hockey's back!!


mv = margaritaville
thakidistight said:
Most of the greats arent generally know for fighting, they will USUALLY try not to fight too much. Now the big defenders and enforcers will fight to the teeth, but they arent usually known as GREATS...Did you ever hear of Bondra or Gretzky being known as fighters? no. :shutup:

No i am not saying everyone who plays fights.
Its kinda like baseball, it used to be about the game, now its who can do it bigger and better....
mv_princess said:
No i am not saying everyone who plays fights.
Its kinda like baseball, it used to be about the game, now its who can do it bigger and better....

Hockey has ALWAYS been about the game, and part of that game is the violence and the fighting. Watch some NHL calssics some day, even back then thats what it was. Thats part of the reason people like to watch it. You've never lived unless you have seen a game stop so the blood on the ice had a chance to freeze so they could clean it off :boxing:


mv = margaritaville
thakidistight said:
You must not be a true have to be fanatic about one team and truly hate another to be a real fan... :razz:

Oh now i didnt say that, I just didnt want to hurt anyone's feelings. I am a Sabers fan all the way...
But i have a lil Red Wing spirit in me!
mv_princess said:
Oh now i didnt say that, I just didnt want to hurt anyone's feelings. I am a Sabers fan all the way...
But i have a lil Red Wing spirit in me!

NOOOO not the REDWINGS!!!!
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mv_princess said:
Yeah! you could be jelous because we won more Cups than you! :razz:

No way.....this year when the Caps whoop up on the Wings, I will be there in the arena painted up in blue and gold actin a fool, with a big sign on the jumbo-tron that says "Told Ya So Princess"!!!!!!!


mv = margaritaville
thakidistight said:
No way.....this year when the Caps whoop up on the Wings, I will be there in the arena painted up in blue and gold actin a fool, with a big sign on the jumbo-tron that says "Told Ya So Princess"!!!!!!!

hahahahahaha, ok, i will be sittin next to ya with the sign that reads " Not in this life time" hahahaha :lmao:
mv_princess said:
hhmm, ok i will be rich then...
In your dreams....Should I call my bank and tell them to get ready for a large deposit?....I think I will take it all in one dollar bills...and I dont accept personal checks


I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I remember when Baseball went on strike (mid 80's?) and they shut down the league for a while. Before that, I was a big baseball fan. I went to many Oriole games, and I watched it on TV, and I collected baseball cards, and I knew all the stats, and I played baseball in school - the whole 9 yards.

And when the strike ended, I discovered that I didn't give a tiny rat's ass.

The ONLY game I've watched in its entirety since that strike was the game where Cal Ripken beat Gehrig's iron-man record. I expect that'll probably be the last game I ever watch all the way through, except for my sons' little league games, and in school if he chooses to play.

Now, I loved hockey more than I ever loved baseball (although I wasn't as up on the players and stats as I was with baseball, and I dont collect hockey cards or memorabilia), and I felt a little tingle of anticipation when I read the article.

Still, I'm not sure if I'm going to be as gung-ho about hockey as I used to be, or if I'll just stop watching.

If I do end up getting back into hockey, I will remain, forever, a Washington Capitals fan, and I will try to attend every game they play against the Coyotes.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

and I felt a little tingle of anticipation when I read the article.

This is the sad, for me, truth: I didn't. It was as though I'd read the plumber finally unclogged the toilet. Whippee.

Maybe it'll come back but, right now...

The bright side: We all got introduced to Texas Hold 'Em

canuk woman

i'm so glad that hockey is back i think i'm gonna puke (sorry i went a little "Wayne's World" there)