Larry Gude said:
Nevermind the rest of ther flood from Billy Dale to the Rose law firm records to Web Hubbel to Lippo and on and on.
Just put your seatbelt on if she runs. It'll make Kerry's aversion to the truth about his Viet Nam service seem like simple battle fatigue.
In defense - albeit briefly - of rr - I tend to shudder at some of the more outrageous crap that gets bandied about regarding the Clintons' I remember the "Clinton Body Count" some years back, only to find a large portion of the entire list to be utterly discredited and easily disproven. I mean, I wanted to believe it was true, told people about it - and had to retract when simple facts - like the actual names of people misspelled or wrong - made me realize it was a hatchet job, and a BAD one at that.
I've never been at ease with what happened to Vince Foster - I've never been able to figure how a man can kill himself over what apparently was no scandal whatsoever - or that a man can commit suicide by driving off into the woods where his body wasn't extremely likely to be found. I'm not a profiler, but people commit suicides at HOME, unless they jump off a bridge or something - they do want their bodies to be FOUND. There's just no way I can believe his death was suicide. On the other hand, IF there was a smoking gun with respect to the Clintons, Ken Starr would certainly have found it; instead he exonerates them of wrongdoing. And I understand that he was a childhood friend of one of the Clintons - I don't think even Stalin could kill a friend from childhood. The worst I'm able to believe is that someone killed him, and the Clintons covered up the mess.
You know the old journalism saw - "get it first, but first, get it *RIGHT*"? That's how I feel about some of the more lurid stuff about the Clintons. Nearly everyone of my relatives believes some of the most ridiculous stuff about Bush - many of them are into the "Bush PLANNED 9/11 for his dirty war" story - AND they believe the "No plane hit the Pentagon" story, hook, line and sinker.
Frankly, it's embarassing. These relatives are educated professionals with advanced degrees - they're smart enough to know better, but utterly blinded by partisanship.
I *NEVER* - NEVER - want to be like that. Which means that if lurid crap is out there about someone I don't like, I want to be DAMNED sure it's right before I even pretend to acknowledge it.
Because I've seen it before.
Does anyone remember, right after Clinton was elected, how nasty stuff was, in the press, the radio, the right? And the refrain came back - "where did all this come from? why are they so mean?". Even Dan Quayle responded to this DURING the debates - this ridiculous assertion that the Democrats were NICE to the Republicans prior to that campaign. Quayle quipped - "has **ANYONE** read my press for the past FOUR YEARS??". Yeah. Riiiiiight. 12 years of hearing how Reagan starved little children, would end the world, of how Bush Sr. was a wimp - yeah, you got it. The Dems were just sweet 'lil angels. I remember thinking damn, they have short memories.
Shoe's on the other foot. The ONE thing I don't want to forget is how many lurid stories have come out against Kerry, and Hillary and Bill - and had to go to Snopes and find out it was all a pile o' crap.
I've always detested Bill. I didn't like him when he was behind in the polls in '92, and he has never failed to bring politics down to the lowest level I could stomach - only to go lower. Even liberal friends I've had, from OUTSIDE the U.S. have told me, they felt he was an embarassment - even though they AGREED with his political positions.