
Snow Shovel

New Member
Tonio, you need to go to Hooters. Great fun. Loud, a little bawdy, service better than you can imagine. (Food is on par with other major chain restaurants, not great. I get the fish sandwich while my 10 year old son usually gets the wings or oysters.)

Simular to what Vrailblonde said, when my sisters go on travel they will sometimes go to Hooters just because of the service. Also, Hooters knows how they are perseived by some so I think they make a special effort to be courteous to female customers. Can't think of anything wrong with that.

So, take your wife, take your kids, take an open mind and go to Hooters. It really is great fun.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Snow Shovel
I get the fish sandwich while my 10 year old son usually gets the wings or oysters.)
So, take your wife, take your kids, take an open mind and go to Hooters. It really is great fun.
:spank: And next you're gonna tell us that Hooters is just like any old family oriented restaurant. Suitable to take your wife and kids to while you ogle the wenches in their crotch-level shorts and boobs that have the benefit of Bali push-up bras. All in the name of good food and great service, I'm sure.:wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Actually, Hooters girls are not sleazy at all - at least not at the VA Beach location or at the one in Lincoln, NE. They look like college girls - very fresh-faced.

Let's don't call it a family-oriented restaurant but it's NOT a strip bar by any stretch. It turns into a bar at night and gets loud and raucous, but for lunch or an early dinner you could certainly take your kids. I guess you'd really have to go to see what I'm talking about. If you take your kids to see a Redskins game and don't cover their eyes when the cheerleaders are performing, you could take them to Hooters.

Snow Shovel

New Member
penncam get help. Talk to your clergy or mental health professional.

First you start with the spanking, then the lurid description of woman's bodies and underware; all in the context my having some kind of problem.:rolleyes:

Come and join us in the real world. It is not that frightening a place.:cheers:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Actually, Hooters girls are not sleazy at all - at least not at the VA Beach location or at the one in Lincoln, NE. They look like college girls - very fresh-faced.


I agree with you. As an older person, I was not offended by the costumes the young ladies wore at the Hooter's restaurant in Atlantic City. My Lord if you wanted to see T&A just step out the door in A.C. and there is the beach with every form of dress or undress possible.

What a bunch of small minded people. The young ladies are just trying to make a living using whatever assets they have to do it.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Snow Shovel
Tonio, you need to go to Hooters. Great fun. Loud, a little bawdy, service better than you can imagine. (Food is on par with other major chain restaurants, not great. I get the fish sandwich while my 10 year old son usually gets the wings or oysters.)

Simular to what Vrailblonde said, when my sisters go on travel they will sometimes go to Hooters just because of the service. Also, Hooters knows how they are perseived by some so I think they make a special effort to be courteous to female customers. Can't think of anything wrong with that.

So, take your wife, take your kids, take an open mind and go to Hooters. It really is great fun.

I've never been to Hooters, but I have been to a theme restaurant and theater that had a similar concept. The theme was medieval England, and the "serving wenches" made a show of rubbing up against the attached guys, sticking cleavage in their faces. All around the room, the wives and girlfriends gave their men looks that said, "Don't enjoy it too much, or else you'll be sleeping in the car tonight."

Of course it was all in fun. The "wenches" didn't do anything with the single guys. But the place also had a flat fee for the dinner and show. I never felt like the "wenches" were hustling the guys for drinks or tips.


New Member
Originally posted by Delilah903

What a bunch of small minded people. The young ladies are just trying to make a living using whatever assets they have to do it.

And my small mind is going to get even smaller...if when my daughter turns 18 and tells me "Mom I just got a job at Hooter's" I have a good feeling my mind would shut down completely:shocked: When she is about 35....she can use her assets anyway she wants to! :lmao:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio

The theme was medieval England, and the "serving wenches" made a show of rubbing up against the attached guys, sticking cleavage in their faces.
Imagine the number of fistfights that would happen if men servers were rugging their *ahem* against all the attached females. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Get a grip on the handle

Originally posted by Snow Shovel
First you start with the spanking, then the lurid description of woman's bodies and underware; all in the context my having some kind of problem.:rolleyes:
Come and join us in the real world. It is not that frightening a place.:cheers:
Do you seriously think that what I said is LURID? If we're gonna sling some mud here, maybe the "problem" you allude to is personal. The spanking is simply a cartoon icon; nothing more, it was meant as comedy.
What I'm uncomfortable with is taking a 10 year old out for a family dinner at an admittedly "adult-style"
restaurant/bar. You really do expect me to believe that's the best place to take a kid out to dinner? If so, I'm afraid you're lying to yourself and to rest of us. Sure, I know it's a fun place; I've been to the one in Inner Harbor. Like someone already said, "The wings are great!", and that's all there was to say.
BTW, speaking of grips - did you by any chance get smacked in the head with a SNOW SHOVEL as a kid
yourself? Maybe it scrambled something above your shoulders, and you been HOOTING ever since.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Hooters in So MD??

Originally posted by joeyinlexpark

have you noticed the men that frequent that place? They aren't much better, that is what keeps it going, ugly people attract ugly people.
You know, if memory serves, there were some strange looking characters at the bar. But like I said, that was 13 years ago, so the scene's a little fuzzy. What is crystal clear is that I never had any desire to revisit the place:ohwell:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Snow Shovel
Deep cleansing breath.

You've taken your medication, right?
:cool: Are you about to give birth? Or simply practiciing your LaMaz technique?
On a more sane note, it really boils down to this: Even though we've had some fun here, it comes down to your opinion vs mine, and we both have the right to disagree. After all that's been postured, I respect your right to post your view; I just don't agree with the rational.


Dancing Up A Storm
Play nice in the Sandbox, you two!

Originally posted by BchBns
boys boys boys ... :nono: be nice ... or both of you will get a much-needed :bonk: or :whip: ...

I have to agree that I don't think I'd take my young child there for dinner (with all the other options). I don't think the words "family establishment" would be my choice to describe hooters. All I need is my 4-year-old wanting to have her thong string hanging out above her jeans in the backside when she hops on the bus for pre-k :scowl:
I agree wholeheartedly. Heck, you must have read my post "Teen Fashions", only those little ladies were about 14-16 years old. I thought it was trashy to wear a thong 2 to 3 inches above the waistline of her hip-hugger jeans.
penncam :peace:


Doin the duty for you....
Rumor put to rest...


I emailed Hooter's Corp. and just received a reply back that they do not have any plans for any restraunts here in So. MD. I guess the morals of our youth are saved....


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by BchBns
and for the guys who are upset by this news, we will have a complimentary breast-fest for you this weekend complete w/ the short shorts and ten-times-too-tight-tee-shirts. :wink:

Hmmm...I musta missed the address for that...could you post it again??? :biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by BchBns
and for the guys who are upset by this news, we will have a complimentary breast-fest for you this weekend complete w/ the short shorts and ten-times-too-tight-tee-shirts. :wink:
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: And ten year old
kids are not allowed, right? Sure hope you're not planning to stage this event at Roses II!!!


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Call me shallow but sometimes even I like to have beautiful, stacked young women serving my food and drinks. A nice change from the unattractive, surly gals that usually wait tables.

I can't believe no one took you up on this offer...


AH! That doesn't happen often... Ok, now, where were we?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Serving up some unwanted cash

JANESVILLE, Wis. — Hooters' money isn't good enough for some charities. When a Hooters opened in Janesville, the restaurant wanted to donate some proceeds to a nonprofit group. But the YWCA said no thanks, as did SpotLight on Kids, a children's theater group, and ECHO, a church-sponsored food pantry. A Hooters spokeswoman would not say how much money the restaurant attempted to donate. Eventually, the local chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation accepted Hooters' cash