Horrendous wreck in Charlotte Hall


Well-Known Member

AGAIN...crazed behavior roaring up the shoulder in excess of 80 MPH resulted in 2 dead and one fly-out.
The photos show what happens at those speeds.
Completely reckless disregard for other's lives & property.
There is going to be a need for counseling for those EMTs /Police & Firemen that responded.


Well-Known Member

AGAIN...crazed behavior roaring up the shoulder in excess of 80 MPH resulted in 2 dead and one fly-out.
The photos show what happens at those speeds.
Completely reckless disregard for other's lives & property.
There is going to be a need for counseling for those EMTs /Police & Firemen that responded.
You know for sure it was someone passing on the shoulder?

Police should tank those people out of the car, beat them half to death and leave them lay there as a warning.


Well-Known Member
According to witnesses on site,...the "accident" (Vehicular Murder) occurred because of someone raced up the shoulder into the intersection.
So...can you picture what that would look like if they hit the Yoder family in their Amish carriage & faithful horse?


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
According to witnesses on site,...the "accident" (Vehicular Murder) occurred because of someone raced up the shoulder into the intersection.
So...can you picture what that would look like if they hit the Yoder family in their Amish carriage & faithful horse?
Which is - sadly - pretty much what happened a year or two ago at the exact same location.

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Police should tank those people out of the car, beat them half to death and leave them lay there as a warning.

Here's the thing:

Some people are sofaking stupid that there is no punishment you can inflict that will cause them to think twice before they injure and kill others with their recklessness and irresponsibility. You can torture them, their families, their children, and kill their pets, and they still won't have the mental capacity to make good choices. They don't have the capability to go, "Dang, the punishment for vehicular homicide is being dipped in a vat of boiling oil. I should probably slow down."

At least sharks eat each other because they're hungry. Humans kill each other simply because they're dumbasses incapable of making good decisions.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I’ve seen a lot of car accidents over the years but never saw one where the car got cut into pieces From the force of the accident.


happy to be living
Did the *** responsible die?

Someone hits me by doing something stupid like running up the shoulder the first thing I do is going to be get out and beat the living crap out of them.
Funny, I told my husband the same thing!
He saw a slow moving car get rear ended and slammed hard enough to deploy airbags yesterday. I will go to jail if some careless a$$hole hits me.


Well-Known Member
One alleged eyewitness said there was no speeding involved holy crap how can you look at those pictures and even think that...

There's too many people saying the person flew by them on the shoulder right before this happened. My DIL's coworker saw them as she was waiting to pull out of the parking lot at work for lunch. This is always a congested intersection thru there, always has been. I'm wondering if this was the idiot flown out. The two that are deceased were in the same vehicle. I also don't believe 2 vehicles are going to catch on fire from crashing at a low speed. I guess it's possible, but I don't buy it in this case. I'm anxious for more info to be released.


Well-Known Member
Not long after I posted, there's a press release. He was going at a high rate of speed, went thru the RED light and hit the vehicle pulling off Golden Beach Road with the green light. The one who caused this was the one flown out.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Locals are tearing him up on his facebook page. For those not on Facebook:
  • Veronica Collins
    So were you imagining you were driving one of these cars when you killed two people on Friday?

    Kamryn Savannah Horstkamp
    You really thought driving your little Subaru Outback like a race car was worth it? You killed 2 innocent people.
    & you have children, not a great example at ALL! What a shame.

    Brandon Wilson
    I hope they throw you under the jail. Innocent lives lost because of you…

    Caitlyn Mckinney
    You’re such a piece of garbage.

    John Mihos
    You ****ed up all your chances dude…. Good luck with your mental state.
    . Cant believe you have/had a family of your own too…..

    Stuart Sullivan
    I really hope you get what’s coming to you and jail is too good!!!! You are lucky you didn’t run into anyone I care about!!