How Do You Like Me Now

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Doc Walker said something to the effect that it appeared the team was playing like they wanted to clean out their lockers tomorrow. In a game where you control your own destiny they didn't step up their game and even regressed. I think they had less than 100 yards offense in the first half.

Kirk put up some good numbers, 3rd in the league in yards if I'm not mistaken. Red zone efficiency is what hurt them in many of the close games.

Doc would know what it's like to mail it in. He, as much as anyone, in SB XVIII, just showed up. One of my primary memories of Doc was Rod Martin whipping his ass all day long. One of the keys of the Redskins running game in those days was Warren and Walker being able to handle OLB's one on one. Doc got his lunch ate.

So, that bitter memory makes me always take what he says with a grain of salt. But, again, he does know what being beat looks like. :buddies: