Housebreaking, Part II


Precious(Pit/Lab mix) was a PIA to get her potty trained. Didn't have a problem with the peeing outside, but man, she didn't wanna take a dump outside :lmao: She could have been outside for hours then run inside and take care of business right in front of the TV. Then the only place she would take care of business outside was under a over hang on the shed. She finally figured out it was ok to take care of business w/o a roof over her head. :lmao:


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Jameo said:
Precious(Pit/Lab mix) was a PIA to get her potty trained. Didn't have a problem with the peeing outside, but man, she didn't wanna take a dump outside :lmao: She could have been outside for hours then run inside and take care of business right in front of the TV. Then the only place she would take care of business outside was under a over hang on the shed. She finally figured out it was ok to take care of business w/o a roof over her head. :lmao:

Both of mine REALLY hate wet grass. To pee or poop in. They still have no problem *playing* in it, which mystifies me. Pretty much every night, they both have little light brown smears on their noses, because they're in the dirt out back. Bluejay has also noticed that they give the chestnut tree a wide berth - walking around it in a large circle - because it drops these little spiny balls that are painful to step on.

I swear they're still so damned funny to me - they play a little rough and make the funniest noises when they're playing with each other - but it's all pretend biting. Sometimes, they're so tired, they'll be on the floor exhausted - but still waving their mouths at each other, barely pretending to bite, making little dog noises.


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Chasey_Lane said:
He's about 4 months old.

We were told that puppies can only "hold it" for about as many hours as they are months old. And they can't control their bladder hardly at ALL until twelve weeks. So a four month old puppy is always going to be wet, if he's in the crate all day. (I don't know if he's in the crate all day).

We hired a guy to come and let him out during the day for a pee break. He's a very nice guy, he and his wife.

He'll come over any time you need him, even more than once a day.


curiouser and curiouser
SamSpade said:
We were told that puppies can only "hold it" for about as many hours as they are months old. And they can't control their bladder hardly at ALL until twelve weeks. So a four month old puppy is always going to be wet, if he's in the crate all day. (I don't know if he's in the crate all day).

We hired a guy to come and let him out during the day for a pee break. He's a very nice guy, he and his wife.

He'll come over any time you need him, even more than once a day.
:shrug: A couple days last week I had to leave my pup in his crate for 7 hours straight. He's five months old, and held it the whole time. :shrug:


Salt Life
SamSpade said:
We were told that puppies can only "hold it" for about as many hours as they are months old. And they can't control their bladder hardly at ALL until twelve weeks. So a four month old puppy is always going to be wet, if he's in the crate all day. (I don't know if he's in the crate all day).

We hired a guy to come and let him out during the day for a pee break. He's a very nice guy, he and his wife.

He'll come over any time you need him, even more than once a day.
He's crated anywhere from 5-9 hours a day. He's definitely a slow learner when it comes to both potty training & crate training. We've had him since he was 9 weeks, and he still yelps everytime you crate him. Usually lasts about 20 minutes, but on some nights it goes on for HOURS!

I understand he has a small bladder and cannot hold it for long periods. I give him the benefit. It's just a slooooooooow process! :lol:


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The female - her name is "Jingle" (her brother's name is "Jangle") at first hated her crate. We were told that the idea is for them to think of the crate as their own "room" - their bed, their "house" - so they should never be used as punishment. When it was bedtime, Jangle would go right in - but Jingle would run away. She didn't want to be penned in there. Worse, she would still pee in there. That's when we decided that no matter what, they HAD to pee before bedtime, and had to be taken outside to pee first thing in the morning. Until we got the doggie door, I also took them out AGAIN a half hour after morning feeding time (which is ~4am).

We try to make sure that their crate always has toys in it, and is clean. It takes a while to figure out which toys they like best, but they each have favorites. Every night, when Bluejay and I decide it's time for bed, I take them out for pee - reward them IF THEY PEE with a doggie treat - and say "Bedtime! Bedtime! Bedtime!" and they ZOOM down the hall wagging their tails, because they've learned it doesn't just mean, you'll get a treat if you go in your crate - you'll get a LOT of treats (usually, at least TWO). I toss them in or drop them from the top, and close their crates once they're inside. They have really thick soft pillows, so it's really comfy. The crate doors are wide open during the day, and very often when I come home, they are lying down in them, side by side. (When they were smaller, they would both huddle together in ONE crate, but they're too big for that now). We turn off the lights at night, but we leave the hall light on for them, because they're still afraid of the dark.

Jingle would sometimes stick her butt near the cage side and whiz out of her crate - and poop too. But sometimes she wet herself. She clearly hated it, but I heard that dogs can get USED TO IT, if it happens often enough. I mopped their room every day back then - just once a week now - to make sure their room doesn't smell like pee.

We get them new toys around once a week, because a toy is only about 6 or 7 bucks, and they destroy them at about one or two a week, even WITH rawhides to chew on. Bluejay has given up a pair of shoes for them to chew on permanently, and it seems to keep them happy. I've peppered parts of the furniture they used to chew on, and they don't like it anymore. Bluejay wants for them to pick out their toys at Petco, so we'll know what they like.


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Nickel said:
:shrug: A couple days last week I had to leave my pup in his crate for 7 hours straight. He's five months old, and held it the whole time. :shrug:
Jangle - the male - was just CRYING one night, and it wasn't for anything we could figure out. Sometimes, they get a dew claw caught, or they miss the children who visit - there's usually a reason. So I got up, let him out - and WHAM out the doggie door he went - and went - and went - I swear, he must have had a GALLON of pee in there - and then pooped - and pooped - and walked a little more - and pooped again. I think the dog actually SHRANK after all the elimination. I was so proud of him - he'd rather hold it than soil his cage. If it weren't for the jumping and barking, he's already a very well behaved dog.


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Tonight we had a kind of mini revelation regarding Jingle, the pee-prone pup. She was napping all evening in Bluejay's lap, and when bedtime came - Bluejay was all wet. I think she does the doggie equivalent of bedwetting. It makes sense - most of the 'accidents' we've noticed have been wherever she was SLEEPING - which would explain why we never 'caught' her doing it. She was always quietly snoozing and her bladder gives out.

Now - does she have a problem, an infection, or does she just need to go out more often?


My Sweetest Boy
SamSpade said:
Tonight we had a kind of mini revelation regarding Jingle, the pee-prone pup. She was napping all evening in Bluejay's lap, and when bedtime came - Bluejay was all wet. I think she does the doggie equivalent of bedwetting. It makes sense - most of the 'accidents' we've noticed have been wherever she was SLEEPING - which would explain why we never 'caught' her doing it. She was always quietly snoozing and her bladder gives out.

Now - does she have a problem, an infection, or does she just need to go out more often?

I'd say she has a problem. Sounds more like she has a problem with incontinence which could be caused by a UTI or a problem with her bladder, ureters, etc.

Bluejay didn't notice that the dog peed?


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cattitude said:
I'd say she has a problem. Sounds more like she has a problem with incontinence which could be caused by a UTI or a problem with her bladder, ureters, etc.

Bluejay didn't notice that the dog peed?

Not right away, because she always wears a blanket over her lap, and the one she used last night is QUITE thick.

We like them to sit in our laps, but it's having two unfortunate consequences - they are "learning" to climb up on EVERYONE who sits down, and they have "learned" it's always ok to sit on our furniture even when we're not around. We're going to have to stop doing it soon - and besides, they really ARE getting to be too big.

This is kind of a relief to know that Jingle might just have a problem. But the vet said we need to get urine samples from her, and we can't just sop up her messes. So we have to get a plate or something under her next time she pees, and we're seeing the vet on Friday.

Last night in class - I'm the one who gets the female - I noticed that Jingle responds almost immediately to hand signals, but resists voice commands. Bluejay wonders if it's possible she can't hear as well as her brother. I'm not so sure. I'm pretty sure she responds to just about every tiny sound in the house. She just might "think" differently. I was just very surprised that when I accompanied a "Sit" command with pointing down behind her, she did it right away - and a finger up with the palm part facing her with the "Stay!" command also worked like a charm. "NO!" however, doesn't seem to work at all.


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Chasey_Lane said:

I know its only been a few days, but how are the pups doing?

We took Jingle to the vet and they scanned her bladder. They didn't see anything unusual, and they didn't tell us anything about any tests - so I assume they were ok. I'm amazed at how well behaved they are when they go out - they're holy terrors at home, but among strangers, they're the sweetest little angels. I suppose parents of small children KNOW this experience. Anyway, they gave us an antibiotic to be given twice a day. We've now learned the pups go absolutely APE-sh!t over *cheese*.

So far, no 'accidents'. She still is fussy about being taken out for last minute before bed "pee runs". Her brother does it right away and trots back inside (for his treat, for peeing). She trots outside, waits a few seconds and runs back inside, wagging her tail for her treat, because she thinks Mommy is stupid.

Anyway, I gave them both baths on Monday and they're slowly getting more and more free use of the house. Jingle kept scratching at her crate Monday night, and when I kept going down, she'd just wag her (Bluejay is always 'talking' for the dog - she voices what she presumes the dog would say, if it could talk, and does this in the first person) and say "Hi Daddy". I suspected it was a hidden toy - or a treat she dropped outside her crate - or a bug - or *something*. No clue. No *barking*, but she kept doing it. I looked at Bluejay and said "She pees when she sleeps, and it's probable that her pad smells really bad. If you were a freshly bathed pup, and didn't want to sleep on a stinky pad, what would YOU do?". She said "scratch at it and push it out of the way".

So we got them new crate pads. They loved them and went in right away.

We've also learned that they may be a month older than we thought. Their teeth are coming in earlier than we guessed, meaning they're probably older than we were told. They're both almost 40 pounds now.

I need to put up pics, although I'm not sure how to do them. I have the original pic of Jangle, but I don't know how to put it in a post.

How's your little beast?


Happy Camper!
SamSpade said:
We've now learned the pups go absolutely APE-sh!t over *cheese*.

That's our secret weapon for medicine as well:lol:

In a way I'm glad they didn't find anything wrong with her however it doesn't help you much though.


Happy Camper!
SamSpade said:
We've also learned that they may be a month older than we thought. Their teeth are coming in earlier than we guessed, meaning they're probably older than we were told. They're both almost 40 pounds now.
:yikes:I have a monster, my lab will be 5 months old on the 11th. She is already 50 pounds, and she's the runt of the litter


Salt Life
Awwww, glad to hear, Sam! My little boy is doing very well, and we haven't had any accidents since late last week. I started giving him more treats when he went good boy potty, so may that has been an incentive for him. :lol:


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Elle said:
That's our secret weapon for medicine as well:lol:

In a way I'm glad they didn't find anything wrong with her however it doesn't help you much though.

The vet said that just because they didn't find anything doesn't mean there isn't a bacterial problem - which is why she went ahead and prescribed the anti-biotics anyway. So far, no 'accidents'. In fact, the only problems we've had with them lately are - being bad, like disobeying us and getting into the trash or running away from us when we call them - and just destroying anything they can get near - like the outdoor carpet on the porch, my garden tools, my shoes. They have plenty of toys, and it amazes me that I can find half their toys on the upstairs deck the day after I put them away in their box - meaning, they took several trips to carry their toys there.

I'm hoping that the new pad will help matters a little. I wonder if she was getting accustomed to 'pee smell'. I usually clean out their crates and mop their room with bleach, but I haven't been checking the pad lately, because I just assumed they weren't peeing in there. Since I realized she pees in her sleep, it was time to check it, and damn, it was awful.

What's also funny is, every night about 10:30 or 11 - doggie bedtime - they go out to pee, and then I say three times "bedtime! bedtime! bedtime!" and they gallop down the hall to their crates, because I always give them three treats for going in - they really can't wait for this, they're so excited. For the last couple weeks - she goes into HIS CRATE, until I tell her "Jingle! You know better!" and then she goes into hers. Bluejay will bel laughing down the hall, because this happens EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

It dawned on me - if the pad smells - well, I'd do that, if I were a dog, right? Bluejay tells me that during the day, she sometimes sleeps in his crate, with him, or not. So I think we made a good call.


Salt Life
FYI, Target has those rope-pulls for $.99. Petco sells them for something like $5-$20 and they're the exact same ones at Target. I bought two of them over the weekend because the boys LOVE them! It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to stock up on them and keep them throughout the house; just in case they get bored. :lol: