm not sure this flew well, but I am sedentary from 6:30am - 8:00-8:30 pm between 8.5 of work (without ot) and then 5 hours commuting. Thanks!


Salt Life
dems4me said:
I have to wait 90 days here with this firm before any benefits kick in. After that I'm worried insurance will say its pre-existing then have to wait 8 months.
Then wait your 90 days and QYB. :shrug:
dems4me said:
I just see the smoking and sedentary stuff, didn't see high blood pressure on there... is this something that's reoccurs in people? I'm trying to read this but everytime I pull it up admin walks around :banghead:
Dems, you have high blood pressure issues enough that it needs to be treated with medication. This alone should tell you you have cirulation issues. Poor circulation results in higher blood pressure. Yes, you getting reoccurring cases of this "mysterious pain" can be a sign of DVT. Blood clots could eventually break down on their own and that could be why it went away on it's own last time. However, blot clots can also suddenly grow into a massive clot or a blood clot or pieces of it could break away and get lodged elsewhere like your heart or lungs, causing a heart attack, or your brain, causing a stroke. If you do in fact have DVT issues and do not seek medical help, itsbob is right... you may in fact drop dead at some point.

As several have tried to tell you, we are not doctors. We do not know for a fact that it is DVT causing your pain. But you seem to be trivializing it when it could very well be something serious and life threatening.


wandering aimlessly
kwillia said:
Dems, you have high blood pressure issues enough that it needs to be treated with medication. This alone should tell you you have cirulation issues. Poor circulation results in higher blood pressure. Yes, you getting reoccurring cases of this "mysterious pain" can be a sign of DVT. Blood clots could eventually break down on their own and that could be why it went away on it's own last time. However, blot clots can also suddenly grow into a massive clot or a blood clot or pieces of it could break away and get lodged elsewhere like your heart or lungs, causing a heart attack, or your brain, causing a stroke. If you do in fact have DVT issues and do not seek medical help, itsbob is right... you may in fact drop dead at some point.

As several have tried to tell you, we are not doctors. We do not know for a fact that it is DVT causing your pain. But you seem to be trivializing it when it could very well be something serious and life threatening.


kwillia said:
Dems, you have high blood pressure issues enough that it needs to be treated with medication. This alone should tell you you have cirulation issues. Poor circulation results in higher blood pressure. Yes, you getting reoccurring cases of this "mysterious pain" can be a sign of DVT. Blood clots could eventually break down on their own and that could be why it went away on it's own last time. However, blot clots can also suddenly grow into a massive clot or a blood clot or pieces of it could break away and get lodged elsewhere like your heart or lungs, causing a heart attack, or your brain, causing a stroke. If you do in fact have DVT issues and do not seek medical help, itsbob is right... you may in fact drop dead at some point.

As several have tried to tell you, we are not doctors. We do not know for a fact that it is DVT causing your pain. But you seem to be trivializing it when it could very well be something serious and life threatening.

OK Thanks!!! Maybe that's what that bump is on my leg in the front, no pain, its just at the location of where it hurt the time before last when I had this... I thought it was scar tissue build up from a shin splint or somethign and it doesn't hurt when you push it. Everyone I asked said it was shin splints even though I don't run or walk alot, shin splings just didn't see like the culprit. Thanks for all y'all's help! :smile: I'll QYB and get this checked if pain persists tomorrow. :biggrin: I'm going out to lunch at Cosi's which is a bit of a walk, with some coworker friends here and maybe the walk will loosen the muscle up if its just a sprained muscle or something. I'll definately look into this! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


Katie said:

No, I just tend not to think the worst, but in honesty, I've had bad headache so for three weeks, throwign up for two days and yesterday my vision was completly cloudy on top of this leg pain ... so maybe it really is something I should look into... Sometimes I just need that extra "push" to get it checked out. I'm not big on doctors or health and feel short of death, you can get whatever you need over the counter :crazy: Thanks everyone for the push !! :huggy:
dems4me said:
No, I just tend not to think the worst, but in honesty, I've had bad headache so for three weeks, throwign up for two days and yesterday my vision was completly cloudy on top of this leg pain ...
Dems, are you still treating your high blood pressure or by chance did you decide to quit the docs and medication because of losing your insurance...:eyebrow:


kwillia said:
Dems, are you still treating your high blood pressure or by chance did you decide to quit the docs and medication because of losing your insurance...:eyebrow:
:yeahthat: Also, if you're on the pill and you're smoking AND your 35 or older, that increases your risk for blod clots, heart disease and stroke.


kwillia said:
Dems, are you still treating your high blood pressure or by chance did you decide to quit the docs and medication because of losing your insurance...:eyebrow:

:frown: You know me too well :banghead:
I quit drinking and only have one or two drinks a week if that... and my bp seems fine after I made that change last spring and lost some weight. I gradually took myself off, dr. was ok with it (months after the fact when I mentioned it) and said to keep it closely monitored though. :smile: BP as far as I know of is under control now :smile: A good thing! :smile: Havn't checked it lately though, maybe thats connected - will check when I get home. Thanks! :smile:


kwillia said:

:roflmao: Thanks! I'll post on here when I figure out what this is after I see dr. just for the future in case anyone else has these symptoms, although not doctors, it may help someone else in the future. :smile: Thanks K! :flowers: :huggy: