How did the trail ride go today??? Sadie? Anybody?



Phyxius said:
While the above sentence is not ungrammatical you really shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition.

Actually, that has changed. In fact, it was never an actual "rule", as there is no official, governing body for the English language. There are rule books, but they often differ, as there is no official organisation to oversee our language. The French actually have a government office whose sole job is to keep the French language pure!

The newest way of handling the preposition-at-the-end-of-a-sentence is to go ahead with it if it causes the sentence to otherwise be awkward.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programme. . . .


Animal Poor!
saddlesore said:
You are so RIGHT, Loper (big sigh). :drama: It is just not the same now that my buddy Kiz has gone. :bawl: I do so miss our repartee, both on and off the forum. Somehow, the life has gone out of the party; the riposte has gone out of the posts; the humour has gone out of the harping; the cussedness out of the conversation; the -well, you get the idea.

Alas, alack, woe is pitiful me. :poorbaby: At first I'd check in on the forum, hoping for a bit of excitement, some juicy gossip, some flaming flamewars. But it was always a disappointment: in a word, BORING. Then days went by without even so much as a glimpse at the forum.

I mean, at least Paso has Mingiz, you know? They have fun together, exchange humourous remarks. Who, WHO I ask you, do I have now? WHO do I have to have fun with?? Shady, I was nice to you before you left on holiday, I even welcomed you back. But you IGNORED me! And now insult me! (And not even in a witty way). And Winnie is not on often enough. Which, now I think of it, seems strange considering how many of them there are . . . . .

So there you have it, Loper. I piddle along (pun intended!), pop in here and there, and hope for a laugh and a giggle. But do not grieve for me, I shall rally myself eventually. . . .

OK NOW that seems more like the saddlesore I remember reading posts from ... :lmao:


Loper said:
OK NOW that seems more like the saddlesore I remember reading posts from ... :lmao:

Perhaps I've subconsciously tried to emulate Kizer's outrageous insults in the hope it would :elaine: , just to liven things up. (Which it apparently did not).


Winn Dixie said:
We, unlike some (Shady, for example), actually have very busy lives and do not have the luxury of sitting in front of a computer all day trying to determine who the multitude of screen names may actually be in reality. Who gives a shiat.
Winn Dixie said:
I take it you don't save all of your PMs either, in order to go back an look for evidence. :lmao:

The nightmares seem endless but we're hoping that exposing them to real trainers and real riders will help.
By "real trainers" I am assuming you are referring to bona fide CERTIFIED and INSURED trainers, yes?

Saddlesore, we do apologize for using your post as our vehicle to speak to Shady but, alas, she doesn't really run (or belong) in our circle and our only communication (that she's aware of) is via this forum.
Glad to be of help! :yay:

P.S. We've always enjoyed your wit Saddlesore and never once have we seen it wane. :huggy:

(blushing) why, thank you! :blushing:


Ahhhh Florida!
saddlesore said:
You are so RIGHT, Loper (big sigh). :drama: It is just not the same now that my buddy Kiz has gone. :bawl: I do so miss our repartee, both on and off the forum. Somehow, the life has gone out of the party; the riposte has gone out of the posts; the humour has gone out of the harping; the cussedness out of the conversation; the -well, you get the idea.

Alas, alack, woe is pitiful me. :poorbaby: At first I'd check in on the forum, hoping for a bit of excitement, some juicy gossip, some flaming flamewars. But it was always a disappointment: in a word, BORING. Then days went by without even so much as a glimpse at the forum.

I mean, at least Paso has Mingiz, you know? They have fun together, exchange humourous remarks. Who, WHO I ask you, do I have now? WHO do I have to have fun with?? Shady, I was nice to you before you left on holiday, I even welcomed you back. But you IGNORED me! And now insult me! (And not even in a witty way). And Winnie is not on often enough. Which, now I think of it, seems strange considering how many of them there are . . . . .

So there you have it, Loper. I piddle along (pun intended!), pop in here and there, and hope for a laugh and a giggle. But do not grieve for me, I shall rally myself eventually. . . .
Hi, Kiz....I am glad you came back! It was getting boring around here. Keep on jumping in so Saddlesore can sound witty and intelligent again. Giving WD your password was a huge mistake due to her lack of education. I missed you. :killingme


Ahhhh Florida!
Winn Dixie said:
On that we do concur, she is quite the nut case. :jameo: You would think she'd take the time she's wasted pondering who we might be and, yes, perhaps, try to become a certified instructor! Oh, that's right, you must know how to convey your knowledge of riding in order to become certified and the only thing she appears to be able to convey is her total lack of knowledge on any subject! :whistle: By the way, what's with all the tall boots and show helmets on a trail ride?! :confused:
Actually, I have one CO helmet and one pair field boots that I ride and teach in everyday and a separate helmet and pair of feild boots just for the shows. I have a mom with a tack shop. I am spoiled. They both are VERY comfortable, and the field boots would protect me from snakebites and tree branches. I am sorry you don't have this luxury.
I warn you that there are people certified to certify that IMO should not be. But we have already debated this. You might talk the talk but if you can't do the walk you are just hot air. Can you? Note: I did not bring up this subject matter again. Saddle and WD did.
I also am fortunate enough to be afforded the opportunity to be home with my children while they are home from school. (They are both in my lap as I type). I don't have to have a REAL job, but it is an important job nonetheless. I teach and train because I enjoy it, not because I need the money. I am truly blessed. :huggy:


Ahhhh Florida!
Winn Dixie said:
You must have a big lap -- kids are just a little big to be sitting there as you type IMO!
As to your other rantings, Faith Hill is blessed, you are just an idiot! You don't know luxury (obviously from the horses you ride and the things you wear) but you are obsessive and can't get over the fact that we're not who you think we are!!! :smack:
So, you think owning two pair of field boots and two helmets is spoiled -- you must not get out often! A working mother and husband supporting you hardly make you spoiled, it makes you worthless!
Bottom line, you're not certified or qualified to teach, no manner how noble you try to make it sound!
P.S. Take the picture down from the bulletin board in the barn, it's scaring the children!
That is funny. You are only proving to me that you are not from where I board. We have nothing on our bulletin boards. They are prepping for an open house. Are you going to come? I know you want to try to throw me off in who I think you are but I am confident that it is one of your clan stream lined by you. Who else could it possibly be? No one else would care. :buttkick:


Ahhhh Florida!
:confused: Yes. Why WD? Why? You never answered those questions either. I don't hate or dislike you. I think you are pathetically funny in a sad way.


Ahhhh Florida!
Winn Dixie said:
The irony of it is that we do dislike you a great deal and are tired of your bullshiat! You're definitely a liar, you did post a picture of yourself at the barn and it is scary! Take it down, especially if you're going to have an open house -- don't want people to think they wandered into a brothel, do you? By the way, how many open houses can you people have and what's to prepare for -- you open your doors and people come in, period!
Gosh you sound angry, distraught, bothered.....and so on. You silly girl, jealousy is unbecoming of you. Grow up. Put up or shut up. Would you like me to tell everyone what farm you really represent, or has all the advertising on this forum been enough for them to figure it out. ???? I am certainly not the liar, but you have proven to be time and time again. :yay: I have to go to the pool now.


Horse Poor
I don't know any of you...But I would rather read nicer post in this forum. Not all the biatchin' If ya can't say anything nice don't say anything at all....JMO


New Member
mingiz said:
I don't know any of you...But I would rather read nicer post in this forum. Not all the biatchin' If ya can't say anything nice don't say anything at all....JMO

I couldn't have said it better myself, I agree with you totally. :huggy:


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
:jameo: Oh, My G%D not the Certified and Not being Insured thing again. Talk about beating :deadhorse. I thought this issue was over!! Can't you all just :love: and make up? :lmao:


Rocky Mountain High!!
BZHorseMomE said:
:jameo: Oh, My G%D not the Certified and Not being Insured thing again. Talk about beating :deadhorse. I thought this issue was over!! Can't you all just :love: and make up? :lmao:
where's the fun in that you silly woman? i say let them draw blood. cat scratch fever set in least WD is leaving me alone.... :biggrin:


Sadielady said:
Hi, Kiz....I am glad you came back! It was getting boring around here. Keep on jumping in so Saddlesore can sound witty and intelligent again. Giving WD your password was a huge mistake due to her lack of education. I missed you. :killingme

:confused: :crazy: :dork: :twitch:

Clearly you are privy to information the rest of us don't have. Or you have truly lost it. Or perhaps HL is not otherwise occupying you . . . . Or - never mind.


Ahhhh Florida!
Okay. WD I am sorry for making you insecure and jealous of me. It was truly not my intention. Let's be friends WD...what do you say? I forgive you for insinuating that you were a slut and sleeping with my husband, for you calling me a bad rider, trainer, mother, and wife. I forgive you for hitting me all of those times and calling me an idiot. I forgive you for calling me all of the other names and saying that I was ugly and scary. I'll buy you a drink and even let you ride my horse. In fact, we can all get together for one big laugh fest. I have no hard feeling toward you at all. I really don't care if you want to be a liar, coward, and fraud. It doesn't affect me in any way. Let's be friends! What do you say? :flowers: :yay:


mingiz said:
I don't know any of you...But I would rather read nicer post in this forum. Not all the biatchin' If ya can't say anything nice don't say anything at all....JMO

Oh Mingiz, (tremendously big sigh) :drama: were it only that easy! Unfortunately, it seems that every time I post, I am accused (by a certain someone, who shall remain nameless) of being someone else. It is enough to give me a Multiple Personality Disorder! :yikes:

Thus far, I've been accused of being Kiz, WD, and even (gasp!) Katie. :shocked: I'm surprised I haven't been accused of being Horse Riding God. Oh, wait - a feeling of butchness is coming over me. I suddenly find myself just itching to wear a really, really BIG hat.

Shady, what have you DONE to me?!? :twitch: :yikes: :jet: :shocking: :crazy:


Does my butt look big?
I have been acused of having MPD's myself :whistle:

WD lets all be friends us and ride with us this weekend..OK :huggy: