You just need to get your head out of your arse.
See above response
BONE said:
RARE? (you cant possibly be that misinformed, can you?)
Where is your proof of this "FACT"? Post proof here or crawl back into your politically correct shell and hope all will be well. Do you have a link? Or do we all need to go read the same politically correct book to get the same brainwashing as you?
See link below
Me? Politically correct?

Far, far from it.
Here's some theology for you, if you have a high enough beer/foam ratio to understand it:
Why not statisitcs? Because figures can lie and liars can figure. For every statistic you find saying one thing, I can find another saying the opposite. People do it every day, take a look at politics.
Not to mention, the mixed rapes numbers you posted do nothing to prove or disprove how frequent or infrequent they are, without the total number of rapes for the same time period. You need percentages, not quantities, to get the overall picture. Thus, you've proved my point about statistics.
Not very wise to call someone an idiot when you aren't very bright yourself.