Home Owners Associations


New Member
I used to be on a hoa board, did house inspections for violations of hoa rules. Job sucked, people hated you, and hardly ever got people to fix things even when turned over to a lawyer. I quit after 1 year and will never do it again.
It's a power thing, so all you get are egotists that are on a power trip. Just like politics
I'm the Pres. of my HOA.

I wanted the position to make sure that the HOA stayed the heck out of the lives of the members as much as possible.

No permission needed to paint your house, build a deck, plant a bush, put an addition on the house, etc.

Our HOA pays for the streetlight at the entrance and assigns public areas to members to maintain (cut the grass) and pays for repair to stormwater pond fences. Dues are $50.00 per year. Haven't collected dues in 2 years. Haven't had a meeting in almost 2 years. Have enough in the bank to cover the light for about 15 years. I'll be long gone from the neighborhood by the time we have to collect dues again hopefully.


New Member
My HOA dues are $53 a month (that also includes trash pick up. one can once a week) and we just got a letter saying that they are putting the dues up an additional $3.50 to cover the people that don't pay their dues.

Our HOA President must be a Democrat. :cds:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to be out of the Ranch Club. I liked it in every other respect except for the fees and the Special Tax District.

The STD was dropped on us like a bomb without any vote or input. We were repeatedly told that it was desperately needed to deal with extremely urgent needs in the community, such as the lake and collapsing roadways. It would only take five years.

Five years later - they needed it again.

And again, five years after that. Any takers on when they intend to stop taking the money?

It appears the purpose of the STD is to pay the people who collect it.


Main Streeter
My HOA dues are $53 a month (that also includes trash pick up. one can once a week) and we just got a letter saying that they are putting the dues up an additional $3.50 to cover the people that don't pay their dues.

Our HOA President must be a Democrat. :cds:

Well, if you don't like it, get invovled. Run for a spot on the Board. It's easy to p*ss and moan but once you look at it from the other point of view, you may feel differently. I was on the HOA Board at my old nieghborhood. We had responsibility for common areas, snow removal, trash pick up, play ground, a club house and pool. We had some folks who were way way behind in dues. All we could do is get liens placed on their properties so we could recover the back dues when the sold, if that would ever happen. We would also report it to the credit agencies. We would also ban them from using the pool. Outside of that, there's not much an HOA can do. Yet, the HOA bills, still need to be paid and the money has to come from somewhere. Through good budgeting, we were able to minimize dues increases. In the 8 years I lived there, the monthly dues went from $45 to $58, less than 1 percent increase per year. There were people who we'd never see except when they complained. They were never around to help out but were certainly there to complain.



New Member
Well, if you don't like it, get invovled. Run for a spot on the Board. It's easy to p*ss and moan but once you look at it from the other point of view, you may feel differently. I was on the HOA Board at my old nieghborhood. We had responsibility for common areas, snow removal, trash pick up, play ground, a club house and pool. We had some folks who were way way behind in dues. All we could do is get liens placed on their properties so we could recover the back dues when the sold, if that would ever happen. We would also report it to the credit agencies. We would also ban them from using the pool. Outside of that, there's not much an HOA can do. Yet, the HOA bills, still need to be paid and the money has to come from somewhere. Through good budgeting, we were able to minimize dues increases. In the 8 years I lived there, the monthly dues went from $45 to $58, less than 1 percent increase per year. There were people who we'd never see except when they complained. They were never around to help out but were certainly there to complain.


Listen here Mr pantys in a wad. You have no idea who i am and what I do in my comunity. I have stepped up and offered my services to cut down on the cost of things but the HOA has allways said no. Like putting a new roof on the Club House I said I would provide the laber and equipment for free but they went and hired a contractor at a ton of money. And yes if I could sell that shitty built house and move I would. But the all of the foreclosures hav dropped the house market so bad that I can't get close to what I owe for it.


Main Streeter
Listen here Mr pantys in a wad. You have no idea who i am and what I do in my comunity. I have stepped up and offered my services to cut down on the cost of things but the HOA has allways said no. Like putting a new roof on the Club House I said I would provide the laber and equipment for free but they went and hired a contractor at a ton of money. And yes if I could sell that shitty built house and move I would. But the all of the foreclosures hav dropped the house market so bad that I can't get close to what I owe for it.

No pantys in a wad here. Besides, I don't wear pantys. Hats off to you for offering free labor and equipment. I'm not sure why they'd turn that down. Did they tell you why? Again, if someone doesn't like the decisions being made by their HOA Board, run for a spot on the Board and become one of the decision makers.



Well-Known Member
No pantys in a wad here. Besides, I don't wear pantys. Hats off to you for offering free labor and equipment. I'm not sure why they'd turn that down. Did they tell you why?

Hmm - - contractor is family, maybe? Or a friend?


Active Member
I'm the Pres. of my HOA.

I wanted the position to make sure that the HOA stayed the heck out of the lives of the members as much as possible.

No permission needed to paint your house, build a deck, plant a bush, put an addition on the house, etc.

Our HOA pays for the streetlight at the entrance and assigns public areas to members to maintain (cut the grass) and pays for repair to stormwater pond fences. Dues are $50.00 per year. Haven't collected dues in 2 years. Haven't had a meeting in almost 2 years. Have enough in the bank to cover the light for about 15 years. I'll be long gone from the neighborhood by the time we have to collect dues again hopefully.

:clap: ROTFLMAO My kind of HOA Pres. You'd have my vote if I had one.
All of them probably, just make sure you keep a close eye on the associations monthly statements so you can see how money is being stolen from you and your neighbors.
If you are a member of the Lavender Estates HOA, you are welcome to review the financial records and then issue me an apology.