Hillary veep?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hear me out!

She says "take me as veep or the questions about you continue and you lose".

He says "OK."

Then...a year or two in, they lower the boom! Scandal! He's not a US citizen! Out he goes. She finished his first and can run for two of her own!

You gotta understand; At the end of the day, all these people have ONE life to live and Hillary is 61 now and, if he wins, she can't likely challenge him in four years which means 2016 and it's not likely to have the same party three times in a row.

Either he loses now and she runs again in 2012, with only an iffy chance to win anyway OR she teams with him NOW, wins going away.

And gets rid of him.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
You think...

Oh Larry.

...I'm kidding?

Obama back stabbed his political mentor in the back to get into the Illinois state senate. His own people admit he would have had no chance if she'd been on the ballot. He challenged her petition, the very letter of the rules, which is EXACTLY what checking on HIS qualifications to be potus is.

You think he's the first one to do that, play dirty, play hard? The last?

There is a very good case to be made that this is Hillary's one and only shot at the Whitehouse, which I think can be said to be her life's dream. You think she isn't seething with how she ran her campaign, dying to have it to do over? You think having Barrack Obama DQ's because he doesn't meet the qualifications for the office is going to make her lose a wink of sleep?

Republicans aren't gonna do it for her and it's almost too late.

We'll see.


Habari Na Mijeldi
What if he gets in then makes a Signing Statement which allows a non citizen to be Prez?


Well-Known Member
Doubtful except for one reason:

Recent poll says as many as 21% of Hillary supporters say they'll vote for McCain and 51% will go for Obama. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it's a bit unusual for die-hard Clinton supporters to vote for a Republican - you'd think the percentage going for Obama would be closer to 80 or 90. With her on the ticket, they stand a good chance of bringing them back.

Still, Drudge claims she was never vetted. On the other hand, she doesn't really need to be.

We'll see, presumably, today. I'll say however, if he picks her, it means he's getting desperate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Doubtful except for one reason:

Recent poll says as many as 21% of Hillary supporters say they'll vote for McCain and 51% will go for Obama. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it's a bit unusual for die-hard Clinton supporters to vote for a Republican - you'd think the percentage going for Obama would be closer to 80 or 90. With her on the ticket, they stand a good chance of bringing them back.

Still, Drudge claims she was never vetted. On the other hand, she doesn't really need to be.

We'll see, presumably, today. I'll say however, if he picks her, it means he's getting desperate.

...I know, personally, several Democrats who really wanted Hillary who say they will NOT vote for him and say they WILL vote for McCain over him. I know a couple more that don't like either of them but are OK with McCain.
I also know plenty of Democrats that want Obama.

I also know plenty of GOP'ers who wouldn't vote for McCain if Ronald Reagan were his veep. :lol:

Obama is DOOMED.


Went home to Pa recently and what I thought was predominately Democratic. My family and just about everyone I know up there votes Democrat (I'm so ashamed). Anyway, they're all voting McCain much to my surprise. On the bright side, if Obama wins, by 2012 everyone will be so sick of the Democrats in office that won't want another. So Hillary won't have a chance in 2012. :lol:


I bowl overhand
Went home to Pa recently and what I thought was predominately Democratic. My family and just about everyone I know up there votes Democrat (I'm so ashamed). Anyway, they're all voting McCain much to my surprise. On the bright side, if Obama wins, by 2012 everyone will be so sick of the Democrats in office that won't want another. So Hillary won't have a chance in 2012. :lol:

McCain, the lesser of two democrats??


Larry has some interesting points..and I agree with him.
I doubt either Obama or McCain will last the full 4 years...
So my vote will be for the VP they choose as I can not find a reason to vote for the V to be...
I know others feel the same way based on discussions on line and face to face w/ friends..both Democrats and Republicans.
So perhaps many others will vote the VP ticket too.......
It will be interesting to see who Obama chooses for his VP....


New Member
I thnk a lot of people will vote for the VP ticket.

I do doubt Hillary would use the old birth certificate route to the White House. More she wil use the Vince Foster suicide Route. If Hillary is VP , Obama better get a food taster.
That would make a good job for Kerad.


New Member
"Hillary is the VP pick" talk has been the trendy "surprise" pick the past couple weeks. ESPECIALLY this week.

I can obviously see why he wouldn't want anything to do with her as VP. And I can also see why he would pick her.

If he does pick her...he might as well start packing for D.C. right after the convention.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

"Hillary is the VP pick" talk has been the trendy "surprise" pick the past couple weeks. ESPECIALLY this week.

I can obviously see why he wouldn't want anything to do with her as VP. And I can also see why he would pick her.

If he does pick her...he might as well start packing for D.C. right after the convention.

...and how important is winning?

JFK and LBJ is the closest example, I think, of what we have here; A young, charming, woefully inadequate noob needing the weight of the more experienced and also popular elder to win. LBJ was profoundly difficult for Kennedy to accept.

I think you are correct; If it's her, they're on their way to the WH.