Dems, you have high blood pressure issues enough that it needs to be treated with medication. This alone should tell you you have cirulation issues. Poor circulation results in higher blood pressure. Yes, you getting reoccurring cases of this "mysterious pain" can be a sign of DVT. Blood clots could eventually break down on their own and that could be why it went away on it's own last time. However, blot clots can also suddenly grow into a massive clot or a blood clot or pieces of it could break away and get lodged elsewhere like your heart or lungs, causing a heart attack, or your brain, causing a stroke. If you do in fact have DVT issues and do not seek medical help, itsbob is right... you may in fact drop dead at some point.
As several have tried to tell you, we are not doctors. We do not know for a fact that it is DVT causing your pain. But you seem to be trivializing it when it could very well be something serious and life threatening.