Hillary's messy history


Well-Known Member
This is from Worldnetdaily...but it is a scary investigation of years of manipulation, misue of the IRS, break-ins, pardons, cronys, and harrassment. The saddest factor is that the US public has such a short memory. This needs to be put on Billboards with simple direct questions like:

"What was travelgate?"
"Why did those two boys die on the tracks near Meno airport?"
"Vince Foster...7/1993 suicide?...Look at the facts."

Anyway...this is a long read but it should send a chill down the backs of anyone who watches politics. Blogs will be hit hard if Hillary gets elected.
Fox will be hammered and there will be a lot of "accidents."



New Member
Wow, it amazes me the lengths at which the right will go to discredit/smear the Clinton's. It's just as bad as the lengths at which the left will go to discredit/smear the Bushes.

This crap is just like the accusations by some liberals that Bush stole the 2004 Election by paying off Diebold, or that Bush's family is tied to the Nazi's, or that Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen and decided to allow it to anyway.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

rraley said:
Wow, it amazes me the lengths at which the right will go to discredit/smear the Clinton's. It's just as bad as the lengths at which the left will go to discredit/smear the Bushes.

This crap is just like the accusations by some liberals that Bush stole the 2004 Election by paying off Diebold, or that Bush's family is tied to the Nazi's, or that Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen and decided to allow it to anyway.

...if Hillary runs (and thus my $1 from Mr. Bruz) you will see an endless rehashing of unanswered, legitimate questions that will turn your stomach. Bill 'n Hill were some rather petty and mean people.

You can equate it to flights of fancy over stolen elections as you see fit but Hill has a hill to climb is she wants to be Prez. And it's of her own making.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...if Hillary runs (and thus my $1 from Mr. Bruz) you will see an endless rehashing of unanswered, legitimate questions that will turn your stomach. Bill 'n Hill were some rather petty and mean people.

You can equate it to flights of fancy over stolen elections as you see fit but Hill has a hill to climb is she wants to be Prez. And it's of her own making.

So be it, but most of the allegations against the Clinton's are completely baseless, end of story.

There is a reason that Ken Starr's final report didn't indict Clinton on Travelgate, Whitwater, or Vince Foster...there IS nothing legitimate that could finger them on those issues.

If you have problems with the Clinton's (which most, if not all, the right does), then oppose their ideas, but this classless personal destruction is complete BS. It's just like the complete BS known as the left's way of opposing Bush.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

There is a reason that Ken Starr's final report didn't indict Clinton on Travelgate, Whitwater, or Vince Foster...there IS nothing legitimate that could finger them on those issues.

Let's just stop. right here. If you have refused, as you grew to adulthood, to digest the fact that the McDougals spent time in jail, him dying there, because they REFUSED to anwser questions about the Clintons and if you haven't educated yourself about the 75 foreign nationals who pleaded the 5th before congressional inquiries as to allegations about the Clintons and then FLED the county, ALL OF THM, then let us not waste on more second.

Nevermind the rest of ther flood from Billy Dale to the Rose law firm records to Web Hubbel to Lippo and on and on.

Just put your seatbelt on if she runs. It'll make Kerry's aversion to the truth about his Viet Nam service seem like simple battle fatigue.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know...

...you're right.

All that stuff was OBVIOUSLY made up out of thin air. It's horrible what people get accussed of these days, for no reason, none, whatsoever.

Good old Jim and Susan. Why, they'd rather rot in prison till hell freezes over than answer some loaded questions about their Angelic pals. Same with Good Old Governor Jim Guy. Kept his mouth shut too. Nothing better than good, good friends!

Nobody ever paid a dime to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. I wouldn't believe it if I seen a reciept! Loral didn't ship no missile tech to no Chinese people in exchange for that $600,000. No sir. Billy Dale, liar. Charlie Trie, Johnny Chung, figments, spectres of GOP imagination. There wasn't anything removed from Vinces office the day he died. Nope. Secret Service, damn liars there boy. Weren't no supeona'd Rose records just show'd up out of thin air. Nope. FBI records? Accident. Honest mistake!

Well, I just gotta go down the laundry list and it becomes clearer and clearer-er. All made up. VRWC. Hooey. Hokum.

Why, the world would just simply be a better place if we all had the morals and values of Bill and Hillary Clinton!

Thanks, RR, I'm starting to see the light! I feel free!


New Member
Larry, we hadn't discussed the Lincoln bedroom...in regards to Travelgate, Whitewater, and Vince Foster, the right's claims are bogus and based on shady journalism known as Matt Drudge.


This Space for Rent
rraley said:
Larry, we hadn't discussed the Lincoln bedroom...in regards to Travelgate, Whitewater, and Vince Foster, the right's claims are bogus and based on shady journalism known as Matt Drudge.

Drudge didn't get his bang until Monica. Thats what made him what he is.

Whitewater predates him along with most of the other truely abhorrent Clinton scandals.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What are...

rraley said:
Larry, we hadn't discussed the Lincoln bedroom...in regards to Travelgate, Whitewater, and Vince Foster, the right's claims are bogus and based on shady journalism known as Matt Drudge.

...'THE RIGHTS CLAIMS"? Some sort of scroll or war plan?

I was told by the media that the Lincoln bedroom was rented out by the Whitehouse, for money paid to the DNC. This was never done before, as I've been told.

I was told that Billy Dale was fired at Hillary's behest so that the travel biz could be run by his and her friends. I was told they alleged crime on his part to fake it kosher and even had the FBI and IRS dig into his affairs. I was told it cost him $100's of thousands of dollars to defend himself from charges that were decided in his favor in mere minutes. I can't imagine the weight of the President of the US coming after you is simply an issue of economics.

I was told that the McDougals had partners in Whitewater, Bill and Hillary, and that a savings and loan, like 100's of others in other towns acroaa America abused by other people, lost big time to shady real estate dealing.

I was told by the media that there are all manner of suspicious goings on in regards to Vince Fosters death. We were all told this long before Ken Star or any vast conspiracy or Matt Drudge got ahold of it.

It's all gone by by. Are these the claims of the 'right'?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
Drudge didn't get his bang until Monica. Thats what made him what he is.
And he only got it because Newsweek sat on the story and refused to run it. Michael Isikoff was the investigative reporter on that, not Drudge.

But it's okay, Raley - you can say it's all Drudge or Rush or whoever's fault all you want. It's still not a dog. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
Larry...I must ask..

How many of those incidents & scandals can you recount from memory?

The reason I ask is that those events are 8-10-20 years old and that collective mindset of the media and our yoots is "If it didn't happen in the last 5 minutes...it doesn't matter."

Thus my pensive question: Will the American people give an ear to this laundry list of intimidation & abuse of power or will they say like rraley that its all a VRWC? It would appear that Kerry's long past likely crippled him but will Hillary's????

I read about a convention of young republicans (can't remember Reagan!) that were thrilled with the idea of a Hillary run: They think she will look like Marley with his 20 years of chains dragging behind.
I do not have that optimism....I doubt enough Americans have a decent memory....however a portion have an intellectual curiousity so it needs to be stimulated with sound bite teasers...

"Who is Billy Dale and why was he ruined?"


New Member
Republicans will yell this stuff as loud as possible if Hillary runs, but the typical American voter will probably see it come down to this...

Should I vote against someone because everyone who opposes her says that she and her husband have done just about everything from authorize a man's murder to kick a puppy or vote for that person because she has a better health care, education, and taxation plan?

In my case, I'm going with the latter. Some may be misguided enough to go with the first one...so this is what I suggest...send out more chain emails; no one questions their validity anyway.


Well-Known Member
I just remembered...

Hillary was also with the Anti-establishment, anti Viet Nam and Anti Military crowd. She MUST have had her sentiments published or taped. This will be a treasure trove of hypocrisy & posturing as it is compared with her recent "support the troops" facade.
This will cripple her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
Thus my pensive question: Will the American people give an ear to this laundry list of intimidation & abuse of power or will they say like rraley that its all a VRWC? It would appear that Kerry's long past likely crippled him but will Hillary's????
Only the ideologues and yellow dogs will vote for Hillary. Even if they're not up on their not-so-current events, most moderates and those with merely a nodding acquaintance with history get a bad taste in their mouths when Hillary's name comes up. They may not know why, but they know she rubs them the wrong way.

The smart ones will do a little research and refresh their memories. The dumb ones will be just like the dumb liberals - "I'm not/voting for Hillary Clinton." Why? "Cuz..."

Nobody wants an angry President and Hillary comes across as an angry broad. Look at Bill Clinton - may have been seething but only showed vague annoyance with moderated tones and neutral facial expressions. George Bush - stern, terse at times, but never angry. Ronald Reagan - couldn't have been more congenial and good-natured.

Howard Dean - angry ALL the time
Al Gore - angry
John Kerry - not only angry, but condescending and snide. Not to mention is angry wife.

Nobody votes for angry. At least not enough to make them President.
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New Member
This begs a question...why does someone's history so drastically preclude them from leadership when positions on issues don't?

Seriously, why can't this nation have a debate about real issues and real values, and not about which candidate's history is less bad?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Seriously, why can't this nation have a debate about real issues and real values, and not about which candidate's history is less bad?
Because we're stupid and don't KNOW anything about the issues to even have a reasonable discussion on them, much less vote on them. People vote for whoever looks best and comes across best. I swear it's true - I'm an advertising person and I know these things.

Bill Clinton's indiscretions should have killed him at the polls in '92. My cat should have been able to beat him in an election. But you stand him next to Big Bush, with his patrician looks and way of talking, and it was no contest. Ronald Reagan would have done a clean sweep on Clinton, but Bush didn't have the look or the manner.

Hillary would have to go against Vince McMahon to win. She must look composed and collected at all times. She must manage to paste a neutral expression on her face and keep her voice low and pleasant when she wants to rip someone's throat out. Unless she gets some serious coaching and practices until her eyes fall out, she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.


New Member
vrai, I didn't ask about why we choose style over substance. I asked why we choose a candidate's history, often based on the other side's distortions, over the real things that matter like health care, the economy, international security.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
I asked why we choose a candidate's history, often based on the other side's distortions, over the real things that matter like health care, the economy, international security.
And I told you - because we're not smart or interested enough to know or care about the issues. We want the dirt.

Plus, history predicts future. You look at a person's past deeds to see through whatever bullcrap they're trying to reinvent themselves as now.