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It's not that kind of world.....
Nope.... Not when people don't care.
Nope.... Not when people don't care.
fttrsbeerwench said:It's not that kind of world.....
Nope.... Not when people don't care.
aosmiles said:Victims become survivors. It is a mindset change. A person has to decide whether to stay a victim or become a survivor. I have been both. I have seen both traits. You can be victimized, but honestly, you can move from that place of fear and hopelessness to a state of "I am not going to let this event (whatever it may be) steal my joy, my life and my future". Good for you migtig! Not only did you fight back but you also moved on. Ignorant people say a lot of dumb things about a lot of stuff they know nothing about. You are not one of them.
kwillia said:Oh wait... that would be considered CRUEL & UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT ...
The Supreme Court opened the door Monday to new constitutional challenges to lethal injection, the method used by most states and the federal government to execute death row inmates.
In an unanimous decision, the court allowed those condemned to die to make last-minute claims that the chemicals used are too painful — and therefore amount to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment.
vraiblonde said:Not to be unsympathetic, but women who get drunk and pass out in an isolated area are asking for trouble and can't be too surprised when they find it.
She said she walked to the beach early Wednesday morning to relax and meditate, as she has routinely done for the past year since moving to the area.
But that night she fell asleep next to a lifeguard stand, as she's done many times before, she said.
She said many of the comments speculated that she was drunk or homeless, but she said she was neither.
Chain729 said:Let's try an analogy:
I turn the stove on. I consciously stick my hand on the stove, thus burning the crap out of it. If I walk over to you and show you my burnt hand, are you going to have sympathy for me? Seeing as how my hand is burnt from my own stupidity, I'd hope not.
Now, I'm all for making these guys genderless with a torch for their actions. However, I can't have sympathy for an adult with an IQ over 70, that purposely puts themselves in a foolish position, and then wonders why they get hurt. How can both be true? As Vrai said, its called holding people responsible for their actions.
vraiblonde said:If I'd found her, I'd have punched her to teach her a lesson. But I don't think teaching her a lesson was what these guys were after.
fttrsbeerwench said:I mightyou in the head for being a dingdong, but I'll still doctor you up. I think that's called empathy.
You can not equate purposely burning your hand to being raped by three strangers..Doing something stupid is simply stupid. This woman may not have acted cautiously, but she had no control over the three men who violated her.
I'm not trying to say that this woman hadn't placed herself in a dangerous situation, nor and I implying that her assailants weren't low-life POS who shouldn't be allowed to breathe.
What I meant was that we are all responsible for the state this world is in, this includes those who write her off as stupid and say she deserved to get raped because she was stupid.. WRONG! Rape is wrong, incest is wrong, murder is wrong. Period.
It's that disconnected additude that makes it ok for rape and murder to happen in the first place.
Here's some examples:
Not me, not my problem.
I'm not black, so I don't care..
They are black so they deserve it.
She was dressed like a whore...
They live in a trailer park...
Being poor makes you worthless...
Being self-absorbed and forgetting compassion, you are not human... You are animals.
Well, whatever. It's even worse if she was lucid and put herself in a potentially dangerous situation.Airgasm said:Reading a bit more into the story, than was actually there.
Preach brothahChain729 said:I've also spent too much of my life listening to and trying to help people that b&m about problems that were the results of their own foolishness. I've watched too many people I cared for destroy their lives and subsequently the lives of their children becuase of their own foolishness (2 cousins and a few old friends come to mind). I'm done giving a crap about what happens to some foolish schmuck.
vraiblonde said:Well, whatever. It's even worse if she was lucid and put herself in a potentially dangerous situation.
If you can guarantee that the beach is, in fact, deserted, then you can fall asleep all you want.Airgasm said:Can't even fall asleep on a deserted beach!
chernmax said:We are here now...![]()
Nope.Mikeinsmd said:Suppose she was hiking on a trail in daylight and this happened. Still her fault?
Airgasm said:Poor horse, just lying down for a rest and some ingrate with a stick comes along![]()
But when out hiking, you could easily end up alone in an isolated area. :shrug: Should wimmins not go hiking because some horny thug may rape her?vraiblonde said:Nope. and not to be alone in an isolated area. Maybe her Ma didn't tell her these things.
Women should not go hiking or jogging alone in unpopulated areas. That's a basic rule of safety.Mikeinsmd said:Should wimmins not go hiking because some horny thug may rape her?