But what about when it's a major news outlet, or a behemoth social media venue, or a giant pervasive search engine? As in, does that mean ABC/NBC/CBS can only deliver news it agrees with politically and refuse to have Republicans on their shows? And Twitter can ban any opinions or research they don't like? And Google can censor search results to not show anything that makes the Democrats look bad?
Those entities started off with the premise of fairness and no political agenda, and then when they got so big they were a part of our everyday lives they switched it up to become propaganda. And they say, "If you don't like it, go somewhere else" but they've taken over the market to the point that there's nowhere else to go.
Bank of America can and does refuse service to businesses they don't like, such as gun manufacturers. There are a number of major financial players that won't provide service to businesses they don't like. Your bank can dump you if you post something that offends them on Facebook, and hospitals won't treat you if you haven't gotten the covid vaccine.
So on one hand we can say, "Leave it up to individuals and privately owned entities to determine what speech or behavior they find acceptable;" but on the other hand that gives them immense political power that doesn't even teeter on the brink of fascism - it IS fascism.
Something to consider. We can say "let the business decide" but keep in mind that they don't find pedophiles or drug traffickers or rioters offensive, but they ARE offended by ghastly scary Trump voters and Republicans in general.
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. Revelation 13:16-17