How many democrats


  • Republican

    Votes: 30 58.8%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 7 13.7%
  • Independant

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • Other or no particular affiliation

    Votes: 4 7.8%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
What I don't like is people talking about the value of abortion and then professing that the death penalty is a terrible, barbaric act that unjustly ends human life.
And there's the maddening hypocrisy of the Left. At least I'm consistent - KILL 'EM ALL!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

What I don't like is people talking about the value of abortion and then professing that the death penalty is a terrible, barbaric act that unjustly ends human life.

...there's a conservative in all of us, just screaming to get out!


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...there's a conservative in all of us, just screaming to get out!

It's not like I'm some liberal...but I don't see my position on that to be liberal or conservative. I see it as a matter of fairness and consistent values...I also do not like people who profess to be so concerned with abortion and then say fry all of em. That is just as hypocritical in my view.

And my positions on these matters are related to my religious beliefs so I cannot be swayed on them.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Bruzilla said:
I have no problem calling it murder, and saying that I support it. Every form of life on Earth has its own mechanisms for "culling the herd", why should human beings be any different? I think it's better to murder an unwanted child before birth than to have to pay to keep it is prison as an adult, or murder it after it's murdered someone else.
We no longer have a way of "culling the herd". Because we have advanced so as human beings, we have side steped natural selection and abortion is just one example of this. We let life live that nature wouldn't and dispose of what nature would.
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I don't consider it a living human being until it could resonably survive outside of the womb. But I''m not here to debate the philosophy of life and existance. I really think the the government should spend less time debating the legality of it, and put more pressure on the American Medical Association to make a decision based off the medical ethics of it. They really have the true power in this. They can infulence a worldwide decision through the medical channels more effectively than we could through political channels most likely.


Super Genius
rraley said:
I also do not like people who profess to be so concerned with abortion and then say fry all of em. That is just as hypocritical in my view.
I don't think that's quite as hypocritical. Criminals that are given the death sentence are found guilty of a heinous crime. What has an unborn child done?

Kill the innocent and let the guilty live
Kill the guilty and let the innocent live​


Super Genius
Bustem' Down said:
I don't consider it a living human being until it could resonably survive outside of the womb.
The problem I have with that view is that it is dependant on the advancement of medical technology. As our medical technology gets better, survivability of premies goes up. Does that mean that life begins earlier too?


Bustem' Down said:
We no longer have a way of "culling the herd". Because we have advanced so as human beings, we have side steped natural selection and abortion is just one example of this. We let life live that nature wouldn't and dispose of what nature would.

A group of advanced human beings down here in Jacksonville has spent well over a million tax payer dollars keeping alive a child (a Navy dependent) who was born without most of her skull. She can't see, can't really eat, barely hears, and her "face" from the eyebrows down is just a big, dark, hole. They've been spending a fortune trying to make her look somewhat normal, but all they can do is some cosmetic work, nothing that will really make her life better.

So, we're paying a fortune to keep alive a child with no hope of a decent life, for the sake of her parents... just as we do for thousands of other kids who shouldn't have made it past year one. Is that really advanced, or stupid?

Looking back at the crimes that used to warrant a swift execution in this country, if the same rules applied now we would have fewer murders, car thefts, robberies, rapes, and even insurance fraud (barrotry). But we have advanced to the point where most of these crimes warrant probation. Is that really advanced or stupid?

We haven't advanced... we've just gotten more forgiving and sentimental. Nice attributes but they come with a pretty hefty pricetag.


New Member
ylexot said:
I don't think that's quite as hypocritical. Criminals that are given the death sentence are found guilty of a heinous crime. What has an unborn child done?

Kill the innocent and let the guilty live
Kill the guilty and let the innocent live​

This is how I see it...abortion kills people and the death penalty kills people...I believe in the value of all life, whether it be the life of an unborn child or the life of a convicted criminal. Both were created by their maker and were placed in this world for a is not our place to take away the lives of either ones of these entities.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Something has been overlooked in this discussion of abortion, the Scott Peterson case. This case has set precedence that the killing of an unborn child is murder and punishable as such.

I believe that the advancement of medical science is generally a good thing. The ethics of when to use or not use those advances has not advanced. Just because it is technically feasible to do something does not mean it should be done. For example, it is ridiculous to give drugs to a pregnant mother to prevent a miscarriage since that is nature "culling the heard" as it was put. Often those non miscarried children are very handicapped. Some are not, and in those case, I guess the treatment was a good thing, but in general, human intervention often messes things up.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
This is how I see it...abortion kills people and the death penalty kills people...I believe in the value of all life, whether it be the life of an unborn child or the life of a convicted criminal. Both were created by their maker and were placed in this world for a is not our place to take away the lives of either ones of these entities.
I would discuss this with you using Biblical text as the authority, but this is the wrong forum for that. Suffice it to say that scripture does not agree with you.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I would discuss this with you using Biblical text as the authority, but this is the wrong forum for that. Suffice it to say that scripture does not agree with you.

Go ahead...point to some Scripture verses to tell me that killing a criminal is justified. What I know is that I am a devout Catholic, and one of the tenets of my faith is that the death penalty only adds to the culture of death in the world.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Go ahead...point to some Scripture verses to tell me that killing a criminal is justified. What I know is that I am a devout Catholic, and one of the tenets of my faith is that the death penalty only adds to the culture of death in the world.
I have been asked not to "beat people with the Bible" in the open forums nor will I get into the merits of tradition as opposed to scripture here in the Politics forum. It is not the place. If you care to go to the Religion forum, we can have at it.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I have been asked not to "beat people with the Bible" in the open forums nor will I get into the merits of tradition as opposed to scripture here in the Politics forum. It is not the place. If you care to go to the Religion forum, we can have at it.

I respect that, in fact, private message me instead if you care...I would be interested to see what verses you point to and I would like the opportunity to give you my own verses and my opinion on following the spirit of Christ.


rraley said:
I respect that, in fact, private message me instead if you care...

Hey, now... some of us are interested in this discussion, even if we're not actively participating in it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I have been asked not to "beat people with the Bible" in the open forums
For the record, I don't consider simply answering a question to be "beating people with the Bible".

It is my understanding that the OT is all for capital punishment, whereas Jesus says you're supposed to turn the other cheek.

rraley said:
abortion kills people and the death penalty kills people
That's not a good comparison. It's like saying that drowning newborn puppies and putting down a rabid dog are the same thing.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
That's not a good comparison. It's like saying that drowning newborn puppies and putting down a rabid dog are the same thing.

I understand your opinion, but my opinion is based on a deep sense of values and beliefs in, in all of its forms, must be respected...that rabid dog was once a newborn puppy; we must seek to see the good in every person. To sign off, not a sermon, just a thought...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
For the record, I don't consider simply answering a question to be "beating people with the Bible".

It is my understanding that the OT is all for capital punishment, whereas Jesus says you're supposed to turn the other cheek.

That's not a good comparison. It's like saying that drowning newborn puppies and putting down a rabid dog are the same thing.
No conflict with you. I'm just trying to keep the Bible discussions in the Religion forum. Jesus said that we were not to judge, but he also said
Matthew 22:21
21They said to Him, "Caesar's." Then He said to them, "Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."
Carrying out the penalties for breaking the law is "Caesar's" (the government's) purview.

Here is the link.