Homesick for what was....


I moved back to Maryland after transplanting to AZ about 20 years ago.

I miss Arizona so much.

When I lived there, There was a list of things I missed about Maryland.
Here is the list:

  • Crabs

I can't wait to go back to AZ. I'm visiting my parents near Tucson next month. I can't wait to go up in the mountains, to walk around in shorts in September. To see sunny skies more than 1 consecutive day, and visit some of my old haunts.
Pretty short list, huh? This is a beautiful state. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Courthouse in Prescott during Christmas. So quaint, like stepping back in time. Enjoy the time with your parents. And thank you for your input.


I've been going thru the same kind of gyrations. At some point, I need to relocate. My home is Long Island, and I miss the Sound, never ending sand beaches, great food. But that area also has turned sour. The politicians are out of their ever loving minds. Crime is as bad as here. Used to love going into NYC for daytrips, wouldn't even consider that now. From LI, it was easy access to the NorthEast, beautiful fall camping and skiing, but no longer worth the trip.

Old saying... "Can't go home again." Most times because it's changed too much and isn't what you remember as "home" anymore.

But since I'm a major procrastinator, I'll probably die here.
I think in sharing my thoughts here today that is my take away, I cannot go home. I have to move forward and make a new life. I'm safe here and that's what my husband wanted.

I do think there is a cut off age for a big move. The stress is too much for some. I've seen it time and time again. People wait until they are older and then get settled into their forever home and die. This just happened to a friend. He was fine until they uprooted and moved from AZ to TX. Only 1100 miles, but that was enough. Coupled with the stress of driving and it did him in. Even his wife said she wished they had of stayed in AZ. Very sad.

I hope you can find your happy place.

For sure we can't go back in time, hence the title of my post.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Where I grew up in MD does not really even exist anymore. Our old farmhouse is still there, with a tennis court where the huge garden always was, and a couple of new wings added on the ancient home (first section built by 1704). Completely surrounded by McMansions built on what used to be crop fields extending to the horizon in all directions.

Moving to St. Mary's in the 1980s got me some of the good old rural feeling back, plus we have family connections here and in Calvert County dating back to mid 1600s, but that's about gone here too. Missus would love to move back home to rural area near Olympia WA, but WA has become a communist state too.


Well-Known Member
Where I grew up in MD does not really even exist anymore. Our old farmhouse is still there, with a tennis court where the huge garden always was, and a couple of new wings added on the ancient home (first section built by 1704). Completely surrounded by McMansions built on what used to be crop fields extending to the horizon in all directions.

Moving to St. Mary's in the 1980s got me some of the good old rural feeling back, plus we have family connections here and in Calvert County dating back to mid 1600s, but that's about gone here too. Missus would love to move back home to rural area near Olympia WA, but WA has become a communist state too.
There's lots of the state that's got more in common with Boise than Seattle. But not so much if you want to live near the water.


Well-Known Member
I miss my friends but I can't honestly say I miss Maryland at all. I'd like to pick crabs again and have a stuffed ham sandwich, but that's about it.

TBH I'm looking at AZ as my next adventure if I decide I need a change. What Cassandra described sounds like utopia to me.
Me too. I wouldn’t mind asking where she lives. The city at least.


Well-Known Member
If I am recalling correctly you weren't far from me while you were travelling around AZ. I'm in northern AZ where we get 4 seasons. Even a bit of snow but it melts quickly. Further north into Flaggstaff gets quite a bit. I order crabs from ilovecrabs in PA. They ship overnight and are delicious. This past year we've been able to purchase Old Bay locally which is nice. I think you are correct, this is utopia. My grief is getting in the way of clear thinking which is why I didn't move last summer. In time I'm sure I will settle in. I would hate to pack up and move and be miserable. A couple family members have kind of pushed the idea but as time went on I was second guessing a move.
The Ocean we cant be that far from the Ocean thats why we are thinking SC or GA 2 red states with constitutional carry


Where I grew up in MD does not really even exist anymore. Our old farmhouse is still there, with a tennis court where the huge garden always was, and a couple of new wings added on the ancient home (first section built by 1704). Completely surrounded by McMansions built on what used to be crop fields extending to the horizon in all directions.

Moving to St. Mary's in the 1980s got me some of the good old rural feeling back, plus we have family connections here and in Calvert County dating back to mid 1600s, but that's about gone here too. Missus would love to move back home to rural area near Olympia WA, but WA has become a communist state too.
My grandparents had a cottage on the river in Issue. Sometimes I go through there on maps just to reminisce. My childhood consisted of crabbing from the pier, fishing and being outdoors all day. At least I have my memories, no one can change those. My Dads family was from the Tappahannock area. They all had farms and were self sufficient. No doubt that has all changed. I hope you and your wife can find a place that makes you truly happy.


I just went back and reread the thread from when we were in Flagstaff area. MAN I loved it there.
I like Flagstaff as well. My inner hippie comes to life up there. It's high in elevation so best to visit for awhile to see if you can adapt. Prescott is a little over 5000 feet and not bad at all. But some have issues because there is less oxygen. The air is fresh and clean and outside of monsoon season we have single digit humidity.


(Sigh) Looks too expensive for my retirement nest egg. Also looks very nice.
There are a lot of small towns outside of Prescott that are more reasonably priced. Many with 5-10 acre lots if you want privacy. But yes, the prices have risen over the past decade or so. My home was custom built for $115,000 and the lot was $45,000. But that was a long time ago (1999). Things like car ins and home owners are much cheaper which is nice.


Well-Known Member
My heart already knows the answer. Perhaps I am looking for something that doesn't exist.
Hi Cassandra,

Please accept my comments with the love with which they are intended.

I think what you are looking for does exist, it exists in your mind in the form of memories, and very fond ones. Memories of happy times and places that do not quite exist physically any longer, at least not quite as you remember them, but they will live forever in your mind.

If you reread your original post, I think you already know that, but just would like to hear it from someone other than yourself for a little reassurance. So follow your heart, give yourself time to grieve, and take care of your kitty.

I think you've got this.:yay:

I wish you peace.🙏


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Hi Cassandra,

Please accept my comments with the love with which they are intended.

I think what you are looking for does exist, it exists in your mind in the form of memories, and very fond ones. Memories of happy times and places that do not quite exist physically any longer, at least not quite as you remember them, but they will live forever in your mind.

If you reread your original post, I think you already know that, but just would like to hear it from someone other than yourself for a little reassurance. So follow your heart, give yourself time to grieve, and take care of your kitty.

I think you've got this.:yay:

I wish you peace.🙏
We don't get to see this side of you often. :huggy: