horses and hurricanes, share your preparations?


New Member
Can we share what we are doing for preparations, maybe help each other?:buddies:

I am painting my telephone number on them in case fence goes down. What is everyones thinking on leaving halters on them for the storm? :shrug: I was thinking about doing that to make for easier retrieval. :shrug:

Mine will not be stalled as we have a run in shed. I am hoping if a tree comes down on shed they will be able to run out quickly. It's hard to really plan for so many different scenarios that could happen. IMO


Active Member
Braiding tags into manes/tails with contact #, fill extra water troughs in case power goes out for any length of time, make sure flashlights are working, put any Rx's for the horses in ziplocks and/or in safe location, remove anything from pastures, barn aisles, stalls that could blow around, secure several bales of hay in waterproof container/area, first aid supplies in ziplock in readlily attainable area.


Does my butt look big?
the ones with no shelter in their fields and the llamas will be in the barn..the other fields with good shelters will be out...I filled water tanks will put out lots of hay in slow bale feeder nets I have tags (a couple short and they will go on lead horses the followers will not have a tag) laminated business cards will be rubber banned in mane...NO halters...

Barn isle way is clear everything is in the wash rack...water tubs are clean and upward to catch water...all fans etc in isle way are unplugged..


Does my butt look big?
Braiding tags into manes/tails with contact #, fill extra water troughs in case power goes out for any length of time, make sure flashlights are working, put any Rx's for the horses in ziplocks and/or in safe location, remove anything from pastures, barn aisles, stalls that could blow around, secure several bales of hay in waterproof container/area, first aid supplies in ziplock in readlily attainable area.

:buddies:we posted at SAME time..


New Member
the ones with no shelter in their fields and the llamas will be in the barn..the other fields with good shelters will be out...I filled water tanks will put out lots of hay in slow bale feeder nets I have tags (a couple short and they will go on lead horses the followers will not have a tag) laminated business cards will be rubber banned in mane...NO halters...

Barn isle way is clear everything is in the wash rack...water tubs are clean and upward to catch water...all fans etc in isle way are unplugged..

Paso I know the dangers of normally leaving a halter on but, isn't this situation kinda unique. Please educate me!


Active Member
P.S. Charles County Animal Control has a CART group now, God forbid anyone should need it.
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Does my butt look big?
Paso I know the dangers of normally leaving a halter on but, isn't this situation kinda unique. Please educate me!

I can't leave anything on them with the slow feeder nets. I mine would all be easy to catch..I do have a boarder that can be hard but she is in the barn.


Animal Poor!
so is it better to leave them in or out.. I have stalls but both fields also have run-ins. I have break away halters that have the farm name, the horse name, and my number embroidered... I think I would be more comfortable braiding tags in manes and tails.


New Member
The name tags braided in manes and tails are a really good idea. Now my horses do not go to shows, so I don't have to worry about getting them cleaned up.
My reasoning for spray painting them, is at least if someone spots them they can call us and tell us where. I just imagine if they got out they would panic and not everyone carries a lead rope or halter. If they would even go up to a stranger, who knows? I just don't want some fools chasing them to find out if they have id's on them.
It sounds really kinda barbaric and maybe overkill on my part but, that's just me. :lol:
Oh they will be staying in their paddock area and a run in shed, so they will be more prone to escape if the fence does go down.


Does my butt look big?
I had laminated business cards with plastic attachments (suitcase tags) made I just slip on a rubber band and put in the pasos long manes...Had them made years ago at a cat show but the phone number is the same...I also took a sharpe and put the cell number on the back...I am sure you could take some paper put the number on it...put on some clear tape and then hang in the manes...spray paint like you said is fine lol


be prepared

You can use the waterproof marker that they use on cattle to write on your horses. We have put tags with phone numbers and addresses on the pasturn area. I left halters on because when they got loose it is hard for someone to catch a scared animal. My farm was the first major horse farm hit by Hurricane charley when it turned down Peace River. WE WERE the first hit, cat. 4 traveling 22 mph and gusts over 200. We sustained over $400,000 damage and I lost 2 horses. One got severed tendons from the metal flying and the other was through the after math. Trucks and trailers were turned over and pushed together and one truck driver was killed across the street. I remember it very safe. The main thing is water, feed, food, propane and generators. Some barns collapsed during the storm, others it just took the roofs off. Flying debris is the problem. We lost a 4 horse living quarter trailer, was ripped off the truck and rolled though the pastures. Lost 40 big oak trees also..... Make sure you have lots of water, can goods, things that wont spoil...... stay safe.....hoping that the storm doesnt hit you all....praying


Persimmon Creek Farm
All of the horses here will be out in the pastures. If things got really bad I would hate to have them locked up in a barn or structure that could come down on them. If they were to get out they can go in the low lying woods for safety.


Persimmon Creek Farm
I also have them split up into six different pastures (in groups of 2-6) so if a fence comes down they will be more inclined to stay near the others. Having all of them in one pastures would make me more nervous. A whole herd would be more apt to panic and run. Imo


Animal Poor!
I also have them split up into six different pastures (in groups of 2-6) so if a fence comes down they will be more inclined to stay near the others. Having all of them in one pastures would make me more nervous. A whole herd would be more apt to panic and run. Imo

percy, you have seen my place... my stalls are in a better structure and newer than those old run-ins and we have lots of old building that could fly around in wind. so I am torn about leaving them in or out...