How old were you?


Lead Penguin
Re: Re: Re: This should be entertaining...

Originally posted by cattitude

He left me when I was 21 for a girl he carpooled with..interesting, about 7 years ago she did the same to him!!

That must be the KARMA stuff that boo (or someone) was talking about...



Lead Penguin
Re: Re: Re: This should be entertaining...

Third husband..was a nice guy that I didn't really like at first. He pissed me off..can you imagine? But he was cute and had this cute curly bowling shoe and he was a great kisser...and here we are today...

way to go Otter!

it was the "cute curly bowling shoe" that did it...:razz2:
other men better start taking notes...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: This should be entertaining...

Originally posted by cattitude
Third husband..was a nice guy that I didn't really like at first. He pissed me off..can you imagine?

He STILL times... :biggrin:
But he was cute and had this cute curly bowling shoe and he was a great kisser...and here we are today...

Cuteness and kissing ability conquers all... :cheers:


yeah yeah
Originally posted by AnonymousPenguin

So... I got a few questions for all of yall...
- If you're married, how old were you when you became married?
- If you've been divorced... how long were you married?/did you remarry?/can you see yourself getting married again?
- If you've been in love, how old were you during the first love thing?
- If you've never been married, what age (ideally) would you like to marry?

-Well I will be 23 when I get married next year on the 20th of Sept.

-hopfully I will be married till I die.

-My first love was when I was 13, and it serriously was. It was not puppy love.

-and my marrying age will be 23 and I will be 24, 2 months into the honeymoon stage.


New Member
Originally posted by jetmonkey
Well this game kinda sucks, she should come up with something better.

....such as: how old were you when you first experienced sexual intercourse?

(1) How long did it last
(2) Did it hurt or feel good
(3) Were you scared/happy
(4) Did you orgasm

Is that better, Jet? :bandit:


Lead Penguin
Originally posted by SxyPrincess

....such as: how old were you when you first experienced sexual intercourse?

(1) How long did it last
(2) Did it hurt or feel good
(3) Were you scared/happy
(4) Did you orgasm

Is that better, Jet? :bandit:

well..start answering the additional four questions Jet...courtesy of Prince just for ya!!... come on, what ya waitin for??!!



New Member
Originally posted by jetmonkey

I was 16.
1) It lasted quite a while.
2) It hurt like a mutha because I'm a big goony bird and she was 4' 11" 95 lbs. This is the 18 year old.
3) It was money, soooo money.
4) No protection, no 'gasm. I knew better even at that retarded age.
And I threw away my underpants. They were a wreck.

Good response! :cheers:


yeah yeah
Originally posted by SxyPrincess

....such as: how old were you when you first experienced sexual intercourse?

(1) How long did it last
(2) Did it hurt or feel good
(3) Were you scared/happy
(4) Did you orgasm

Is that better, Jet? :bandit:

WOO HOOO! Now you are talking my language. J/K
Dont you know that is Evil? *tsk tsk*

...but I will still answer...:blushing:


New Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess

(1) How long did it last
(2) Did it hurt or feel good
(3) Were you scared/happy
(4) Did you orgasm

I was 15. :eek: Yea, it's young but I had been dating my "first love" for almost 2 years.

(1) I think it lasted a long time :confused:
(2) I couldn't walk for 3 days :cussing:
(3) I think I was more in shock :shocked:
(4) Hell NO I didn't orgasm


yeah yeah
....such as: how old were you when you first experienced sexual intercourse?

(1) How long did it last
(2) Did it hurt or feel good
(3) Were you scared/happy
(4) Did you orgasm get started:blushing:

For my first first time, that I dont really remember, I was 13 this time

1. It lasted for about a hour
2. felt good for the first part...then I dont remember
3. both and a little confussed
4. Not that I remember

Now, for the second time that I consider my first that I remember and I was 15 this time
1.45 minutes
2. It hurt like freaking h3ll
3. happy and in pain (if that can go together, but I guess childbirth prooves that eh :) which I have not experienced yet )
4. and did I ever!!!
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The Original Lilly
It's okay Sxy - I was 15 too!

1) I think it lasted days - at least it felt as though the torture would not stop . . .
2) I lost it the day before I went to a concert - I can't remember who I went to see - but I do remember being unable to dance.
3) I wasn't really scared - but don't remember being overjoyed either. Was kind of glad I got it over with once I realized that not every time was that painful!
4) Dear god no!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I was 17 - he was 18...

(1) How long did it last?

It felt like an eternity, but it was probably only a couple of minutes

(2) Did it hurt or feel good?

Definitely hurt. He didn't know what he was doing and I was too naive to know better.

(3) Were you scared/happy?

See number 2 - definitely scared.

(4) Did you orgasm?

Absolutely not - I was just glad it was over. Based on that one time, it's a miracle I even tried it again. But I knew there had to be something better out there. Enter love #2... WOW!!! :blushing:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Married at 18, divorced at 27. Married again at 34, still hangin' in there. Never really in love until I met my husband (this one, not the ex) but I had a bazillion boyfriends in high school and probably thought I was in love. I loved my first husband but I wasn't crazy about him. We got married because I got pregnant - we had broken off our engagement and had a "for old times sake" fling. I had to break a date with another guy so I could attend my wedding.

Lost my virginity at 15, bored outta my mind, fired up a cigarette in the middle of it, seemed like it lasted forever. I was the aggressor, somewhat jumped on him, he was a virgin too - which explains a lot. The only thing I remember him saying was "could you please not blow that smoke in my face?"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And since we're being personal, I never had an orgasm at all until I left my ex-husband. The second boyfriend after the divorce did the trick - been rockin' ever since. Paul Stevens, wherever you are, I still think of you fondly!


Lead Penguin
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Married at 18, divorced at 27. Married again at 34, still hangin' in there. Never really in love until I met my husband (this one, not the ex) but I had a bazillion boyfriends in high school and probably thought I was in love. I loved my first husband but I wasn't crazy about him. We got married because I got pregnant - we had broken off our engagement and had a "for old times sake" fling. I had to break a date with another guy so I could attend my wedding.

Lost my virginity at 15, bored outta my mind, fired up a cigarette in the middle of it, seemed like it lasted forever. I was the aggressor, somewhat jumped on him, he was a virgin too - which explains a lot. The only thing I remember him saying was "could you please not blow that smoke in my face?"


I gotta say... the whole post just left me with my mouth open.

:twitch: :twitch:
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cariblue

I married the first man that entertained my fancy.


yes, that's right. I married for sex!

Can we start calling Mr. Speedo the G-Man now? :lol: