Sorry. Denial is my least favorite thing, after hypocrisy.Kain99 said:I'm in denial and I like it.
Please don't take this from me.
Which is not to say that all Muslims are bad. That's ridiculous and even I am not that much of a bigot.
I fully believe that most Muslims are normal, boring people hanging in there with a live and let live attitude. But the Islamic leadership actively encourages separatism and hatred. It's very similar to the way the NAACP tries to manipulate the black population for their own gain.
The Palestinian leadership actually PAYS families to recruit suicide bombers. And most Palestinians are so poor that they gladly take them up on it.
You don't have to hate all Muslims, nor should you. But don't close your eyes to the very real threat the fundies pose to the Western way of life. And, please - I'm being very serious here - please, do not compare 12th century Christians, with their horses and sabers, to modern Islamic crusaders and their weapons of mass destruction.