Hollywood rape survivor refuses to be labeled a victim


"Typical White Person"
Mikeinsmd said:
But when out hiking, you could easily end up alone in an isolated area. :shrug: Should wimmins not go hiking because some horny thug may rape her?

Anyone who hikes in isolated areas should know that they a should have a few basic essentials on them.

1. some water
2. some kind of food (MRE, granola bar,)
3. cell phone
4. appropriate clothing
5. some sort of personal protection (pepper spray, ASP, firearm)
6. compass

Remember the boy scouts motto and that applys to defending aganist raping thugs too.


New Member
rack'm said:
Police arrested Armando Moncadaramos, who turned 20 the day of the attack, Hever Ramos, 21, and Cesar Amador, 21.
....and the bleeding heart liberals still say open the boarders, all they want are jobs.
rack'm said:
"To all you bigots, I say this isn't about race, or economic class, or someone's nationality," she said. "This is about a rape."
And its also about race. Why do liberal victims adhere to the "its not because I'm White" mantra. When will you wake up?



Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I disagree. Any decent counselor is all for people facing the consequences of their actions because they know it's the only way people learn to stop doing the stupid things they do.

I agree. I was just getting in a jab at you after reading 947 pages of the "straighten me out" thread. :razz:
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CageKicker Extraordinaire
BONE said:
....and the bleeding heart liberals still say open the boarders, all they want are jobs.

And its also about race. Why do liberal victims adhere to the "its not because I'm White" mantra. When will you wake up?


Ed Gein, Ted bundy and Jeffery Donner were Mexicans? :confused:

You really need to get a clue about criminal psychology before you start spouting off BS motives.

FACT: Most rapists don't target a different race; they target their own. Most rapists go after someone of similiar style, age, race etc. Why? Because most people (including scumbags) don't get aroused by a different race. Those that tend to target victims that are different from them are actually rare (excluding pedophilies since I'm talking about aggressive rather than statuatory rape).


New Member
Chain729 said:
Ed Gein, Ted bundy and Jeffery Donner were Mexicans? :confused:
No you moron, they were serial killers not Hispanic rapists.

Chain729 said:
You really need to get a clue about criminal psychology before you start spouting off BS motives.
You just need to get your head out of your arse.

Chain729 said:
FACT: Most rapists don't target a different race; they target their own. Most rapists go after someone of similiar style, age, race etc. Why? Because most people (including scumbags) don't get aroused by a different race.
See above response

Chain729 said:
Those that tend to target victims that are different from them are actually rare (excluding pedophilies since I'm talking about aggressive rather than statuatory rape).
RARE? (you cant possibly be that misinformed, can you?)
Where is your proof of this "FACT"? Post proof here or crawl back into your politically correct shell and hope all will be well. Do you have a link? Or do we all need to go read the same politically correct book to get the same brainwashing as you?
See link below
The common opinion about the danger of rape is not prejudice; it is reality.
Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes, but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. Each year there are 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks and too few white gang rapes of blacks to show up in the statistics.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
BONE said:
No you moron, they were serial killers not Hispanic rapists.

Actually, they were sadistic rapists (they did rape their victims), and two of them were also necrophiliacs. Not the most accurate example, but the most well known.

BONE said:
You just need to get your head out of your arse.

See above response


BONE said:
RARE? (you cant possibly be that misinformed, can you?)
Where is your proof of this "FACT"? Post proof here or crawl back into your politically correct shell and hope all will be well. Do you have a link? Or do we all need to go read the same politically correct book to get the same brainwashing as you?
See link below

Me? Politically correct? :killingme Far, far from it.

Here's some theology for you, if you have a high enough beer/foam ratio to understand it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapists

Why not statisitcs? Because figures can lie and liars can figure. For every statistic you find saying one thing, I can find another saying the opposite. People do it every day, take a look at politics.

Not to mention, the mixed rapes numbers you posted do nothing to prove or disprove how frequent or infrequent they are, without the total number of rapes for the same time period. You need percentages, not quantities, to get the overall picture. Thus, you've proved my point about statistics.

Not very wise to call someone an idiot when you aren't very bright yourself.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
BONE said:
Figured your not bright enough to get it, oh well. Wikipedia is a far cry from proof, any yahoo can change wording there, I guess thats your problem, to much disinformation.
Whats the color of crime?
http://www.amren.com/color.pdf#search='the color of crime'

You aren't gaining any points quoting a "white nationalist" as the owner of the site puts himself. Personally, I find the site a bit racist, however diluted and disguised it might be.

How about something a little less biased? How does a College website strike you for credibility?


In order to truly understand something- specifically how and why it ticks- you must look at it from the inside out, not the outside in.


New Member
Ah yes, I knew that was coming. Whenever the uneducated and uninformed cant sway opinions on "FACTS" (your words) they resort to name calling and accusations. Racist? Then its true, the truth hurts, doesn't it?
Racist, White Nationalist, whatever, those "biased" "FACTS" came directly from the FBI's uniformed crime report, or did you chose to ignore that part? How's the FBI for credibility?
As far as scoring points with you, I could care less as points from a moron are pointless, imo.
Now for the college site there is nothing there about race based crimes so whats your point. I did find this interesting
Rape is a common crime committed for most of the common causes of crime in general: low self-control; impulsivity; lack of respect for society's rules; deficient social skills; and a tendency to lose control, especially while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Now I dont know about you but the author may as well said Black's. Why you ask? Go back to your PC college books (even they don't deny this) and study the social and behavioral patterns of the races. As for me, I'm done giving clues to the clueless, this thread has gotten way off topic and out of hand, so until the next time, don't accuse posters of spewing BS until you stop the BS. Bye

Chain729 said:
You aren't gaining any points quoting a "white nationalist" as the owner of the site puts himself. Personally, I find the site a bit racist, however diluted and disguised it might be.

How about something a little less biased? How does a College website strike you for credibility?


In order to truly understand something- specifically how and why it ticks- you must look at it from the inside out, not the outside in.