Whaddya know... Havnt heard from him.
I got the text from him around 1:30am on Friday saying "Just wanted to let you know Im home safe. Goodnight." Then nothing. At all. Until yesterday.
I knew he was supposed to come home yesterday. Now I know that checkout at any random hotel is around 10:00am. So I assumed he'd be home by 1:00-ish. So I honestly got worried when I hadnt heard from him come 3:00pm. I havnt gone that long w/o talking to him since he was in Iraq. My mind went from everything from "Did he make it home ok and just fall asleep?" to "Did he cheat on me?" to "Did he get arrested?" to "Is he even effing ALIVE?!" Ugg... So I texted him. I said "Im sorry for texting you because I know I said I wouldnt but I've gotten worried. I just want to make sure you're Ok." I didnt get anything back so I called. It rung 3 times and his voicemail came on... meaning he ignored my call. So I didnt get anything until literally midnight and even then all it was was a text that said "Yea Ill call you tomorrow."
Well, havnt heard from him. I texted him and asked "Do you work tonight?" because normally, he leaves to go to work about the time I head home from work so we dont see each other unless he dosnt have work. Now he has Sprint and I have Verizon, so normally there is no way for me to tell if hes actually read my texts... my phone dosnt let me know like if I were to text another Verizon person. Unless I send a picture message...
then it tells me if he's read it. So i sent the "Do you work tonight?" text as a pictures message
. He opened it about an hour after I sent it (probably because he was sleeping). That was about two hours ago... And I havnt heard anything.
At this point, Im desperate to talk to him. I just need to know WTF is going on! Even if its not what I want to hear, I just need to know.
Im honestly so blown on the issue I dont know whether to be mad at him for not talking to me for the past few days or to cry because I dont know for sure whats going through his head, but Im pretty sure hes just done. And I still dont understand why...